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Monday, March 10, 2025

Eggs and Barack Obama

Susan Daniels Mar 09, 2025 @ Susan's Newsletter

The Department of Justice is Investigating the price of eggs. How about they investigate Barack Obama’s phony Social Security number instead?

How come everyone knows that the price of eggs is up, but not everyone knows that Barack Obama has been using the social security number of a dead person since he was in his mid-20s?

I can understand the concern about price fixing of any goods, but it pales when compared to the damage done by the grifter Obama and his cronies, all of whom are now rich.

The government, now considering investing nearly $1 billion to investigate the egg business and the supersonic rise in costs, might recall the millions of hens the birdbrain Joe Biden had killed because they might catch bird flu. It seemed like another attempt to upset the apple cart of normal Americans. It not only drove up the price of eggs, it drove up the cost of chicken, which used to be one of the cheapest meals to cook.

At least the Democrats didn’t use that method on people. They just forced them to take a now-proven horrendously dangerous vaccine or be shunned by employers, the military, and even their friends and families.

Trump even mentioned eggs in his speech last week because, you know, eggs! He should have mentioned that if you bake, many things can be substituted for eggs: applesauce, aquafaba, tofu, mashed banana, flaxseed, baking soda, chia, or yogurt.

Or, if you like eggs for breakfast, eat one not two and the cost to the food bill will come down.

But $1 billion to investigate eggs? Remember Obama and his $787 billion stimulus bill in early 2009? That was the first rape of the Obama-era taxpayers. Does anyone really know where all that money went?

The Democrats will say it improved the economy and saved or created jobs.

Five years later, PBS News reported: “The ‘stimulus’ has turned out to be a classic case of big promises and big spending with little results,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said in a written statement. “Five years and hundreds of billions of dollars later, millions of families are still asking ‘Where are the jobs?’”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said: “Five years later, the stimulus is no success to celebrate,” said McConnell. “It is a tragedy to lament.”

And “Obama initially sold the stimulus as an investment that would produce a dramatic decrease in unemployment that ultimately did not materialize.”

That was the start of eight years of the felon in the White House. If the Republican Party spent five minutes doing a background check on Obama like I did, they would have immediately uncovered he was using a stolen Connecticut Social Security number. It was issued to someone living in Connecticut in 1977.

In March 1977, Obama was fifteen years old and living in Hawaii. He would have been assigned a Hawaiian number when he claimed he worked at Baskin-Robbins then.

But he has been a grifter his entire life. Obama is so devoid of integrity, he left Harvard owing for parking tickets he got seventeen years earlier. He paid them in 2007 as he readied his run for office.

His presidency was a disaster from start to finish as he used his community organizer training to set back race relations in this country sixty years.

His use of a stolen Social Security number violated federal law. Every document he signed and every dollar he spent were illegal. He entered the White House with unpaid bills sitting on his desk in Chicago and left the White House a millionaire.

As Rush Limbaugh referred to Obama, he really was the “Magic Negro.”

Now it’s time for the Department of Justice to stop worrying about the price of eggs and go after the ill-gotten gains of Barack Obama. Every asset he has should be seized and used to pay off the country’s debts that he helped to incur.

Sometimes you have to break a few eggs.

Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

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