By Rich Kozlovich
On April 22, 2024 Robert Weissberg published this piece, Black Wars of Liberation Come to America, saying:
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Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently appointed Zakiya Carr Johnson as the State Department’s Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. Her mission, according to Blinken, was to help build a workforce that reflects America. .....Blinken justified this diversity effort in terms of national security, saying, "We will continue to pursue this mission aggressively, because recruiting, nurturing, and promoting the most capable workforce possible is critical to our national security."
What a load of horsepucky. This person hates America, calling it a "failed historic model" that needs torn down, along with all the traditional values that made America great, and says all of America's problems are the result of white supremacy, structural racism, patriarchy, and heterosexism. In other words Johnson wants to punish people for being white, turn all power over to blacks, destroy the nuclear family, and promote homosexuality.
What could possibly go wrong?
We have seen this movie before when African and the Caribbean blacks seize power from white colonial rulers and blacks replace white civil servants and gain control over the economy. It's a disaster for whites, but also for blacks.......she would institute new rules to replace its “white” culture. Gone would be a culture that stressed punctuality, strict rules regarding English grammar and language, and merit as measured by written tests for promotions. This is about power, not improving national security. Guaranteed, white government employees would find this new regime oppressive, just as Zakiya Carr Johnson finds the current atmosphere oppressive. This would be a revolution.
The number one problem for blacks in America is other blacks. Not
whites, not discrimination, not past history, it’s black attitudes and
liberal solutions that excuse a lack personal responsibility.
When black kids abuse other black kids who are doing well in school as
“acting white” you have to ask: Where did they get that from? Their
parents? Their culture? Those who profess to be black leaders? America's major cities are almost exclusively being run by blacks, and they're all far left wing racists, and guess what? These cities have been turned into economic disasters and crime ridden sewers.
Andrea Widburg ran this piece on April 21, 2024, A wheelchair-bound girl is beaten, and we need to talk about it, and this video is really disturbing showing the merciless beating of a poor young black crippled wheelchair bound girl being beaten, and done so by other black girls.
Name one nation anywhere on the planet that's controlled by blacks where this is any different.
"Today South Africa experiences high levels of poverty, crime and many vital public services barely work."
Since 1950 there have been 492 coups, some successful, some not. But 220 of those were carried out in Africa. There are 54 nations in Africa, and 45 of them have had coups in that time period. Of those coups that are successful; most of them only hold power for less than seven years.
- America’s Once Great Cities Are Being Turned Into Open Sewers
- America's Cities are a Disaster, and Democrats Own it All
- Minneapolis: When radical socialist Dems are in charge
- Leftist Answers Are Always Simple! It's Not Their Fault!
- IQ is what it is! Accept it and move on!
- Racial Differences in Intelligence, Personality, and Behavior
For good or ill, I've always seen the world a little differently than everyone else. In 1960 I was 14 and worried about the oil crisis. It didn't happen for another 13 years. I've watched America's race issue play out from the late 50's and it was clear the "coloreds" were treated badly, and contrary to most white thinking at that time, I agreed that was wrong, and needed to be fixed. Then "negroes" organized to bring about fair treatment. After that "blacks" demanded preferred treatment! They were followed by "African Americans" who demanded the power to control everything based on race, or else! Demanding "compensation" in one form or another because they had ancestors who were slaves. Okay, then lets start with the Africans and Arabs who enslaved their ancestors in the first place.
Approximately 620,000 young white men lost their lives in the Civil War to end slavery in America. A massively high price which no other nation in the world throughout all of human history has ever paid to end injustice! Certainly not the African nations that did the actual enslaving, nor the Arab nations that thrived on the slave trade, which is still going on in Africa. And they're demanding "compensation" from people who are descendants of people who never owned slaves, and whose ancestors weren't even in America when there were slaves.
The "race industrial complex" is a fraudulent scam to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, is irrational! It's leftist philosophy without form, acceptance without accomplishment, and incompetence without consequence, and it's destroying America, along with western civilization. Over recent years we've seen constants that are in my view, bizarre! Academic standards are a joke. Scholarly integrity is a blatant falsehood. Scientific integrity has been bought with government grant money. The left destroyed all that and replaced it with corruption of thought.
The story is a sad commentary on
the cultural degradation that's destroying America, and the left, the
race hustlers, and the Democrats own it all, and I think the vast
majority of people could care less what these leftist misfits think or
say. The time when academia, the media, and leftists bureaucrats will pay for its folly is coming, and
not from the right. There are no boundaries on the left, and soon it
will be impossible for these nitwits to be able to satisfy the demands of
the next level of leftist maniacs. Violent leftist maniacs.
What's holding it all together is the economy, and if things continue as they are, that's going to tank. If or when that happens it seems clear to me we'll come to a "them or us" civil explosion. Then decent people on both sides will be forced to choose, and based on historical precedent, when a society falls apart in that manner, there will be no mercy, as it's always the most radical who lead the mayhem, and I'm not optimistic.
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