By Rich Kozlovich
I just watched a podcast that got a lot right, and a lot wrong. It was suggested Zelenskyy's snit at the White House was staged by Trump, and that was from someone I have a great deal of respect for, but it's still clearly irrational. It was staged by Zelenskyy. When they have these meetings with the reporters it’s like a stage play with everything largely scripted out. It was Zelenskyy who went off script, and did so at the behest of the Democrats and RINO's who he met with previously, somehow convincing him he could embarrass Trump in front of the nation and get things he wanted that were not agreed to.
Is this Russo/Ukraine War the real end to the cold war? For the most part, yes, since now everyone knows the Russian military bear is a Teddy Bear, and Europe no longer needs to fear being attacked. The number two military nation in the world couldn't beat the number 22 military nation in the world in three years, and now needs recruits from North Korea to man their army.
While this is the true end to the Cold War, Russia will still be playing the bad boy on the block as long as they still have a quasi-Soviet form of governance. A form of governance that’s almost genetic in Russians, just as is their irrational fear of being attacked, while historically based, it’s now irrational, except for China. There’s more to be seen there in the future, at least until both their economies collapse along with the EU.
Call their leader a President, Premiere, dictator, or Czar, it’s a tyrannous form of governance, and is foundational to their centuries long social paradigm.
There was a comparison made between Putin and Ukraine and Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam. But there was a difference. America entered that mess because they tried to please the most unpleasable people in Europe. The French! Their anti-Soviet fears were valid, Stalin really did want to conquer the rest of Europe, but their actions regarding Vietnam were foolish, and make no mistake, the French are the most unreliable ally the world has ever known, and it was they who cause the Vietnam War, and no matter the public demonstrations, there is absolutely no European nation that trusts the French, and there are centuries of history that justify that view.
The French conned us with rhetoric about giving a form of independence to the Vietnamese, which some very smart people who were rabid anti-communists bought into embracing preconceptual politics. France was a country that should have been labeled as a collaborator nation after WWII, which it was, and never given a seat at the UN. But America’s leaders allowed themselves to be bullied by De Gaulle, who threatened to join with the communists if they didn’t give him what he wanted. Support their recolonization of Indochina. And this was the beginning of the cold war, which enabled preconceived notions refusing to accept what was known in favor of their preconceptions. They ignored the things known, and made up the things unknown.
The real culprit was FDR, who finally acknowledged just before he died Stalin had broken every one one of the promises he made at Yalta, and there was more than enough intelligence to know that’s exactly what was going to happen, and yet Truman failed to deal with it at Potsdam. FDR created the Cold War, Truman ran with it, and the rest of the world was stuck with it. That’s the problem when you have too many “really smart people” who are in charge with massive egos, and little intelligence, just like Kissinger and Nixon. They have no concept about “the basics” and no use for them, and ideology makes smart people stupid.
As for their inability to recognize there could be no military victory in Vietnam simply because they couldn't get the people on their side isn't entirely true. There were those, including respected military men, who pointed that very thing out, and yet, they recommended more military intrusion. The reason? Preconceptualism.
Preconceived politics, preconceived journalism, preconceived science, all refusing to recognize anything that may refute their preconceived notions, leading to failure. Whether it involves global warming, or geopolitics. But, then again, everything is geopolitical at some point, and once again, this idea that Putin was claiming Russia needed a buffer between Russia and the west because they were scared, is horsepucky. Get real, this argument they were afraid they were going to be attacked is folly. It was all about revanche, plain and simple, and it would appear that’s the geopolitical hill so many are willing to die on, which I find flabbergasting.
He knew there was no physical threat to Russia by anyone. He knew NATO couldn’t beat its way out of a wet paper bag. He knew the Europeans would do nothing, and we know that was what he believed when he acknowledged Europe’s leaders would end up coming to Trump wagging their tails. He had their number, so all this “depth of defense” clabber is nonsense.
America had no intention of invading Russia, and any claim Putin couldn’t know that and had to plan for the worst, is also horsepucky. The Russians have spies in every institution in America, and they’re excellent at infiltration. Their intelligence services use all the tools possible, and that includes electronic tools.
I’ve said this in the past and I’m going to restate it. I worked in intelligence when I was in the service, and every action being planned leaves trails. Trails that once picked up on are tracked, and there were absolutely no trails indicating America was going to attack Russia, and Putin knew it. How do I know that? Simply, no one in Russia is claiming any evidence of an attack in planning, which would have justified Putin's aggression, something he's desperately sought.
They knew America didn’t plan to invade, didn’t want to invade, and wasn’t going to invade, and merely wanted Russia to stop acting like the international bully they are. As for the argument Trump wants Putin to continue in power, since as a defeated Russian leader, he's weak and can be negotiated with, well, that may not matter. Putin failed, Russia is suffering economically, and who knows how many hundreds of thousands of young mens lives have been wasted in this war. He’s already showing signs he’s scared, and his goal now is to survive, so he desperately needs this war to end.
There's already resistance in his government and even protests in Siberia. Russian leaders who fail are discarded, and he’ll be replaced with someone who was against the war in the first place and who will see the big time advantage of having America on his side. Besides, the Chinese are going to be a problem for Russia down the road, and I don’t care what kind of big public agreements and statements they’re making now.
On February 20th Victoria White Berger published this piece, Oh, horrors! Trump pursues peace and tells the truth about Zelenskyy saying:
Zelenskyy is furious that America, whose taxpayers have financed “his” war, did not yet include him in the first diplomatic efforts with Russia. But this is not all about Zelenskyy, fortunately. It most absolutely stands to reason that the peace talks, from the perspective of any historically successful diplomacy, must begin with the most powerful participant: Russia. This is Diplomacy 101.
Well, Zelenskyy is out, and so too are the European nations. They have nothing to offer, and their eternal bickering is counterproductive. But now they're scrambling to appear consequential promising to come up with their own plan, spending more money on Ukraine, sending more equipment and even saying they're going to put boots on the ground. It's all CO2. If they believed saving Ukraine was so important, they should have done that three years ago when it would have meant something.
This is Putin’s war, and his excuses for starting it are pathetic, as I've already shown. And none of this could have happened if it wasn’t for Joe Biden stealing the election via massive voter fraud because he gave Putin carte blanche for supplying energy to Europe when he shut down all the drilling, and even started buy oil from Venezuela. That funded Putin’s war.
However, that wouldn’t have been a problem if Europe’s leaders hadn’t gone insane, aka, green, buying into the global warming lies. They’re either stupid or crazy.
If the Ukrainian government hadn’t been one of, if not the most corrupt governments in Europe, they could have easily provided for adequate defenses to thwart any Russian invasion. And if there are all these wealth building natural resources there, as is being reported, why didn’t they develop them before and become a very wealthy nation, capable of buying or building a huge defense capability that would have thwarted any invasion?
Russia has been at it since 2014 they had to know it was coming, and Putin would have known those defensive capabilities were in place, and as a result, this would have never happened. But you can’t corruptly line your pockets and meet the needs of the nation at the same time, and it seems perfectly clear that’s what has been happening all these years.
From the beginning my view is this is Europe’s problem, let them fix it or not, if they don’t it’s on them. If they do, it’s still on them, we have no skin in this game. If you’re a moral person you must feel compassion for the people of Ukraine, the same people who suffered the death of millions at Stalin’s hands, but if you’re a rational person, you must realize this isn’t our fault, and Ukraine is lost, Russia is in trouble, Europe isn't a nation it's a continent filled with conflicted nations, all of whom behind closed doors admit this war is lost, and needs to end, and the only one who can do that is Donald Trump, and he will not allow Zelenskyy, his corrupt government, or the stupid leaders of Europe to interfere, or he'll just walk away and let them play this mess out for as long as they like. We're going to take our marbles and go home.
One more thing. As a result of Trump’s views that the Russo/Ukrainian War isn’t our problem nor is it our responsibility, that it’s Europe’s problem and they can fix it or not, and we don’t care what they do, what they say or think because they don’t count, it seems clear to me he’s been reading my articles in P&D. Waddayathink?
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