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Saturday, September 21, 2024

What is the Proper Definition for "Opportunity Economics"? Capitalism!

By Rich Kozlovich

I recently saw a great ad for T-shirts with sayings on them, and one of them said:

"I have DCO. It's like OCD, only it's in alphabetical order as it should be." 

And the first thing I thought to myself was, "I didn't know Kamala worked in advertising."  Sure, that's a snark, but, hey, it defines the value of what she says, and .... let's face it.... who knows what she thinks. 

On September 18, 2024 this article appeared at American Thinker, WTH is an ‘Opportunity Economy’ anyway?, saying:

Directly from the Harris-Walz campaign website, we have this:

As part of her Opportunity Economy agenda, she has put forward a plan to help small businesses and entrepreneurs innovate and grow. She has set an ambitious goal of 25 million new business applications by the end of her first term — over 10 million more than Trump saw during his term. To help achieve this, she will expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from $5,000 to $50,000 and take on the everyday obstacles and red tape that can make it harder to grow a small business. She will drive venture capital to the talent that exists all across our country including in rural areas, and increase the share of federal contract dollars going to small businesses.

The author then goes on to say let's, "take this steaming pile of nonsense one steaming micro-pile at a time", and goes on to deconstruct this idiocy.  

First of all, in spite of the economic central planning government control clabber she's spewing out, there's already a definition for "opportunity economics". It's called capitalism!  And this is an attempt to fool society into believing she's not all about central power and control.  And I wondered if they made that up or did they overhear Hillary saying it, and now it appears the Democrats are running scared, and as a last resort they've decided to embrace ‘Democracy’.

Well, I think that sounds just grand, if only she can answer this question.  Assuming that any of that can be done, why didn't they do any of that over the last four years?  In point of fact, her party and administration's policies are directly responsible for all the economic pain we're now feeling.  There were some cogent comments by American Thinker readers: 

  • An opportunity economy is what trump proposes AND what she would oppose.
  • Every sentence uttered or written by Demoncrats must be parsed and every word defined. They are always vague and misleading to cover up their true intentions. See the "Inflation Reduction Act" for a prime example. As the article points out, there will be many federal strings attached. Kommie-la's Opportunity Economy will only be for their special friends and pets, who will mostly get screwed in the end by a collapsed economy. "Venture capital" will be forcibly taken from ordinary taxpayers, further impoverishing those who are already overtaxed. Another disaster in the making by the DIE Queen. 
  • One of the worst communist take over plans ever is the EID (Engagement, Inclusion, and Diversity) score.  It's a nasty little worm that burrows into capitalism and destroys it from the inside out. It's the very pinnacle of Fascism. The Government doesn't own the means of production it just completely controls it. The Chips ACT, and Green New Deal were just test runs. The Democrats build on success.

On August 16 Kamala came out for price fixing, which is rich since  her  financial committee can’t define ‘price gouging’ — but naturally it should still be banned, and apparently done so with price fixing....." If you gathered together all the “experts” who really have no understanding of anything at all, you’d be looking at the Democrats’ A-team", and that includes their views on every position they've publicly taken.  Incompetence and corruption personified.  What Did 'Broadband Czar' Harris Do With the $40 Billion Appropriated for Internet?

Vice President Kamala Harris is under fire for reportedly mismanaging a $42 billion program to expand the Internet.  In a letter, Republican senators accuse “Broadband Czar” Harris of mirroring her performance as “Border Czar” and failing to deliver promises on delivering broadband to rural areas. Ranking member of the Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) has accused Harris of prioritizing the Biden Administration’s woke agenda to impose its climate change mandates on infrastructure projects, government-owned networks over private investment, mandating the use of unionized labor in states and sought to regulate broadband rates.

Illegal immigration is having a devastating impact on America, financial, culturally, and criminally.  So, what did the Democrats do about it?  Democrats blocked a bill that would deport criminal aliens convicted of sexual offences, which shouldn't have needed in the first place as that should have been standard operating procedure. The bill was needed because the Biden/Harris simply ignored the laws already in existence over immigration.

Kamala thinks it just fine and dandy to let the police search legal gun owners homes, at will.  Both Kamala and Hillary Clinton are outraged so many people are filled with the wrong views, and worse yet, they're “.... directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and it has to stop.”  

And how do they want to do to make that happen? Simple, ignore that silly little document known as the law of the land, the Constitution, and simply arrest and ‘criminally charge’ them for having wrong thinking, and the audacity to publicly criticize the left's fight to "save our democracy". Just like in Hong Kong where protestors are being imprisoned for a 'Seditious' T-Shirt".    

This Is Not The America We Were Promised - The events of the last few years have confirmed that we are no longer a democracy in the sense that we once thought we were – and I know we’re a republic, but follow along with me. The premise of a democracy is that individual citizens can participate in the political process by making their positions known and voting for representatives who they understand will support their views. But those components are under attack here and throughout the West. They are under attack because our garbage elite considers our participation in our own governance to be both morally illegitimate and a practical nuisance. As a result, the elite is doing everything it can to prevent us from participating in our own governance. It’s intent to make us into serfs, disarmed, disenfranchised serfs who obey in silence.....


The simple fact is, it's the Democrats who are the real and visceral threat to democracy.  Leftists cannot be reasoned with and they can't be trusted.  They're like rust, they never stop, and they never sleep, so they must be crushed.  No amount of verbal trickery, such as promoting "opportunity economics", is going to change that. They're like Satan who keeps changing himself into an Angel of Light, but darkness is where they dwell.  Darkness is what they promote.  Darkness is what they deliver. 

 And You Will be Happy! 

Or Else!

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