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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Plan Stunketh!

By Rich Kozlovich

Someone sent this to me years ago, and I have no idea who originated it.   Going through my files I just stumbled on it again, and given the DOGE discoveries of corruption, malfeasance, double talk, spin, lies, criminal activity, and blatant incompetence in Washington, this needs to be published by way of explanation of how all this happens.  

In the beginning there was "The Plan"!  Then came the Assumptions, but the Assumptions were without Form, and The Plan was completely without Substance, and Darkness was upon the faces of the workers.  And they spoketh among themselves saying:

"This is a crock of crap, and it stinketh!"

The  workers went to their Supervisors and sayeth unto them:

"It is a pile of dung, and none may abide the odor thereof." 

The Supervisors went unto their Managers and sayeth unto them:

"It is a container of excrement, and it is very strong, such that none may abide it." 

The Mangers went unto their Directors and sayeth unto them:

"It is a vessel of fertilizer and none may abide it's strength."

The Directors went unto their Vice President and sayeth:

"It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong."

And the Vice President went unto the Executive Vice President and sayeth unto him:

"It promoteth growth, and it is very powerful."

And the Executive Vice President went unto the President, and sayeth unto him:

"This powerful Plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency of the department, and this area in particular."

The President looketh upon The Plan, and saw that it was good, and The Plan became policy. 

  On Oct 28, 2022 Katie Pavlich discussed "The Plan", saying:

During a briefing at the White House this week, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked whether President Joe Biden plans to shake up his economic team after the 2022 midterm elections. Her response was quite telling and confirmed Biden's tanking of the American economy is calculated and deliberate. Personnel is policy, and Biden has installed people in positions throughout the federal government to radically change the country.

The Plan?  Forced transition to "alternative energy".  An absolute loser, and easily proven to be such yet they continue to force it down everyone's throat, and this was in 2022, where fuel prices doubled, and there were questions regarding availability of fuel oil and diesel fuel.

 They pushed electric vehicles, that can't be charged easily, and in California can't be charged at all at times, don't travel far with batteries that cost $20,000 to replace.  They're were actively destroying energy production knowing full well no advanced country can survive without ample, easily accessible, and inexpensive energy.  And it was deliberate.

Biden put absolute socialists in charge of his Council of Economic Advisers.  Leftists who have worked their entire lives to destroy America's economic structure.  Biden even nominated Saule Omarova, a Russian trained communist, as the Comptroller of the Currency, who wanted to have total control of the nation's currency by ending private bank accounts with all deposits going to the federal government, in something she called, FedAccounts, in order to "democratize finance".  

In short, it seems abundantly clear "The Plan" was to make your money the governments money, while avoiding the messy process of raising taxes, and it would be distributed as the government, or I should say unelected bureaucrats, saw fit, including excluding your access to it if you stepped out of line by violating "their community standards."  She also wanted to bankrupt oil companies in the name of climate change.   Even the Senate couldn't abide that, and was stopped by the Senate.

So why did I focus on Omarova?  Because she was the archetypal leftist working for "The Plan", and "The Plan" stunketh. 

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