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Monday, April 29, 2024

A Shockingly Inept Report From The IEA On Battery Storage Of Energy

April 27, 2024 @ Manhattan Contrarian

In my self-designated role critiquing various schemes for total transformation of the world energy system, I get to review large amounts of poor, shoddy, and incompetent work. When people get into advocating for this “energy transition,” the stars regularly align to bring forth the most extreme levels of ineptitude. Start with the fact that the “smartest” people are filled with arrogance and hubris, but are not actually very smart. Add that many innumerate Politics and English majors have flooded into a field that cries out for engineering calculations. Add too that groupthink and orthodoxy enforcement prevent anyone from pointing out obvious flaws. And then throw in a strong dose of religious zealotry that obstructs the intrusion of anything resembling critical thinking. All in all, it’s a prescription for catastrophe.

But in a field rife with bad, worse, still worse, and even dangerously incompetent work, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything as shockingly inept as the Report just out from the International Energy Agency with the title “Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions.” The Report has a date only specified to the month of “April 2024,” but the press release came out just two days ago on April 25.

If I had been given the assignment by the North Koreans to write the Report to somehow induce the West to self-destruct, I don’t know how I would have done it differently.

Are you familiar with the International Energy Agency? It is not part of the UN, but rather a separate consortium currently of some 40+ countries, mostly Western and mostly rich, founded in the wake of the oil shocks of the 1970s with a then-goal of promoting energy security. It is based, of course, in Paris. The current (and since 2015) head is a guy named Fatih Barol.

Somewhere along the line the IEA completely lost track of the energy security mission, and turned into an unabashed advocate for the green energy transition. That’s where they are today.

I don’t know how many people work at the IEA, but it seems like most to all of them got in on writing this Report. On page 5 there is a list of some 35 “directors,” “lead authors,” and “principal authors” from among IEA employees, plus another 4 who provided “support,” and then, on pages 6 to 8, some 89 people said to be “high-level government representatives and international experts from outside of the IEA” who somehow “contributed to the process.” From the content of the Report, one has to wonder if any of these people ever completed the study of arithmetic at the sixth-grade level, let alone if any have read any of the important work in this area.

The thesis of the Report is that batteries, and particularly lithium ion batteries, are the key to the impending energy transition, and need to be scaled up massively and immediately with whatever amount of government subsidies and handouts that it takes. Here are a few quotes from the press release:

After their deployment in the power sector more than doubled last year, batteries need to lead a sixfold increase in global energy storage to enable the world to meet 2030 targets. . . . In the first comprehensive analysis of the entire battery ecosystem, the IEA’s Special Report on Batteries and Secure Energy Transitions sets out the role that batteries can play alongside renewables as a competitive, secure and sustainable alternative to electricity generation from fossil fuels. . . . IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol [said,] “Batteries will provide the foundations in both areas, playing an invaluable role in scaling up renewables and electrifying transport while delivering secure and sustainable energy for businesses and households.

I suppose it would be too much for me to expect these grandees to have read my energy storage report, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation in December 2022. But if you are claiming that you have at hand a “competitive, secure and sustainable alternative to electricity generation from fossil fuels,” as these guys are, there is a series of very obvious question that must be addressed. Those include:

  • Quantitatively, how much energy storage, in watt-hours (or gigawatt-hours)will be necessary to provide full back-up to a national electricity grid once all fossil fuel back-up has been banished and the storage is all that is available when the instantaneous generators are not supplying the full demand?
  • How much will that amount of storage cost?
  • What is the maximum length of time that energy must be held in storage before it is called upon, and is the proposed storage technology capable of the task of storing energy for that period of time?

There are other comparably important questions, but at least those are absolutely essential.

The IEA Report addresses none of them.

What we get instead is endless happy talk about the wonders of lithium ion battery technology, how the costs are falling rapidly, how deployments are soaring, and how utopia (i.e., meeting UN COP 28 emissions reduction targets) is right around the corner if only we accelerate the process with massive government “support.” The full Report is some 159 pages (with appendices and references), so I can only give you a small sample. But here are a few choice quotes from the Executive Summary:

  • From page 11: “Batteries are an essential part of the global energy system today and the fastest growing energy technology on the market. Battery storage in the power sector was the fastest growing energy technology in 2023 that was commercially available, with deployment more than doubling year-on-year.”
  • Also from page 11: “Lithium-ion batteries dominate battery use due to recent cost reductions and performance improvements. Lithium-ion batteries have outclassed alternatives over the last decade, thanks to 90% cost reductions since 2010, higher energy densities and longer lifetimes.”
  • From page 12: “Policy support has given a boost for batteries deployment in many markets but the supply chain for batteries is very concentrated. Strong government support for the rollout of EVs and incentives for battery storage are expanding markets for batteries around the world.” [For the obtuse among the readership, “policy support” is code for vast subsidies and handouts.]
  • More from page 12: “Batteries are key to the transition away from fossil fuels and accelerate the pace of energy efficiency through electrification and greater use of renewables in power.”
  • Still on page 12: “To triple global renewable energy capacity by 2030 while maintaining electricity security, energy storage needs to increase six-times. To facilitate the rapid uptake of new solar PV and wind, global energy storage capacity increases to 1 500 GW by 2030 in the NZE Scenario, which meets the Paris Agreement target of limiting global average temperature increases to 1.5°C or less in 2100. Battery storage delivers 90% of that growth, rising 14-fold to 1200 GW by 2030.”

Check out that last bullet point. Yes, they are so dumb that they discuss energy storage capacity in GW rather than GWh. How did they come up with the line that to reach their goals “energy storage needs to increase six-times” when they don’t even know the right units to do the calculations? You won’t find an answer in this Report. In my own energy storage report, I calculated that to reach a zero-emissions electricity sector that could get through a year without fossil fuel back-up would require increasing energy storage by something around 10,000 times. I used the correct units and showed how my calculations were done.

And how about the question of the length of time that energy must remain in storage to back-up a wind/solar powered grid, and whether the proposed technology is up to the task? In my own report, which only considered scenarios of getting through a single year, I showed that much of the stored energy would need to be held for 6 - 12 months before use. In a further blog post on September 28, 2023, I covered a new report then out from the UK’s Royal Society (described by me as “semi-competent”), which used 37 years of data. Based on the 37 years of data, that report concluded that hundreds of hours worth of grid peak usage would need to be held in storage for multiple decades in order to get through worst-case sun and wind droughts. I had this quote from the Executive Summary of the Royal Society report:

Wind supply can vary over time scales of decades and tens of TWhs of very long-duration storage will be needed. The scale is over 1000 times that currently provided by pumped hydro in the UK, and far more than could conceivably be provided by conventional batteries.

(Emphasis mine.). I’m ready to forgive these IEA guys for not being familiar with my own report, but not for complete ignorance of the Royal Society’s effort.

The entire discussion that I can find in the IEA Report on the problem of need for massive amounts of very long duration storage consists of a chart and one paragraph of text on page 47. Here is the chart:


And the text:

Iron air and other battery technologies that potentially could enable the storage of electricity over longer durations measured in weeks, are still in their infancy. Currently it is not clear whether those technologies can be developed so as to provide what is required in a cost-efficient way. For even longer duration storage, such as seasonal storage, battery technologies are not fit for purpose, and other mechanical, e.g. pumped storage hydro, and chemical, e.g. hydrogen storage, technologies need to be deployed.

So 90 plus percent of the storage needed to back up the intermittently-supplied grid needs to be stored for months and years, but the only battery technologies that can even last for “weeks” are things that are “in their infancy” and where it is “not clear” that they can be provided in a “cost-efficient way.”

Overall, a shockingly inept and embarrassing piece of work from the IEA. Undoubtedly our government will react by piling forth a few more hundreds of billions of dollars to subsidize batteries to do a job for which they are completely “unsuitable.”

The Great Replacement is Here, Now!

This article was inspired by a speech by  Eva Vlaardingerbroek at #CPACHungary stating the establishment is losing its mind as she spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory - it’s reality.

By Rich Kozlovich

"White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the end of our civilization if we don’t turn things around."

What we're seeing are violent and dangerous conflicts at a level not seen before.  Why?  Because this is an imported problem.  As a result of this insane attitude regarding multiculturalism, and social responsibility we're seeing mass uncontrolled migration from failed primitive tribal societies with ethnic, cultural, and religious values which are totally antithetical to western civilization.  

This is an ethnic culture problem so massive and so pervasive, since they've brought their tribal conflicts to Europe and the United States, and these migrants are blatantly antisemitic, anti Christian, and anti white, anti-western civilization, and they and their leftist enablers are using our own values against us, and all of that is blatantly obvious to the most casual observer!  So, it that's true, and it is, why is it then western civilization seems to be indifferent to our own destruction?   We've seen murder, rape, and destruction at unrepresented levels, and nothing changes.  We're capitulated to these savages in fear of being called  racists, xenophobes, and more, all that's left to do is accept dhimmitude status and surrender totally.   

All of which has been promoted and promulgated by a corrupt globalist elite, and they're imposing destructive rules, regulations, and taxes to make it happen, and the demographics is against whites and Christians, and these misfit elite globalists are even saying that's a good thing.  

In some of Europe's nations they're either already demographically past the point of no return, or on the verge of it.  In many of Europe's major cities, the ethnic white population is substantially outnumbered by non whites and non Christians from Africa and the Middle East.  And a substantial number of them are on government dole. 

Diversity isn't our friend, it's the true viral pandemic destroying civilization.  No Muslim controlled nation in the world would tolerate the very thing they're demanding from Europe and America.    

America has been subject to the outrageous anti white lies and leftist secular religious neo-paganism of Marxism and Critical Race Theory, all of which is an organized international attack on Western civilization.  The E.U. cannot be reformed, it must be eliminated, and that goes for the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund,  the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the

David Prentice states time is running out to save Western civilization, saying:

What we face as a nation is daunting; if we do not correct our left-leaning course, we will fall into the ashbin of history.  The city on the hill.  Gone.  The U.S. is moving quickly towards a centralized state.  Our liberties, our culture, and our national greatness are being subverted.  Subverted by a corrupt, clever, twisted, amorphous blob of powerful people.  Most of the old media, the new technocratic media (i.e.,:  Facebook and Google), one entire political party, part of the other party, along with the unelected bureaucracies and spy agencies of the U.S. are all a part of this blob.   Evil that’s difficult to overcome. 

And why is all this evil difficult to overcome?  We have nitwits passing massively expensive bills like the Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill, "which includes $3.5 Billion to fast track mass migration from Middle East nations, and s $481 million to settle migrants in U.S. cities."
As you watch the antisemitic pro Hamas insanity taking place on America's college campuses, we must come to the realization these misfit protesters of today are America's terrorists of tomorrow, and we're coming close to the point of no return. 
As for the future?  Well, as has been noted over and over again, "prediction is really hard, especially about the future".  Stop trying to predict it.  Create it!

The Real Goal of Space Exploration

By Rich Kozlovich

During WWII air craft carriers, advanced jet aircraft, and tanks were the keys to victory, and has been so for all these years.  Since the end of WWII, they've been the backbone of military effectiveness.  Well, that's over!

Some years ago there was a SciFi show that was a spin off from the Stargate series called Stargate Universe.   In one of the episodes they came across "Berserker Drones" which attacked en masse.  In spite of the advance technology of their ship, they had to develop an escape plan to avoid being destroyed.  The numbers were just too great.  

That's playing out now, and we saw how Ukraine destroyed Russia's Black Sea fleet with a drone attack.  Extensive use of massed drones is going to be impossible to stop, just like trying to defend against a killer bee hive.   

These are not people, they're machines, totally dispensable, and made to be so, and easily replaced.   The only training involved deals with technicians who are nowhere near the battle field sitting in front of a computer/video console directing the actions.  When there's a lot of drones, there will always be some that will break through.   The only effective counter measure is destroying the communication connection between the drones and the technicians.  With advancements, that's not so easy now.  

For some years I've been following this effort to create military lasers, and written about it, and just about everyone laughed, just as so many laughed at Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, AKA, Star Wars program to shoot down Russian missiles.   It's not so funny now, and once again we see Reagan was far smarter than his critics as he saw farther, deeper, and wider, than all the arrogant, smarmy leftist snots who called him stupid.   

From all I read I knew what was on the horizon, and now we're seeing the beginnings of it, including Israel.  Even H.G. Wells saw that potential in 1895 in his book The War of the Worlds.

“However it is done, it is certain that a beam of heat is the essence of the matter. Heat, and invisible, instead of visible, light. Whatever is combustible flashes into flame at its touch, lead runs like water, it softens iron, cracks and melts glass …”

This year the UK tested the ‘DragonFire’ Laser Weapon, and it was successful against an aerial target, claiming:

The laser-directed energy weapon (LDEW) is claimed to have the ability to hit a precision target the size of a coin from a kilometre away. Although the exact range of the weapon is classified, the ministry said that it can engage with any visible target. The MoD said that the average cost of firing the laser is around £10 per shot, meaning that the weapon has the “potential to be a long-term low-cost alternative to certain tasks missiles currently carry out.”

Stupid, Insane, and Corrupt Americans Support Hamas

By Rich Kozlovich

Spenser Brown posted this piece on Sunday, The Terrorists Are Running the Asylum, saying:

"WE ARE ALL HAMAS."  This is, inexplicably, a real phrase chanted by real students at more than one "elite" institution of supposedly "higher" learning in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 2024. Well, when someone tells you who they are, believe them.

So, if they're all Hamas, they're enablers and supporters of some of all these vile degrading practices perpetrated these monsters?  Did I get that right? Did I miss anything? 

These are history's useful idiots, and even Lenin and Stalin despised them, and if and when the monsters get control, they're among the first to be eliminated.  These are fools who embrace every anti-civilization, anti human, anti Christian, antisemitic, anti America scam that comes down the pike.   Destroying the foundational moral values of Western civilization, leaving anarchy in it's wake.   

One pro Hamas protest at the University of Washington was cancelled.  Because they didn't like antisemitic protests?  No!!  Because...and get this.... there were too many whites participating in the protest.  Imagine that, and we already know George Soros is funding a lot of these "professional protesters", and also oil rich Muslim nations are pumping millions of dollars into their coffers. 

What were the values instilled by the parents in these misfits?  And where in the world did feminists, gays and transgenders get the idea "they were Hamas" also.  How stupid can anyone be?  It seems clear they're clueless about Islam since any gays or transgenders in Gaza had better make sure to avoid roof tops, especially high ones.  As for feminists, they would be turned into the property of their husbands.   

James Lewis in his article, Who runs the American agitprop machine?, starts out quoting Karl Marx: “First, conquer the organs of propaganda".   The goal?  

Make everybody march to the beat of the same drum, and you’ve got a mass cult.  That's why they all yell the same words from the same book at the same mass demonstrations in the same locations.  Normal people don't march in lockstep, but today's hateful mobs do, because they have one group mind.  You don’t need A.I. to turn people into robots..........This happens over and over again in history, and it’s how you change normal teenagers into mobsters.

Finally, there's Joe Biden, who has abandoned any pretense of integrity by appeasing Muslim antisemites pandering for their vote.  And as these fools bring in more Muslim immigrants do they really believe they will be controlled?  Stupid, insane, and corrupt. 

Universities Were Always Extreme

By @ Sultan Knish Blog

The Nazi cheers of Sieg Heil didn’t start out in Munich, but in Massachusetts.

The Nazi chant was borrowed from Harvard football cheers and imported to Germany by Ernst “Putzy” Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists.

“Putzy” was one of a number of Ivy League elites who were enchanted by the Third Reich.

Socialism forcefully implemented by great men, whether it was FDR, Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler, was the great obsession of America elites of the era who were convinced that it was the only answer to the chaos of capitalism and the hurly burly of democracy and technology.

Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler was laboring to keep Jewish students out while celebrating Mussolini’s fascism. Butler’s admiration for fascism was common among university presidents, leaders of society and even in the FDR administration.

Not just remastered football cheers, but eugenics, another obsession of Ivy League elites, made its way over to Germany where it was implemented in a far deadlier fashion, not only against Jews, but against German disabled and others deemed to be “life unworthy of life” in keeping with the ideology whose adherents included Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

Peeling back the layers of the dominant ideologies that Ivy Leaguers hold today leads to National Socialist or Communist ideologies. The Ivy League elites who were environmentalists, socialists, globalists and population control advocates a century ago were strongly influenced by these totalitarian ideologies that called for tyranny and mass murder.

They weren’t liberals then and they’re not liberals now.

A century ago they believed that human beings were defined by race and they still believe it now. A century ago they were convinced that mankind would go extinct unless strong leaders clamped down on independent thinking and undertook emergency measures to impose order. And they still believe it now. A century ago they believed that the only way forward was a planned economy, expert rule and the necessary deaths of certain people and groups.

Do they still believe it now?

The complete support for Hamas at Columbia, Yale and other Ivy League schools took some by surprise, but the idea that elite academic institutions ever had their politics defined by reason, liberalism and a respect for the rights of man has no basis in reality. While these universities and many others had some brilliant professors and students, and provided a rich environment of methodical learning at one time, university politics were always shot through with radicalism.

Even early in the twentieth century, the poison Ivy Leagues were filled with loathing for Americans, democracy and free enterprise while being attracted by any radical ideology. The question was only whether the Marxists or the National Socialists would triumph on campus.

After National Socialism died a mostly unlamented death, Marxism and then, a late entry, Islamism began a battle for the hearts and minds of America’s elites. What does Hamas offer the Ivy League? Much like Nazism and Communism, it believes that America, individualism and free enterprise are worthless, and that only a revolutionary ideology implemented by force can turn around our society. Few of the Yale or Columbia non-Muslim students cheering for Hamas believe in the message of the Koran, but they find it more believable than the American one.

Radicalizing Ivy League students is a lot like tripping the blind. Between the wealthy Third World activists who claim to be victims of racism and the radical rich brats whose hobby is revolution, they need little convincing to support any cause, no matter how horrible and evil, as long as it’s directed against America and is a good fit for their addiction to virtue signaling.

Generations of Muslim Brotherhood activists and their leftist allies did for Hamas and the Jihad what “Putzy” did for the Nazis. They made them respectable by rebranding them, giving them some new chants, logos, and an agenda that is less religious and more anti-American.

The Jew-hatred of “Putzy” or Hatem ‘Hate’em’ Bazian, the professor behind the campus Jihad, made them more popular on campuses where many students, especially those most likely to join leftist movements, quietly resented the competition from the sizable number of Jewish students. Turning on those students by supporting Hitler or Hamas was all too easy.

The multicultural Nazis of today may be more racially diverse than their forebears in the thirties, but, much as then, their intellectual diversity runs the gamut from one totalitarian movement to another. Back then the Ivy League was torn between Fascism and Marxism, now it’s Marxism and Islamism, which have signed their own sort of Hitler-Stalin pact, enabling them to team up against America, Christians, Jews and the entire fabric of Western civilization.

The one thing that the Ivy League can agree on is that the world should be run by the right sorts of people and that they are just the right sort of people to run it. Behind the hysterical rallies and the feigned victimhood is a deep contempt and even hatred for much of humanity.

Right now the campus Hamas Nazis may be cheering for the death of Jews, but tomorrow they will be cheering once again for race riots burning down cities or for some new evil wave of terror. The real question is not just whom they hate, but whom they don’t hate.

That hatred is why the Ivy League has always been so easy to radicalize with a steady drip feed of students eager to be taught that everything they grew up with is a sham, that nothing can be trusted and that the only way to save the world is to put them in charge of managing it.

Generations of Ivy Leaguers have been told at ponderous graduation ceremonies that they are the hope of tomorrow, and that history has tasked them with solving the troubles of the nation and the world by implementing the dogma of the moment. No king was more blatantly endowed with the right to rule without the fitness for it than these puffed up and well-connected children.

Each ruling class is more vicious, hollow and inept than the last. From cheering Nazis to cheering Hamas, the only thing the Ivy League elites have learned is an appetite for destruction.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation. Thank you for reading.

The US Constitution, the Republic, and Presidential Immunity

The Supreme Court has the weight of the Constitution on its shoulders.

by | Apr 28, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags: Articles, Good Reads, Law, Opinion, Politics

The US Constitution, the Republic, and Presidential Immunity

A weighty case regarding presidential immunity was argued in front of the US Supreme Court this week, raising many constitutional issues. It is a historic case in the truest sense of the word, and as such, friend of the court briefings (known as amicus curiae) were filed by some of the sharpest legal minds in America today.

Earlier this week, prior to the oral arguments, Liberty Nation published an analysis by Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza, Esq. of an amicus brief submitted by Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese* and Michael Mukasey, law professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson, and Citizens United. The article, details of which were eventually picked up by on Sunday, April 28, outlined the premise for their brief: that Jack Smith has no legal standing as special counsel to bring charges against Donald Trump. Justice Clarence Thomas raised this point during the hearing, bringing national attention to what LN highlighted days ago. While we await the justices’ decision, these documents raise several salient points about the question before the High Court that are worth considering.

Today, we present three more of these briefs – all in support of Donald Trump. The government’s position in this case has been amply covered by the establishment media, but stories detailing the legal arguments in favor of the former president are few and far between.

US Constitution: The Coolidge Reagan Foundation Brief

A brief from the Coolidge Reagan Foundation makes the point that the entire indictment against former President Donald Trump should be dismissed. This claim is based on the fact that his “actions and speech” were made while he was still in office. It only takes one step from there to recognize that if he was president at the time (and he was), then his conduct was an “exercise of executive functions.” Not only that but the authors of this brief believe holding Trump’s behavior unlawful would restrict his political speech, which violates the US Constitution.

New banner Liberty Nation Analysis 1 

They also point out that Democrats, notably Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams, have had issues with the elections they lost. Yet no claims were forthcoming by the Biden administration that it was unlawful for them to question the legitimacy of their elections. So how do their complaints add up to nothing, yet Mr. Trump is held up for indictment? This is their central question.

Thus, they conclude: “This Court should not open the door to prosecutions of former Presidents by the Administrations of their political opponents—particularly when those prosecutions arise from political speech and matters of executive discretion.”

The American Center for Law and Justice

The brief by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) addresses the issue of the alleged criminality of the former president. Its main point is that personal immunity for the actions conducted by a president not only applies when he is in office but should be extended past his term. The ACLJ claims that “immunity is only meaningful if it survives the President’s tenure.”

At the center of their argument lies the interest of the people who elected him:

This immunity protects no mere private interest, but instead protects the public interest of the people to have their chosen leader able to execute his duties not out of fear of personal reprisal, but “for their benefit.”

Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida, Inc.

The Christian Family Coalition of Florida takes a different tack from the other two briefings cited in this article. Dennis Grossman, who authored the amicus curiae for the CFC, argues:

“[T]he immunity issues raised in the present appeal are closely related to and overlap with the First Amendment issues raised by the underlying indictment. The issues relate to a President’s ability to address his supporters and the decision-makers who certify and control his re-election – and his First Amendment freedoms in that effort.”

The CFC believes the US Supreme Court should reverse the DC Circuit Court opinion because it violates the First Amendment of the Constitution as well as “by reason of Presidential Immunity.”

There were multiple briefs filed in this case for and against the petitioner, i.e., former President Donald Trump, which now sit in the hands of the nine justices. Although these are just a few of the briefs in support of the former president, each, in its own way, put forth considered legal reasons to either send this divisive case back to the lower courts or decide the case in favor of Mr. Trump.

According to US Supreme Court tradition, the justices take a private vote on the Friday of the week in which the oral arguments are made. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they must stick to this decision – they can change it during the time between the public hearing and when they release the final judgment.

During the oral phase of this crucial case, justices discussed many categories of presidential immunity. Still, these briefs illustrate that many tentacles of this case must be addressed. As such, they should carefully navigate such turbulent waters because this decision will ultimately affect the future of the Republic.

* Former Attorney General Edwin Meese sits on the board of Liberty Nation’s parent organization.


For further reading on this subject:


Brief of Coolidge Reagan Foundation and Shaun McCutcheon




Read More From Leesa K. Donner

The Media Balance Newsletter: 4/29/24

Free..Twice-a-Month...What you won't find in one place, anywhere else. 

By John Droz, Jr., physicist & citizen’s rights advocate 

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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About America’s Decaying Fiscal Status

April 21, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty

There was a lot of wasteful spending during the pandemic.

That was bad news, but what’s far more worrisome is that politicians used the pandemic as an excuse to permanently increase the spending trendline.

Here’s a chart based on CBO’s historical data and future projections. I added a yellow line to show the trend line based on spending growth from 2000 to 2019.

As you can see, spending soared above the trend line during the pandemic, came down slightly in 2022 and 2023, but now is projected to stay way above pre-pandemic levels.

At the risk of understatement, this added spending burden is the main reason America is in fiscal trouble.

To get an idea of how much spending has exploded in recent years, it makes 2008-2010 (Bush’s corrupt TARP bailout and Obama’s failed stimulus) look like a tiny blip by comparison.

Now I’ll add a caveat. Even without the pandemic spending orgy, America’s budgetary was on track to deteriorate. The retirement of the baby boom generation, combined with poorly designed old-age entitlements, translates to a higher spending trend line.

That being said, Trump and Biden combined to make a bad situation much worse.

Another caveat is that the headline on this column is an exaggeration. I simply like using everything-you-need-to-know as a rhetorical device when I have a very compelling visual or example.

I’ll close with the optimistic observation that it’s still relatively simple to solve America’s fiscal problems. All that is required is multi-year spending restraint.

P.S. The United Kingdom is suffering from the same problem of temporary emergency spending morphing into a permanent increase in the burden of government.

Norway’s Class-Warfare Tax Policy is Backfiring

April 27, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty

Class-warfare tax policy is bad news.

Last year, I warned that, “rich people are not sheep, patiently waiting to be sheared. If their fiscal torture is too extreme, they will leave.”

Norway is a powerful example. Here’s a chart showing the rate at which Norwegians are moving to Switzerland.

You may be wondering what caused the sudden change after 2022.

The above chart comes from a Bloomberg report by Ott Ummelas, and he explains what happened after Norway “increased the wealth tax burden by 55%.”

Steep increases in wealth and dividend taxes by Norway’s left-leaning government have prompted dozens of the Nordic nation’s rich to move to another prosperous, mountainous country to the south. …the small but significant migration by wealthy entrepreneurs could become permanent, bolstering Switzerland’s status as a low-tax haven. …Eighty-two rich Norwegians with a combined net wealth of about 46 billion kroner ($4.3 billion) left the country in 2022-2023, with 34 moving out last year alone, according to data from the Finance Ministry. More than 70 of those have moved to Switzerland… Swiss taxation varies by canton, but the overall effect is a significantly lower percentage of wealth and income than most other European nations. …Hollup said…”it’s a two-fold issue of losing tax revenue for Norway and the risk that a lot of brain capital has left the country.”

I started today’s column by observing that rich people are not sheep.

Instead, they are geese. Or, to be more specific, they are golden geese that have flown away.

P.S. This is primarily a column about misguided wealth taxation by Norway. But tax competition produces winners and losers, so this is also a story about the economic success of Switzerland.

Comparing Taxation in Sweden and the United States

April 28, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty

I already shared my thoughts about the value-added tax when discussing fiscal policy with an economist at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.

Here’s some of what I said about tax progressivity and the welfare state.

The bottom line is that the American tax system targets the rich. But that’s not the case in Sweden.

If you don’t believe me, let’s see what some left-of-center sources say.


Here’s a chart from a study for the World Inequality Lab by three economists at the Paris School of Economics.

As you can see, the United States is an outlier. The rich pay a much bigger share of the tax burden in America compared to other nations.

Interestingly, it’s not because America imposes higher taxes on the rich. It’s because Europeans impose higher taxes on lower-income and middle-class households.

Want more confirmation from another left-of-center source?

Here are some excerpts from a column in the New York Times by Monica Prasad, a sociology professor at Northwestern.

We can learn from Sweden, but the lesson is not what many people think. Rich Swedes do get taxed at high rates, but so does everyone else: The average American worker’s total tax burden is 31.7 percent of earnings, compared with 42.9 percent for the average Swede. The Swedes actually tax corporations less… Estate tax? In the United States the average effective rate is 16.5 percent. In Sweden, it’s zero. Swedish national sales taxes, which fall disproportionately on the middle classes, are much higher than sales taxes in the United States. …

Some scholars have drawn on this history to argue that the United States needs to give up its fixation with progressive taxation and adopt a national sales tax as every other advanced industrial country has done. …It’s hard to make a case for a big new tax in America on the middle classes and the poor…progressive taxation still has a role to play in the United States — but we do need to learn the larger lesson…the secret of the European welfare states.

Her view of the the “larger lesson” and “secret” is not the same as mine.

She wants an efficient welfare state and – to her credit – she acknowledges that means big tax burdens for lower-income and middle-class households.

I look at comparative living standards and say “are you $&(#)@* crazy!”

I’ll close by emphasizing a point I made at the end of the above video. Our friends on the left like to argue that big government is popular and they’ll cite polling data to make that case.

But people have much different answers to polling questions when they are asked if they are willing to pay higher taxes to finance bigger government.

And since there are not enough rich people to finance big government, the only way to have Swedish-sized government is to have Swedish-level taxes on ordinary people.

P.S. For those who want to focus solely on the taxation of rich households. Europeans tend to impose higher personal income tax rates but to also have less double taxation of income that is saved and invested.

More Good Results from Argentina

April 26, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty

The most important election of 2023 took place in Argentina, where that nation’s voters elected the libertarian candidate, Javier Milei, as their new president.

I discussed the outlook for Milei’s agenda on a recent appearance of the Schilling Show. Here’s a brief excerpt.


As you can see, I’m worried that Milei faces enormous obstacles. Argentina desperately needs big reductions in the size and scope of government. Yet the legislature is controlled by the Peronist politicians who have spend the past 75-plus years turning the country into a statist hellhole.

But I wrote two months ago that Milei was surprisingly successful in his first month. Thanks to his executive actions to reduce the burden of spending, Argentina achieved its first monthly balanced budget in more than 10 years.

That was a remarkable development.

But that was just the beginning. Here’s a chart showing that Argentina’s currency has dramatically strengthened since Milei took office.

The chart comes from a Bloomberg report by Ignacio Olivera Doll. Here’s some of what he wrote.

Four months into office, Argentine President Javier Milei has pulled off a critical feat in a country long ravaged by runaway inflation: He stabilized the currency. The peso has, in fact, not only stopped plunging day after day but in one key foreign exchange market…it’s actually rallying sharply. The peso has soared 25% against the dollar over the past three months in the market, known as the blue-chip swap… That’s more than the gains posted by any of the 148 currencies that Bloomberg tracks against the dollar.

It’s a shocking statistic in a country where the currency is seemingly in a never-ending state of freefall. (The smallest annual decline in the past decade was 15%.) And it underscores the lengths that Milei has gone to to rein in bloated government spending…and tame inflation that’s skyrocketed to an annual pace of almost 300%. …The cuts he imposed add up to the equivalent of almost 4% of the country’s economic output, an adjustment so aggressive that central bank officials estimate it’s larger than 90% of all those carried out in the world over the last several decades.

Spending restraint has not only reduced inflation and strengthened the currency, it also produced a balanced budget in the first quarter of 2024.

Here are some details from an AFP report published by Yahoo!Finance.

Argentina’s spending-slashing new President Javier Milei has hailed his country’s first quarterly budget surplus since 2008 as an “historic achievement.” In the first quarter of 2024, the South American country recorded a budget surplus of about 275 billion pesos… This amounted to a surplus of 0.2 percent of GDP. …”If the state does not spend more than it collects and does not issue (money), there is no inflation. This is not magic,” the self-described “anarcho-capitalist” said. …Thousands of public servants have lost their jobs. “Don’t expect a way out through public spending,” Milei warned on Monday.

To give you an idea of what Milei has accomplished, a 4-percentage point reduction in the burden of government spending would be over $1 trillion in the United States. If we had a leader like Milei, we could almost immediately eliminate three-fourths of the deficit.

I now feel very squishy since I’ve merely been recommending that American politicians cap the growth of spending.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

 This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich

 This is the guy Hollywood says is a sharp as ever

Interesting week.  As the weather improves, and I'm getting busy with a lot of projects, I still manged to publish thirteen commentaries and gazettes.  I'm actually surprised, and pleased with myself. 

There are twenty three commentaries from others, and I think they're offering a wide range of views, but rational views, and the two permanent links. 

I, as most sane people, realize all these legal maneuvers against Donald Trump are bupkis, and as these things are playing out, they're being exposed for what they are, corrupt to the core.  All in order to destroy his ability to run for President, which is vast in it's scope as this is the kind of thing that Julius Caesar used to gain power, and it destroyed the Roman Republic.   This corruption is especially true of these jurists and prosecutors of New York.  I have no doubt if Trump wins there'll be a vast and expansive RICO investigation over this.  What's the big difference between what they're doing to Trump, and what Trump is going to do to them?  They're all as they're guilty as sin, and he's going to be able to prove it. 

At some point there's going to have to be some sort of legal recourse against all this prosecutorial and judicial misconduct, especially at the federal level bringing lifetime appointments to an end.  And for those who've watched the Senate Judiciary Committee question Biden's nominees for the federal judiciary, you had better be scared.  The mass of incompetent, dumb, far left wing activist nitwits he's nominated is mind boggling, and they're all young and will be fouling American jurisprudence for the next thirty years and possibly more.  

Have a good weekend, and best wishes!

My Commentaries

  1. Observations From the Back Row
  2. Is Civil War Inevitable?
  3. Huzzah! Enlightenment! And it "Only" Took Ten Years?
  4. Who The Real Fascists?
  5. My Gazette: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, or, Truth, Justice, and The American Way?
  6. My Gazette: Speaker Johnson
  7. Rats Are the Tip of the Iceberg
  8. How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?
  9. Racism is a Corrupt Scam Destroying America
  10. My Gazette: Christian Heresy
  11. Global Warming Claims are Abject and Blatant Fraud!
  12. Weasel-words and Phrases
  13. My Gazette: American Cities


  1. This Week in Open Borders America: The Migrants of Martha’s Vineyard By Kelli Ballard
  2. Chinese Migrants Cross the Border in Record Numbers By Sarah Cowgill
  3. Chronic Absenteeism is Becoming a Post Pandemic Problem By Sarah Cowgill
  4. Trump Trials, Protesters on Fire, and Biden Is Back on the Menu By Sarah Cowgill
  5. What You Don’t Know About NPR CEO Katherine the Not-So-Great By Leesa K. Donner
  6. A Different Perspective on What's Dividing Us By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Solving Some Major Societal Problems By John Droz, Jr.
  8. Ten (10) Ways Science is Being Attacked By John Droz, Jr.
  9. Is Foreign Aid the Beginning of the End for Speaker Mike Johnson? By James Fite
  10. Victimhood is an Oppressive System of Relative Rights By Daniel Greenfield
  11. The Real ‘Civil War’  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. Passover - From Slavery to Freedom  By Daniel Greenfield
  13. The New Jihadists Are Our Kids  By Daniel Greenfield
  14. Death Comes Knocking (but has the wrong address) By Sean Gabb
  15. Travelin’ with Secretary Pete (A Satire) By Robin Itzler
  16. The FTC Takes Its Turn To Feel The Regulator's Exhilaration By Francis Menton
  17. Tracking The Demise Of The U.S. Green Energy Transition By Francis Menton
  18. Trump and the Flat Tax? Dan Mitchell
  19. The United States vs. Europe Dan Mitchell
  20. The Left’s Anti-Semitism Problem Gets Out of Control By Graham J. Noble
  21. Israel Struck Back – But What Else Were They to Do? By Dave Patterson
  22. Lighting A Candle By Bob Pue
  23. China Biotech Giants Invading US Communities By Joe Schaeffer

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
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