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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

(Pathetic) Politician of the Year

December 23, 2021 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty 

Senator Elizabeth Warren is a particularly noxious politician. It’s not just that she’s a doctrinaire leftist on a wide range of issues (class warfare, corporate governance, government spending, business taxation, cronyism, wealth taxation, Social Security, IRS funding, etc).


She’s also a fraud, having falsely claimed Indian ancestry to get hired and promoted at law schools.  And she’s a hypocrite as well, opposing school choice while utilizing private education for her offspring.  Not to mention supporting higher taxes, but then failing to participate in a Massachusetts program that enables people to voluntarily pay extra. In other words, a political hack with no redeeming qualities.

So I was greatly amused to see that Elon Musk has responded to some her demagoguery with some very clever Twitter responses.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a “Karen” is an intrusive, annoying, and officious woman who likes to control other people’s lives. But, as you can see, she tried to pick on someone who doesn’t feel any need to kowtow to a politician.

By the way, I’m not sharing this because I’m a knee-jerk advocate for Musk.  Yes, he’s obviously a great entrepreneur, but I don’t like the fact that he’s also benefited from some cronyism.

But let’s get back to satire.

The Babylon Bee had some fun with the Musk-Warren feud.

In a heated exchange on Twitter, a powerful white man viciously attacked Elizabeth Warren—a noble Cherokee squaw and Senator from Massachusetts. “This violent verbal attack on me was literally a hate crime,” said Warren… “The white man continues to oppress my people by resisting the government’s efforts to tax them into oblivion and waste all their money on spending bills that we write to pay off our campaign donors. This basically makes him a freeloader.” The white attacker—named Elon Musk—simply responded with cruel memes showing Elizabeth Warren wearing eagle feathers and war paint to mock her proud heritage.

And since we’re sharing humor from Babylon Bee, this story from 2019 also pokes fun at her penchant for mis-characterizing her background.

Elizabeth Warren has begun sharing stories illustrating the hardship and discrimination she’s faced. Recently, she revealed a particularly tough time back in the early ’70s when she lost a teaching job because her fake mustache had fallen off, revealing she was, in fact, a woman… “It was tough for a woman back then,” Warren said at a campaign stop. “You had to wear fake facial hair and talk in a deep voice, or people would fire you.” …Warren says things have improved for women since, but they could still be better. To help the situation, she announced a plan to fund R&D for an adhesive that will easily keep mustaches in place all day.

Let’s conclude with this very amusing meme that tells you everything you need to know about the winner of the feud.

P.S. I have some Warren humor in the archives, including this extension of her class warfare philosophy and this collection of memes about her ancestry fraud.

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