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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 30, 2024

Avoiding the Ranks of the Insane

By Rich Kozlovich 

I was an exterminator for 40 years, and for 30 of those years I owned my own company and was heavily involved with my industry's affairs starting at the local level, then state, and even at the national level, and I was willing to challenge the conventional wisdom in favor of tradition wisdom against all comers. Heterodoxy isn't for the faint of heart, and I've always admired those people who had he courage to be the "rocks in the current", and in my own small way I wanted to recognize and honor them by creating, The John Boyd Legion of Honor.

Much of what you're going to see here I published in 2012, but I decided it was important to edit and republish this piece because there are some foundational issues that were addressed then that are even more applicable today. My friend Mike Shaw was a junk science warrior, but he's now retired, as a result so many of the links to his articles that appeared in Health News Digest no longer work.  However, those published in Mike's Ecologic, and those he allowed me to publish for many years, along with his substack site called, Mike's Point of View, can still can be tracked here in P&D. 

Mike published this article,  Caffeine: Is there really A Welcome Lift In Every Cup"?, in 2012, but the link no longer works, so you will just have to take my word what appears below is what was in that article.  Or not if it pleases you.   He starts by saying:
Readers of a certain age might recognize this tag line from a 1950s era promotional campaign, ran on behalf of the Pan-American Coffee Bureau. Back then, the stimulant effect of caffeine was regularly touted, along with an equal number of commercials in which taste was the most important thing. (Mountain grown...the richest kind!)

It should hardly come as a surprise that caffeine is by far the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world. In his 2005 article in New Scientist, science fiction/fact writer and Renaissance man Richard A. Lovett notes that "In North America, around 90 per cent of adults report using caffeine every day." The major dietary sources of this compound are coffee, chocolate, and cola drinks.
I never really thought about caffeine as a ‘psychoactive’ drug, but that is how it has to be defined. This lays foundation for two points; toxicity and reaction!   All issues related to the potential impact of all chemicals. Regarding studies showing the impact of caffeine on the body he states:
Perhaps the best known scare study came out in 1980, and was done by FDA scientist Thomas Collins (no relation to the cocktail). Collins said to be equivalent to 200 cups of coffee in one gulp. Not surprisingly, a large number of birth defects appeared in their offspring. However, when Collins redid the study in 1983, he simply added the caffeine to the rats' drinking water, and the dose was spread out through the day. This time, the birth defects returned to whatever the normal level is for lab rats.

When the dust settled, the consensus became nothing more than common sense: Caffeine taken in moderation, via conventional dosing methods, poses no danger to most people. This viewpoint is echoed by respected holistic physician Wayne R. Bonlie, MD of Timonium, Maryland. But then, folks don't always have common sense.

Did you get that? Being “force-fed pregnant rats ridiculously high doses of caffeine” causes an adverse physiological reaction but when exposed to normal doses the impact is meaningless. That is basic science. The dose makes the poison, yet when it comes to pesticides these types of studies are touted as definitive proof that pesticides cause _____ (fill in the blank).   They're not!  The "linear no threshold level" hypothesis is one of the greatest scientific frauds of all time.  

The reality is that we need to have society become better scientists, i.e., citizen scientists,  because we can’t trust those who have a battery of letters behind their names. Scientific integrity has been made an oxymoron by government grant money, and global warming claims has exposed them for what they are.

I have stated over and over again that if the only government grant money available to them was to prove that there was no such thing as "manmade" global warming, they would do an about face so fast that you would think they were a color guard in a military parade. The same is true of chemicals and carcinogenicity, ADHD, autism, etc.  Well… you get the picture.

It's in the day to day world is where reality exists, not what goes on in the lab, and especially not the computer modeling that's being touted as science, when in reality it's a corruption of science.  

The universe works on certain principles such as threshold effect.  When the molecular load of anything is too small cells will simply not react to it.  The dose makes the poison.  The greenies would have you believe otherwise and they have plenty of ‘scientists’ on their side who are so corrupt that they will say anything in order to attain grant money and recognition for the things they spout, which brings them outside financial rewards by way of speaking fees. This, in spite of the fact that if leftism was a corporation, they'd almost have a monopoly on being wrong!  From Malthus on population, to Rachel Carson on DDT, and to James Hansen on global warming. So why do we listen to these people? 

As we're watching the 2024 election playing out we're seeing what I call

As I see it American's have four options:

  1. Ignorance, which is fixable.  Being ignorant means you just don't know.  You can choose to learn and correct that. 
  2. Stupidity, which is ignorance coupled with complacency, and stupid can't be fixed.  
  3. Insanity which is unavoidable if you accept leftist conclusions since nothing leftists have ever promoted has been successful, except their uncanny ability to deliver tyrannical  dystopia. 
  4. Or, clear rational thinking which means accepting the reality that leftism is irrational and misanthropic, morally defective.

When viewing all things leftists are saying and promoting, you must start out with the foundational premise... they're lying.  Then do the research and discover.... they really are lying!  Lies of commission, and especially lies of omission.  If you edited out all the lies, logical fallacies, hyperbole, and projections that emerge from the leftist fever swamps what would you get?  Blessed silence, and what would be left behind would be truth.

 As Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180 C.E.) once noted; "The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."

State courts should not be writing US climate laws

Judges shouldn’t write laws that anti-fossil fuel factions can’t get Congress and People to enact

Paul Driessen

Earth’s climate has changed numerous times over the past half-billion years. But activists claim any recent or future changes result from fossil fuel use and agricultural practices.

Those activities raise still minuscule levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide (0.04, 0.0002 and 0.00003 percent of the atmosphere, respectively), allegedly altering climate and weather. Water vapor, Earth’s complex and chaotic climate system, and powerful solar and cosmic forces that combined to bring the Carboniferous Period (coal age), ice ages, a Little Ice Age, warm periods, and fluctuations in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events are supposedly no longer relevant.

UN, US and EU climate activists, politicians and bureaucrats then blame fossil fuels for heat waves, cold spells, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, droughts and even abusive husbands. Kamala Harris says manmade climate change forced millions of illegal migrants to cross our borders since 2021.

Despite all this, the climate consortium has failed to get enforceable, workable international treaties that compel all countries to reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It’s failed to get the US Congress to enact national legislation – or make a convincing, robustly debated case that reducing a few GHGs can stabilize planetary temperatures and climate conditions that have never been stable.

So the consortium employs other devious strategies: regulating fossil fuel technologies and agricultural practices into oblivion; ignoring the 63% of global GHGs that come from China, India and a hundred other developing countries; and censoring experts who present inconvenient facts, data and analyses.

Climate activists are also filing lawsuits in state courts against eight US oil companies whose products together account for a tiny fraction of the 11% of global GHGs emitted by the United States.

Nearly three dozen ultra-progressive jurisdictions want friendly in-state judges to decide complicated issues that arise from and affect every family, business, city, state and country on Earth. Instead of scientific and legislative debates and processes, they want one judge punishing energy companies for causing “dangerous climate change.”

The litigants claim they’re trying to save our planet from climate cataclysms. Their real goal is reducing our driving, flying, household heating and cooling, red meat consumption and living standards, even if doing so has minimal or no effect on emissions or the climate.

They want to avoid higher-profile federal courts that would more likely examine their far-fetched claims from national, international, scientific and economic perspectives. They’re worried that the US Supreme Court may soon decide whether far-left cities or states can circumvent legislative processes and instead use state courts to impose radical environmental and social agendas.

There is nothing ethical, legal or constitutional about this crony forum-shopping and backroom dealing. That’s another reason the plaintiffs panicked about the Supremes’ potential intervention, and argue that state judges can competently litigate the matter.

To ensure judicial “competence,” the Environmental Law Institute launched a parallel effort, the Climate Judiciary Project (CJP), to ensure that judges receive an “authoritative, objective and trusted education on climate science, the impacts of climate change, and the ways climate science is arising in the law.”

Of course, as Humpty Dumpty would have told Alice, when the CJP uses a word (like authoritative, objective, trusted, science or justice), it means just what they choose it to mean, neither more nor less, because the ultimate question is who is to be master – activist litigators and judges, or We the People and our elected representatives.

Raising even more questions, the CJP is funded by the same outfits that finance these climate lawsuits. The JPB Foundation gave $1 million to the CJP and $1.15 million to the far-left Tides Foundation’s Collective Action Fund, which pays the Sher Edling law firm to file lawsuits like these. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation donated $500,000 to the CJP and $150,000 to the Action Fund. And so on.

The left knows their political ploy will tumble if the highest court in the land reviews the cases. That would be bad for them but good for our system of checks and balances, for common sense, and especially for reliable, affordable energy, jobs, healthcare and modern living standards.

Over 80% of our energy still comes from oil, gas and coal. Wind and solar are notoriously unreliable, require expensive backup power, and need a dozen times more raw materials per unit of electricity than natural gas generators. They cannot provide petrochemical products, including clothing, cosmetics, fertilizers, paints, plastics, pharmaceuticals and wind turbine blades.

“Renewable” energy is not clean, green, renewable or sustainable. Manufacturing batteries for electric vehicles and grid backup involves mining for numerous metals and minerals, in energy-intensive processes that destroy habitats, pollute air and water, and injure and poison miners and their families.

Much of that mining occurs in countries with corrupt governments and desperately poor families, like Congo and Myanmar where child and slave labor are pervasive. Ships haul the materials to China, the world’s largest polluter, which monopolizes the global battery production market and uses more coal, slave labor and pollution-intensive processes to produce “clean, green” energy products.

The EVs get marketed as “zero emission” vehicles, because there is no exhaust and people don’t know this sordid history; don’t know that the electricity charging their batteries comes mostly from coal- or gas-fired power plants.

Wind turbines also depend on oil, gas and coal for the metals and minerals in their towers and generators, fiberglass-and-epoxy blades and concrete-and-rebar bases. Solar panels blanketing hundreds of square miles of former cropland and wildlife habitat cause similar impacts. Sea-based wind turbines harm and kill wildlife, including endangered whales; land-based turbines kill millions of birds.

Pleadings and briefs in lawsuits brought in carefully chosen liberal state courts can ignore inconvenient facts like these, often preventing judges and juries from considering them.

They can target a few American oil companies for alleged climate cataclysms, while ignoring all other oil and coal companies worldwide, and countries that emit 89% of greenhouse gases. The state court lawsuits essentially and preposterously assert that production and refining processes used and products sold by these few oil companies are causing climate changes unprecedented in Earth and human history.

Recent Supreme Court decisions reveal why climate cultists are alarmed the Court might intervene. West Virginia v. EPA held that, in the absence of clear legislative authority, government agencies cannot unilaterally issue regulations that have “major” economic or political significance.

Loper Bright Enterprises, Inc. v. Raimondo reversed the “Chevron deference” rule. Silent or ambiguous statutory texts no longer give administrative agencies unfettered power to interpret laws in ways that let them increase control over people’s lives and livelihoods.

Liberal state court decisions in these climate cases would have monumental consequences – for our environment, economy, lives and nation – despite Congress never having given any agency or court any such authority.

The Supreme Court should definitely intervene here – to ensure that these complex scientific, economic and political issues are fully studied, debated, vetted and voted on – not relegated to biased courtrooms.

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( and author of books and articles on energy, environment, climate and human rights issues.


The American Left’s Tribal Collectivism Has No Future

Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog 

The great paradox of the American Left is that it aspires to collectivism, but can only get it through tribalism. Every Democrat presidential primary is a frantic effort by collectivist candidates to amass enough tribal support from different identity politics groups to secure the collectivist nomination.

Senator Bernie Sanders, the great socialist hope of collectivism, tried to rope in Latinos and black Democrats, succeeded with the former, failed with the latter, and lost South Carolina. And everything.

When lefties switched from class warfare to identity politics, they became hopelessly mired in tribalism. Their old animating principle of an egalitarian society has long since given way to a tribal society in which certain groups will have more power than others because equality can only come about through massive doses of inequality. But even that is considered hopelessly old-fashioned liberalism. The new wave of identity politics doesn’t even justify its demands for special treatment by promising that one day we’ll all be equal. The tribal premise of inherent inequality is the essence of intersectionality.

Collectivists and constitutionalists believe in equality. Tribals believe in inherent inequality.

Collectivism promised to put an end to inequality by remedying the unfairness of a society in which unequal opportunities led to unequal outcomes. In the United States, collectivism attacked the country’s founding principle of constitutionalism, a legal framework which protected individual aspiration, by claiming that social inequality made aspiration impossible without government social controls.

The political strategies of the American Left made collectivism into a bad bargain with tribalism. Even before the modern multiracial coalitions, the Democrats drew power from 19th century urban coalitions of immigrant groups, feeding their rivalries and suspicions to hold on to power in New York and Boston. The Draft Riots of the Civil War were the country’s earliest massive race riots, perpetrated by the Democrat Party’s urban political machines which wanted to bring down President Lincoln by mobilizing immigrant groups to riot against social inequality, while, among other things, burning black orphanages.

Leftist groups pushing for more radical collectivist solutions sought out immigrants, then racial and finally sexual minorities to build their coalitions around. The general class of social solutions gave way to the particularist demands of coalition members leading to a Democrat Party defined by tribal groups that have adopted each other’s most extreme positions even if they are unappetizing to the country.

The Democrats struggle with a message that is both collectivist and tribal, promising equality to all and special treatment to some, collectivist socialist solutions to health care and employment, and tribal allotments for political appointments and benefit programs, as equality and inequality go to war.

But the cultural tensions of combining collectivism and tribalism run deeper than the policy tensions.

Tribalism is defined by the superiority of the tribe to rival tribes. Its honor and shame code demands that other tribes be regularly humiliated to assert its superiority and gain ‘mana’ for its members.

Identity politics is a set of political rituals that acts out these tribal imperatives on college campuses, in urban governments, and in the marketplace of ideas. The civil rights movement long ago degraded into tribal posturing of this sort. Its successor movements play out the assertions of persecution and superiority, humiliating tribal enemies, beginning with white men, and ending with anyone who isn’t a member of the group, and portraying these tawdry tribal rituals as civil rights empowerment.

Tribalism is amoral and actively hostile to principles. Its virtues are tribal and its heroes are those whose posturing humiliates the enemy. Its essential identity dehumanizes outsiders. It cannot think in terms of abstract ideas, it rejects any moral code that supersedes tribalism, and its intellectual life consists of rationalizing the contradictions between tribal behavior, and external moral codes and principles.

Politics is inherently tribal. Collectivists insist that life be based around political activism and their morality inevitably becomes warped around tribalism even in the absence of actual tribes. When collectivist politics, as in America, revolves around tribal coalitions, then tribalism rules everything.

The arguments for collectivism are based around abstractions, ideas, and ideals. These are the very things that tribalism cannot tolerate. As collectivists become tribal, they abandon objectivity and embrace subjectivity. The truth becomes ‘my truth’. Lived experience supersedes expert planning. Every objective idea, from mathematics to the structure of reality, comes under attack by tribalists.

Tribal subjectivism evaluates every idea based on the tribe it came from. A tribal argument is that Newton’s Third Law of Motion is the work of a dead white man. Diversity is just a tribal contention that personal perspectives define ideas and that therefore perspectives matter more than ideas. There is no reality, just a series of subjective impressions filtered through race, gender, and sexual orientation.

The tribal reality is personal and subjective. The science that demands a vast universe governed by unbreakable laws appears cold and alien to a tribal. Tribals don’t believe in science, but in magic. They just call their science, magic, and their magicians, scientists and experts, but their science is not based on reason, but on will, ideology is the incantation that its magicians recite to bring it forth.

Collectivism begins with science, but ends with magic. That is why it always fails. Its experts become false prophets who, like Lysenko, tell the rulers that reality comports with their ideology. Tribalism dispenses with an objective reality, transforming science into the magical reality of the subjective. The end result is even worse than Lysenkoism, but is colorful, apocalyptic, and invariably diverse.

Lysenkoism’s calculated irrationality had nothing on the apocalyptic panoply of global warming.

Collectivism wants a world full of identical factories. Tribalism wants to get back to nature. Collectivist science wants to actually accomplish things. Tribal science seeks the undoing of industrial civilization. The destruction of civilization is the goal that the great movement of global warming is openly aimed at.

The great collectivist vision of governments getting bigger and of a massive infrastructure running everyone’s lives is doomed by the tribal impulse to dominate and destroy those institutions.

Collectivists embrace tribalism to advance their goals, but tribalism destroys collectivism. It does this on the micro scale, as many white liberals who ran afoul of identity politics in urban areas found out, but also on the macro scale, as every dysfunctional institution from major cities to the EU and the UN show.

The European Union is falling to mass tribal migrations and nationalist backlashes. The United Nations stopped functioning as anything except a corrupt clearinghouse once it fell to third world tribalism.

The Democrats who embraced tribalism for the sake of collectivism might profit from these examples.

Constitutionalism was a compromise between the extremes of tribalism and collectivism that neither denied the need for individual and group identities, nor the importance of institutions and ideas defined by reason and the rule of law. Collectivism sought to usurp constitutionalism only to fall into tribalism. Every ideological attack on constitutionalism ends in a descent into the swamps of tawdry tribalism.

The Left’s attack on the Constitution has been destroying the great bargain that made America possible.

Identity politics and big government don’t mix. The unstable compound only holds together as long as there is a common enemy who can serve as a threat to the greed that unites its corrupt factions. When that enemy, Republicans, the primordial white male, ceases to be a factor, then it all falls apart.

The American Left’s old collectivist dream is dead. Its current platform of industrial decimation and identity politics lead not to a world government, but to a fractured landscape of warring tribes.

Collectivism has fallen into tribalism every time it’s been tried. This time will be no different.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation. Thank you for reading.

Liz Cheney Almost Gets It: A GOP Realignment Is Inevitable

But the incessant never-Trumper still can’t grasp why she’s the one doing the leaving.

 By | Sep 30, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags:  Articles, Opinion, Politics

Liz Cheney Almost Gets It: A GOP Realignment Is Inevitable
Former US Representative and notable Never-Trumper Liz Cheney continued her bashing of former president and current Republican Party nominee Donald Trump and declared the GOP to be a dying entity due to its association with him. But along with her usual prattle, Cheney did speak an undeniable truth: A major political realignment is coming, and there is likely no way to avoid it now.

(Liz Cheney (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

“There is certainly going to be a big shift, I think, in how our politics work – I don’t know exactly what that will look like,” Cheney told The New York Times’ White House correspondent Peter Baker at the 2024 Cap Times Idea Fest, an annual event hosted by Madison, Wisconsin, newspaper The Capital Times. “I think far too much has happened that’s too damaging,” she continued, dismissing the notion that the GOP establishment can simply return to business as usual after Trump finally exits the scene, whether that be in 2024 or January 2029.

This Is Not Her Father’s GOP

What happened, of course, is that a number of politicians comfortably aligned with the political status quo in Washington, DC, lost the influence it had on the Republican Party for close to 30 years with the Trump tsunami of 2016. Then, to its horror, it had to watch Trump become even more popular among the GOP grassroots after he was toppled from office in 2020.

What Cheney is perhaps finally coming to terms with is the fact that the ideas and beliefs represented by Trump have taken solid root among Republican voters. That it is not merely a cult of personality destined to evaporate as soon as the leading man leaves the stage.

The stark divide between Trump’s America First supporters and the pre-2016 Republican brand has only continued to grow during the tumultuous four years of the Biden administration. The plight of Springfield, Ohio, residents besieged by Haitian migrants who have poured into the town due to the so-called humanitarian parole immigration policies under Biden’s auspices speaks volumes.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine embodies pre-Trump, old-school GOP “conservatism.” The former longtime US House member and senator has unabashedly defended importing some 20,000 Haitians into a city of 59,000 because it is a boon for big business interests. Like Cheney, DeWine was happy to rely on a particular big-box media goliath to help give him a platform.

The Conservative Case for Cheap Foreign Labor

“Springfield is having a resurgence in manufacturing and job creation. Some of that is thanks to the dramatic influx of Haitian migrants who have arrived in the city over the past three years to fill jobs,” DeWine wrote in a September 20 op-ed for The New York Times. “They are there legally. They are there to work.”

That DeWine would shrug off the manipulation of immigration law inherent in Biden’s Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan (CHNV) migration program as perfectly lawful and emphasize top-down economic factors over cultural, social, and community well-being is another example of the enormous gulf separating the divided party.

Not to be outdone, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on September 24 slammed another America First tenet championed by Trump: tariffs. “I’m not a fan of tariffs. They raise the prices for American consumers. I’m more of a free-trade kind of Republican that remembers how many jobs are created by the exports that we engage in,” McConnell declared in response to Trump vowing to slap a 200% tariff on US farm equipment manufacturing icon John Deere if it moves production to Mexico.

Thus, in a matter of days, two veteran GOP establishment figures, one a sitting governor and the other the party leader in the upper chamber of Congress, came out in support of what many Trump backers regard as fundamentally unacceptable policy positions. DeWine steadfastly defended bringing in masses of foreigners to fill jobs inside the US while McConnell championed the right of corporations to outsource American jobs abroad.

This is the heart of the irreconcilable split that has Cheney correctly diagnosing political realignment as inevitable, even if she still refuses to understand why her style of politics is being harried out of the GOP.

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The same drama is quietly playing out on the other side of the aisle, but with one major difference. Among Democrats, the forces of the establishment hold sway. While America First Republicans have successfully amassed power within the GOP, insurgent progressives have failed to do the same in the blue ranks. An unwanted Joe Biden was foisted upon them in 2020, and they could do nothing to stop it. Biden was then pushed through again in 2024, and when it became apparent he was physically not up to the task, his establishment-tethered vice president was handed the nomination without so much as a single vote being cast by the electorate.

It seems there are three major political blocs coalescing in the US today: America First, an ideologically motivated progressive left, and an insider establishment populated by both Democrats and Republicans. The realignment Cheney refers to is taking place of its own accord.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

Read More From Joe Schaeffer

Media Balance Newsletter, September 30, 2024

By John Droz, Jr., Physicist & Citizen’s Rights Advocate

What you won't find in one place, anywhere else. It's free, twice a month.  Enjoy the latest edition of our free, critically thinking Media Balance Newsletter... We cover COVID to Climate, Elections to Education, Renewables to Religion — showing you what the mainstream media has revised or filtered out ... If you happened to miss it, here is the prior Newsletter. 

Please use these links to pass on the Newsletter to other open-minded citizens via social media, etc. Anyone can subscribe (or unsubscribe) by emailing me. We are continuously working at making this twice-a-month publication more interesting, more useful and more accessible to our many thousands of readers. Due to loyal supporters, the Newsletter has been published 15 years now — thank you! Please let me know the email of anyone you feel would appreciate getting this unique and powerful information.

 PS — My new substack site is becoming quite popular! Its focus is on the current lack of Critical Thinking relating to numerous societal matters (education, climate, energy, etc.). If you haven't already, signup for a FREE subscription. Enjoy and pass it on! 

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries 

By Rich Kozlovich

For years I've predicted the collapse of the EU, and while it's taken some time, Europe is on the verge of it. Right now "there's no end in sight for Europe's sluggish economy". Second quarter growth?  Just 0.2%!  Now, think about this.  Where are the European nations going to start cutting?  Ukraine! 

Zelenskyy (and no matter what you see in articles, that's the correct spelling of his name) must be aware of that and that leaves America.  He's here begging for more money, and Biden is promising billions more, none of which will be tracked, and he's been insulting Trump and Vance in the process.  Does he believe he can insult them into giving him what he wants?   He's met with Kamala and she won't give out any information, and if he hasn't already, he's supposed to meet with Trump and Vance.  He's toast if Trump is elected.  

One more thing.  These two wars, Ukraine, and Israel, has now opened the way to the next wave of military planning and strategy.  Drones, and lasers.   That's the future of warfare, and building a bunch of new ships isn't going to change that.  Just as the aircraft carrier ended the battleship phase of naval warfare, drones and lasers will end the aircraft carrier and tank phase of warfare, at least as we've known it.

The open immigration the Biden administration has imposed on the nation is having serious consequences, even the continued existence of the United States, virtually abandoning the Constitution and the rights of Americans in favor of these migrants.  

I've been reporting about Tren de Aragua (TDA), an illegal immigrant gang from Venezuela, all heavily armed, who've taken over apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado, forcing the tenants to give them their rent money, and the government of Colorado not only has done little, they've claimed its all hyperbole.  They're also active in New York and in Texas, but in Texas they don't play that game, and sent in state troopers and arrested with the governor declaring them to be a "foreign terrorist organization."

I've been publishing and linking articles on the scientific fraud of the green movement, and  Global Warming for over 20 years, and since 2007 in P&D.  Those of us who claimed it was all nothing more than Lysenkoian junk science, and green fraud, were vilified and laughed at. Well, time and truth are on the same side.   Polls show the public is ignoring these climate disaster claims, especially since all their predictions are failing to come into being, and it's being openly challenged for the lunacy and corruption it is.   

Jack Hellner notes in his article, Science says the earth’s temperatures are trending cooler—but the talking points and radical policies won’t change, it's all about money and control, not climate. These powerful people promoting this absolutely do not want Trump to be elected.  On the advice of my now passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr, he abandoned the Paris treaty on climate, and he'll do so again if elected, as the schemes these people have put into place will end, and they won't get their money.  But make no mistake, they're just as willing to jump on a cooling trend and claim we're heading into another Ice Age, and claim it's humanities fault, and start demanding we stop____________ (fill in the blank), just as they did in the 1970's.   All in order to save the world! 

The lunatics never stop, and for some time they've been defacing private property, attempting to destroy valuable works of art, and gluing themselves to walls, floors, etc., and I think that's a trend that may end.   Finally there are going to be consequences for their action.  Make sure to see the video, as it's clear they're so proud of themselves, and they clearly don't think much will be done to them.  However, even though it took two years for this to come to a conclusion, in what I would think would should have taken less than a week, the judge informed them there are consequences.  

In October 2022, two women entered the National Gallery in London and threw soup onto a famous Van Gogh painting. They then glued themselves to the wall while ranting about climate change. Video of the incident went viral at the time.

"You think your beliefs entitle you to do anything." That is the paradigm these "activists" operate under. The fact that others have a right to go to work, get to hospitals, and enjoy their lives doesn't register with them. Doomsday cults do not care about other people. They only care about their delusions of grandeur. 

Phoebe Plummer, 23, was sentenced to two years in prison, and Anna Holland, 22, got 20 months.   They're going to find prison isn't a nice place to live, and hopefully that will be a message to the rest of the lunatic green movement.

I so often ask myself; how do such seemingly intelligent and highly educated nitwits get into positions of power and responsibility? Do they really believe the things they say and promote?   For months all we've heard from Secretary of State Blinkin and the Biden administration are demands for a cease fire between Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, and making claims that put the onus on Israel for this war, saying Israel shouldn't fight back, and how Israel has dehumanized and traumatized the poor Palestinians.  You know, the dehumanized and traumatized people who danced in the street at watching Hamas rape and murder innocent civilians and bake a baby alive in an oven.   Oh yeah, they're dehumanized alright, but they did it to themselves, and there are no innocent civilians in Gaza. If crushing Gaza traumatizes them, then I say schadenfreude, they earned it. 

Then we have the U.N. a wretched hive of scum and villainy if there ever was one, saying there must be a cease fire or there will be disaster.  Okay, a disaster for whom?  Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, or Israel?  Well, Israel delivered their answer to their demands.   Israel Takes Out Hezbollah Headquarters.  See what happens when they don't answer their pagers. 

Today I got my usual Saturday economics lesson via e-mail from John Mauldin, today discussing his review of "Martin Gurri’s important book, The Revolt of the Public", discussing historical cycles, which I've always believed in.  The patterns of life play out over and over again, and anyone who reads a lot of history see these patterns.  Those historians who specialize on historical cycles need to get together and create a historical cycles academic discipline because they all have great information, but they don't share the same terminology, making it all very difficult to follow.  But if you can make your eyes roll back into place and slosh you way through, you will get great insights on humanity.  

He discusses what the book's author calls The Fifth Wave "of human communication", which has now become massive beyond belief.  Creating alternative sources of information, and it's now so large it's overwhelming the traditional sources of information, and in fact, becoming the choice of more and more people as they expose the lies the Pravda media has inundated humanity with, and the Dan Rather lies about George Bush's military services was one of the events that helped to make everyone aware of how many lies they told, and their partisanship. 

And the powerful don't like that, as he quotes the author:

“Bloggers, and in general all dabblers in digital communication, are often accused of insulting sacred things: presidents, religion, property rights, even the prerogatives of a democratic majority. They speak when there should be silence and utter what should never be said. They trample on the sanctities, in the judgment of the great hierarchical institutions which for a century and a half have controlled, from the top down, authoritatively, the content of every public conversation. The idea is not that some forbidden opinion or other has been spoken. It is the speaking that is taboo. It’s the alien voice of the amateur, of the ordinary person, of the public, that is an abomination to the ears of established authority.”

Tyrants don't like being exposed for who and what they are, and all this talk from Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Tim Walz, and most certainly Hillary Clinton about taking a hard stand against "misinformation" and "hate speech", is nothing short of government censorship and the elimination of the First Amendment claiming public safety issues.  Make no mistake, misinformation and hate speech will be anything that disputes anything they're promoting, and no one really trusts the Pravda media. 

Take “hate speech,” where the feelings of victims are elevated above the rights of speakers. Does it change the opinion of the speaker? The person towards whom (if any) the speech is directed? Not usually. If the premise is that the government can protect “victims” from hearing speech that offends, where does it stop? Must blacks be protected from discussions of IQ differences based on race? Must whites be protected from being characterized as racist? Facebook recognizes 56 different genders. Are Americans going to be forced to learn all 56 pronouns in order not to hurt anyone’s feelings? As if all of that wasn’t bad enough, COVID and the 2020 election opened a Pandora’s Box of speech restrictions.

So, who are the fascists here?  

Lawfare is backfiring on the Democrats, and it's my belief some are going to jail after this all play out, and it won't be Donald Trump, as this article points out, on appeal these cases are bogus, and the prosecutors and judges will be shown to be corrupt as time goes by.  NY Appeals Court Skeptical of $454 Million Trump Verdict  As this appears to me to be a massive national criminal effort to keep Trump from running, i.e., a RICO scandal that will rise to the top of the leftist hierarchy.  But, we'll see. 

Then there's the spending, and it's clear Speaker Johnson isn't up to the job.  He's been a shill for Senate Democrats on spending and more, but he's not alone in this.  There's still a substantial core of House and Senate Republicans who are in reality Democrats in all but name.  

It's my view the House will have more Republicans, more conservative Republicans, the Senate will go Republican, and Johnson will be toast, I think Jordan has a very real shot at Speaker, McConnell will not be the Republican leader in the Senate, but it all hinges of voter fraud, here, here, here, here, here, and I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, an Investigation Finds Thousands of Dead People on Voter Rolls.  And there's a lot more which I will be following up on in the future, as I have a lot of stuff in my draft file dealing with this.  Does anyone besides me hear the word RICO being uttered?

Today's edition has this Cartoon of the Day, followed by 8 articles of my own, and counting the NY Appeals Court article, 29 by others, and we must never lose sight of the fact, culture is king.

Best wishes, have a great weekend, and remember, warm memories never wear out the welcome in our lives. 

My Commentaries

  1. Amy Wax Is the Rock in the Current!
  2. P&D Geopolitics Edition
  3. Interview With Kamala Harris
  4. Mexico Has No Fix, and We Can't Fix Them!
  5. Where Does Israel Go Now?
  6. Benedict Arnold by Any Other Name, is Still a Traitor
  7. Ohio Senate Race, Part IV
  8. Race Mongers Are Consistent Liars. So Why Are We Shocked When They Race Monger and Lie?


  1. Polls Are Becoming the New Word Salads By Leesa K. Donner
  2. As Voter Fears Rise, Trump Landslide Predictions Start to Emerge By Tim Donner
  3. Critically Thinking about Immigration By John Droz, Jr.
  4. Trump was right: Crime rates went “through the roof” By Joe Fried
  5. Rape is Resistance and Beepers are Genocide By Daniel Greenfield
  6. A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors By Daniel Greenfield
  7. “Kamala Demands a Life of Luxury.”  By Daniel Greenfield
  8. The DOJ’s Abortion Civil Rights Violations  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Are We Now a Radical Socialist Nation? By Robin Itzler
  10. ‘Please listen carefully as our menu has changed’ (satire) By Robin Itzler
  11. All Around the Nation! By Robin Itzler
  12. Will Europe Fall to Sharia Law? By Robin Itzler
  13. Somebody Please Tell Kathy Hochul That The Climate Jig Is Up By Francis Menton
  14. Who Is More Corrupt, Eric Adams Or The Biden-Harris DOJ/FBI? By Francis Menton
  15. Why There Will Never Be A Zero Emissions Electricity System Powered Mainly By Wind And Sun  By Francis Menton
  16. Debunking Hate-and-Envy Tax Policy By Dan Mitchell
  17. What’s the Tipping Point for Too Much Government Debt? By Dan Mitchell
  18. China’s Grim Economic Outlook By Dan Mitchell
  19. Would America Elect another Reagan? By Dan Mitchell
  20. Canada Is Part of the Anti-Convergence Club By Dan Mitchell
  21. France and the 20th Theorem of Government By Dan Mitchell
  22. Kamala Harris Bashes and Bribes US Corporations Andrew Moran
  23. Deep State Stumps for Kamala Harris Because Orange Man Bad By Graham J. Noble
  24. Zelensky Brings Victory Plan to Washington By Dave Patterson
  25. At War’s Doorstep — Israel and Hezbollah By Dave Patterson
  26. Hezbollah Killed by Airstrikes; Well, They Didn’t Answer Their Pagers By Dave Patterson
  27. Absolutely Unsustainable By Rob Pue
  28. On the Ground in Israel By Bert Schlossberg

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Constant as the North Star
You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, well, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!