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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Into the Maelstrom

By Rich Kozlovich 

 The BIGGEST Whirlpools Of All Time - YouTube

A maelstrom in the real world is a destructive whirlpool that draws everything into it.   Societal maelstroms are also real. They are destructive whirlpools of confusion and violence, and that's where western civilization is heading. 

Daniel Greenfield is one of the best writers in America today, and he graciously allows me to publish any article he posts on his Sultan Knish Blog, to which I recommend everyone subscribe, it's free.

Today I posted this piece, An Iron Curtain is Descending On Us, where he outlines and defines what's actually happening before our very eyes saying: 

Over the last five years, American, British, Canadian and Brazilian governments unleashed unprecedented waves of repression against political opponents using martial law, military occupations of major cities, government censorship of the internet, nationwide manhunts, televised raids and extended detentions without trial. Most of those arrested were guilty of political speech and protests generally far less violent than leftist riots by regime supporters.

 He goes on to outline events where left wing and/or Muslim rioters are treated with kid gloves and those who are exercising their legitimate rights to protest are terrorized, criminalized, and crushed under the heal of treasonous regimes "to save democracy". 

If there ever was a more concise, clearer article defining what's befalling western civilization published before this, I've not seen it.  Here's the link to the original, pass it along

This is an article that needs the broadest distribution possible. The world's western culture and nations are at war with Islam, and themselves. Western Europe is lost, and it's not coming back. Eastern Europe may survive for a while, but with the collapse of the EU in the very near future, that will be hard to see, however that may trigger a convergence of Eastern Europe and Russia as the solution for them to just survive against Europe's Islamic invasion. 

According to historians who write about historical cycles we're now at the end of one of those cycles, and all end cycles are violent, and economically disastrous.

We're heading into the maelstrom, and spewing out all the this "Islamophobia" horsepucky that's being spread around by so many in the west is nothing more than  a weapon to silence Europeans and compel them to accept a cultural invasion that threatens the very fabric of their societies".  This is the kind of insanity that's driving us into the maelstrom of cultural disaster.   

Western Europe is lost, and it's not coming back. Eastern Europe may survive, but with EU's collapse on the near horizon, that may not be possible, and who knows, it may even trigger a convergence between Eastern Europe and Russia in order to just survive against all the jihad insanity, as even Russia at some point is going to have problems with their Muslim population. 

France is being burnt down, and as a result of Islam’s centuries old war against Christianity, France on the brink of collapse:

France stands at the precipice, as Islam’s 14-century war against Christianity now threatens to unravel the very foundations of Western civilization—through force, deception, and demographic conquest, the final battle for Europe’s soul is at hand. Islam’s war against Christianity is not a new phenomenon. It is a war that has spanned 14 centuries—a relentless campaign driven by religious conquest with the end goal of subjugating Christians and all non-Muslims under sharia (Islamic law). 

The world, mainly Europe—and France in particular—has yet to truly grasp the magnitude of this war despite its own history of defending itself against Islam, as exemplified by Charles Martel. For centuries, Muslims have employed force, deceit, and cunning strategies to impose their will. The West, blinded by political correctness and moral relativism, refuses to see this war for what it is: an existential threat to the very fabric of its civilization.

Muslim violence is a plague in France, and for that matter, anywhere Muslims are dominant, violence follows like Sancho Panza followed Don Quixote, a mad man.  Leftist insanity has flooded Europe with Muslim fanatics and even the German police are now.... finally.... publicly saying because of this Muslim invasion, Germany is not longer safe!  In Switzerland a Green Party leader who just  happens to be Muslim passes her time by taking target practice shooting at a large picture of Mary and Baby Jesus.  She was so proud of her accuracy, she posted photos of it on Instagram.  

Now Germany is deporting Afghans, and they're "considering" deporting migrants to Rwanda, but that's not anywhere near a strong enough a response to save Germany.  One school in Belgium has made Arabic mandatory.   Two Moroccan migrants raped a young man and made him scream, "Long Live Morocco."  I wonder if he had to say it in Arabic?  There's a mixed bag on what's to happen to these two pieces of trash, but make no mistake, any punishment, if any, will be light.

When did they lose their sanity?  Muslims don't want to integrate, and these foolish people are supporting that mentality, which is suicidal for Europe.  Multicultural Europe is a disaster, worse than the Titanic, and the "leaders" of these western nations have been deliberately, and insanely, driving Europe into the iceberg. 

In America an army of '30,000+ Muslims' march through the streets of "Dearborn, Michigan, led by a radical Imam, reveals the unchecked spread of Sharia, the alarming alliance between local authorities and radical elements, and the growing threat of Islamic supremacism, all under the guise of a so-called ‘peace’ rally on American soil."  This isn't any kind of religious celebration, nor it is about peace, it's a threat, and it's a deliberate threat to America, and their concept of peace is everyone bows down to Allah..... or else!

We're facing a suicidal whirlpool of destruction, and the leaders of these ships of state are deliberately being steered directly into the maelstrom.  We really do need to get that.


  1. Angela Merkel started the destruction of Europe by importing immigrants for work Germans did not want to do. It became uncontrollable quickly and she used her country as a pass-through for illegal immigrants to Europe. The fall of Europe lies on her head and should be engraved on her gravestone. Don Quixote was not a madman, he was an unrealistic idealist with a kind heart.

    1. Thanks for your interest, and I certainly agree that Merkel has a lot to answer for.

      As for Don Quixote, it's true he was a kind hearted idealist, but that unbounded idealism made him mad. It didn't make him bad, but it follows so many things leftists promote, appealing to the kind hearted but foolish and ignorant in society, and it all leads to madness, followed by all that's bad for humanity.
