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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 23, 2024

Benedict Arnold by Any Other Name, is Still a Traitor

By Rich Kozlovich

This piece is predicated on two American thinker articles that appeared today.  First, and I love the verbiage in this piece calling Kamala, "Willie Brown’s fourth-favorite mistress", a "low-I.Q. globalist puppet", " Tipsy Harris", and more.  A lot of chuckles in this J.B. Shurk piece, Dick Cheney Loves KamaLOL!!, saying:

Mainstream news propagandists are busy touting Dick Cheney’s endorsement of KamaLOL Harris and Tim the Walrus as proof that their brand of communism appeals to Americans across party lines.  I don’t know what’s funnier — that Democrats have become Cheney superfans or that they think his opinion holds any sway with conservative voters.  Ol’ Dick is about as popular among regular Republicans as Hillary Clinton is — which is to say, his endorsement is the kiss of death for any candidate unlucky enough to receive it. .....

He goes on to list, and to describe,  all these "Republican/RINO/faux conservatives/Democrats in disguise, as ...... Simps.  I really liked that word, short, sweet, and to the point, and goes on to show the corruption they're supporting, and and that includes Bush.  His analysis of Bush and Chaney doesn't paint a pretty picture.  

It turns out Liz Cheney is really upset at the Republican party,  calling for a third party to replace the Republicans.... well... sort of....kinda.....maybe.  Let's look at this.  

Liz  just can't see how anyone can vote for Republican candidates, because the Republicans support so much that's damaging, like defending the nation's borders, and needs to be reconstituted, as a third party ....maybe....  if someone would just do that for her.  Remarkable. 

“Whether it’s organizing a new party — look, it’s hard for me to see how the Republican Party, given what it has done, can make the argument convincingly or credibly that people ought to vote for Republican candidates until it really recognizes what it’s done,” Ms. Cheney said at the Cap Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wis.

“There is certainly going to be a big shift, I think, in how our politics work,” she continued. “I don’t know exactly what that will look like. I don’t think it will just simply be, well, the Republican Party is going to put up a new slate of candidates and off to the races. I think far too much has happened that’s too damaging.”

A big shift?  A whole new slate of "Republican" candidates?  Well, there already is such a slate. They're called Democrats. So, Liz, good luck with that since it once again confirms you're not the brightest pebble in the brook. 

She failed to realize to form a political party it takes a lot supporters, a lot of donations, and most importantly, a ton of voters, and there just aren't enough Kinzinger, Romney, and Kasich faux conservative nitwit, "RINO, uni-party globalist wing of neo-cons" to make that happen.  And there most certainly would not be enough Democrats who would jump on board to make it happen. 

And while the Democrats have mastered the art of shutting down third parties, according to her, it's the Republicans who are anti-democratic.

The author goes on to show much of the hate directed at Trump, and Trump voters, is nothing more than a personal grudge by the Chaney cabal for winning support from the Republican base who just could no longer stand what the Republican leadership had become.

As you read this article it becomes even more clear there's something wrong with her mind, and that of her father.  The right despises the Chaney's, and the rest of the RINO nitwit brigade, and the left is laughing at all of them for the clownish useful idiots they are.   Totally and unbelievably clueless, and at the end of their lives they may die wealthy, but that's not what they take with them. 

What they'll take with them is the same kind of contempt Benedict Arnold took with him to his grave, even the British officers looked down on him. He was probably the best general the Revolution had, but no one remembers that. They only thing everyone remembers is his treason, that's what they will leave behind for posterity.

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