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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 14, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries 

 By Rich Kozlovich

Well, the Road to Damascus is really filling up, as it looks like we have another convert.  Dershowitz has dropped out of the Democrat party for its blatant antisemitism.  Okay, I get that, but he just now noticed?  That's been going on for years with the Democrats.   The bugman saw that year ago, so if the bugman, who has no skin in that game could see that, how could Dershowitz, who has skin in that game, not see it? 

What about all the other vile stuff they've been promoting for all of his life?   It must be assumed he supported all of their vile schemes and goals, or perhaps he just never noticed any of that also?  Amazing!  Well, this epiphany doesn't make up for all the damage he's supported for all these years, and at his age, he won't have to wait long to answer for it.   

As I reported in last week's P&D, there's a sort of a reverse Road to Damascus epiphany for the Chaney's.  They're on board with voting for Kamala Harris because Trump is so dangerous to democracy he must not be allowed to get elected.  Okay, so, what's that conversion mean? 
It means they now are in total support of federally mandated abortion on demand,  antisemitism, Islamic conversion of America, higher prices for all the essentials, higher energy costs, higher taxes, outrageous theft by the federal government on "unrealized capital gains", more regulations, more spending, more debt, more government bureaucracy, mass unrestricted illegal immigration, including paying for gender altering surgery for illegal aliens, the end of all restrictions on illegal drugs, including fentanyl, and less freedom. 
But it's Trump, not Kamala, who is so dangerous to democracy he must be stopped at all costs according to the warped minds of the Chaney's!  They have no shame, and are a disgrace, they could care less the effect of their their ignorant/arrogant choice would do to America.  The right now despises them, the left is laughing at them, and the rest of the world could care less what they think.  
 These RINO's claim supporting Kamala will save the Republican party, as a "moderate" Democrat is better than Trump.  Kamala is a moderate?    What in the world passes for brains with these people?  They can't possibly believe that.  Amazing, it wasn't long ago they were calling her a radical left wing nitwit.  I have to believe they've been reaping financial rewards having the federal government structured as it is, and it's destroying America, but they don't want that faucet turned off and they fear that's what Trump will do, otherwise, that kind of thinking is insane.   Actually, it's not only insane, it's treasonous, because if the Obama cabal continues in power, there will be no America.
At the end of their lives they may be financially well off, but when you're despised by the descent people you betrayed, that's what you take to the grave with you, not the money.  Just like Benedict Arnold, probably the best and most successful general the Revolution had, but no one remembers that, nor do they care.  They only remember the betrayal.  Americans despised him, and the Brits we're ashamed of him.   That's what he took to his grave.  
Today I'm offering ten commentaries of my own, and I worked for hours on the abortion article, so I hope it resonates, as that's an issue I'm most passionate about, and I think I've presented rational arguments against it based on a solid moral foundation and facts.  There are also twenty four commentaries by others I think you will find thought provoking, and the four permanent links. 

Quote of the Day - Corruption is the offspring of power, and if that power goes unchecked, then the true child of power emerges, tyranny!  Rich Kozlovich

My Commentaries

  1. Abortion Is the Murder of The Innocent Unborn
  2. Debate Aftermath
  3. The Woman In Office Says She Will Fix Things If You Vote Her Into Office
  4. Aurora, Colorado: Who Will Answer?
  5. Debates Matter, or Maybe Not?
  6. What More Do You Really Need to Know About Islam?
  7. The Plague of Preconceptualism!
  8. You Don't Despise the Corrupt Pravda Media Nearly as Much as They Deserve
  9. Into the Maelstrom
  10. News and Views


  1. What Conservatives Are Saying About the Trump/Harris Debate By Leesa K. Donner
  2. Tim Walz and the Left’s New Masculinity By Tim Donner
  3. Why the US K-12 Education System is Failing By John Droz, Jr.
  4. Trump Needs an extra 3 percent to win in Pennsylvania By Joe Fried
  5. It's Not Over  Daniel Greenfield
  6. An Iron Curtain is Descending On Us  Daniel Greenfield
  7. Gov. Walz’s Legacy is That Majority of Students Can No Longer Read  Daniel Greenfield
  8. Trump Sentencing Delayed, But...... By Robin Itzler
  9. May the Force of Woke Be With You! By Robin Itzler
  10. Afghan Withdrawl: 13 Gold Star Families Remember By Robin Itzler
  11. Are We Now A Radical Socialist Nation?  By Robin Itzler
  12. Marxist Democrat Kamala Harris By Robin Itzler
  13. Islam’s Centuries-Old War Against Christianity: France on the Brink of Collapse  By Amy Mek
  14. In Germany, The Energy Transition Situation Only Gets Worse By Francis Menton
  15. Tax-Motivated Domestic Migration By Dan Mitchell
  16. Census Bureau Income Data: Four Years, No Progress By Dan Mitchell
  17. Grading Draghi’s Competitiveness Report: A Dismal D By Dan Mitchell
  18. The IRS Magic-Money Tree Bears Little Fruit By Dan Mitchell
  19. The 2024 IEF: Two Cheers for Western Civilization By Dan Mitchell
  20. Rent Control: Learning from Argentina and the Netherlands By Dan Mitchell
  21. Tracking the Never-Trump Republican By Graham J. Noble
  22. It’s Groundhog Day in DC as Another Government Shutdown Looms By Graham J. Noble
  23. Willful Blindness’ Describes Disastrous Afghanistan Retreat By Dave Patterson
  24. Billionaire Ballmer Blurts Out to Jon Stewart: Wind Turbines Destroy Habitats By Craig Rucker

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!


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