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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Debate With Donald Trump and The Three Amigos

You have to vote for me even if you don’t like me, even if you’re someone who can’t stand me or someone who hates my guts. You have to vote for me because Kamala is so bad and not an alternative.” —President Donald Trump; townhall with Sean Hannity—Sept. 4, 2024 

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK  

By now you’ve read many September 10 debate critiques. In our view, it was a lesson in obscene communist journalism with three Democrats debating one Republican. The two ABC moderators did such a great job on Kamala Harris’ behalf, that Harris could have stayed home. Moderators repeatedly only fact checked President Trump. They repeatedly asked questions that benefited Harris. Several times they left Harris’ mic on when Trump spoke. There were also occasions when President Trump missed opportunities to go after Harris on her failing, flip-flopping policies. But he forcefully went after the policy-challenged Harris on illegal immigration and the economy, specifically inflation. Trump gave a fantastic close!

More than 67 MILLION people watched the debate; however, the number is much higher since ABC’s figure does not include streaming and those who watched the event on other networks.

These were comments made during or immediately following the debate that proved ABC is the media arm of the Democrat National Committee:

Juanita Broaddrick; X/Twitter David Muir: This is a historic night. Yes, David, we know. That threesome with Kamala was really something.

Megyn Kelly, conservative podcast host; X/Twitter “Must be so nice to have the moderators running cover for you as a candidate. Makes it so much easier. The absolute gall of ABC to keep “fact checking” ONLY Trump while letting her lie in every answer is infuriating. Why did the moderators need Kamala Harris there at all? The pile-on against Trump is so bad and so obvious this will backfire.”

Hugh Hewitt, conservative radio host; X/Twitter “I really did not believe that ABC would do this, but they decided to throw in with Harris, 100%. Just amazing.”

Emerald Robinson, former One America News host; X/Twitter “Last night’s debate between President Trump and Democrat presidential nominee David Muir at ABC News was very strange because there was an Indian woman from Canada standing on the stage the entire time.”

Catherine Salgado, “Yes, Trump Really Did Do Better Than Kamala in the Debate”; PJ Media “The first presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris has ended. While there were some inevitable disappointments and lost opportunities, I am here to assure you that, yes, Trump definitely performed better overall than Harris did, in spite of the egregiously biased moderators. “Trump was working under a handicap, because the debate moderators — most particularly Trump-hating, Harris-loving David Muir — were as eager to undermine him as Harris was, meaning Trump was essentially debating three people at once. But he hit almost every major point he should have hit, he absolutely hammered Kamala on the border crisis and the disastrous economy (voters’ top issues), and he came off most of the time as calm and confident, whereas Harris was sneering, giggly, and unlikable.”

Bill Ackman, hedge fund manager, Democrat who has endorsed Trump; X/Twitter “The world is in flames because of the weak leadership and failed foreign policy of the Biden-Harris administration. Incredible that Harris calls Trump weak. Compare the effective deterrence of Trump’s first term’s foreign policy with no new wars with Biden’s infamous ‘Don’t.’ ‘Don’t’ has only induced our enemies to attack our allies, and that is prima facie evidence of the failure of Biden-Harris’s foreign policy. And that’s before we discuss the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Independent supporting Trump; Newsmax “The moderators were clearly biased. They were constantly fact checking Donald Trump but none of these whoppers that the Vice President was saying and her failure to answer that first question. That critical first question. They simply sat there on the sidelines.”

Brit Hume, Fox News contributor; X/Twitter “Because nothing says neutral in a debate moderator like ‘delivering confrontational ripostes.’”

Bill O’Reilly, conservative podcaster, formerly on Fox News; X/Twitter “ABC questions are skewed left. Abortion, Climate Change, January 6. 2020 election, Obamacare. No inflation stats, border stats, social disorder, drug OD’s. Questions much more confrontational to Trump.”

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor; former presidential candidate; X/Twitter “Credit ABC for one thing. They have won in a contest for worst execution of a Presidential debate…ever. CNN actually did a credible job of the Trump/Biden debate. ABC really soiled their britches tonight. The network of Peter Jennings and Barbara Walters is now a cartoon network.”

Jack Posobiec, conservative; Truth Social “This wasn’t a debate. This was a textbook Maoist struggle session.”

Matt Walsh, political activist and author; X/Twitter “My debate analysis won’t make anyone happy. I think Kamala was weak and nervous, especially early. She came off as phony and rehearsed the rest of the way. But Trump missed a lot of opportunities to land a blow, rambled too much, and took the bait repeatedly throughout. I don’t think this debate moves the needle much for either candidate.”

Babylon Bee – satire (but often very close to the truth) “Moderators call time out during debate to huddle and discuss strategy with Kamala.”

Glenn Greenwald, independent journalist; X/Twitter “David Muir is criticizing and attacking Trump more than Kamala is. Kamala can relax because the ABC "moderators" are handling the debate for her.”

President Donald Trump; Truth Social “I thought it was my best debate ever especially since it was THREE ON ONE.”

Rogan O'Handley aka DC_Draino, conservative; Truth Social “Trump gave a phenomenal closing statement. ‘If Kamala was going to save America, then why didn’t she do it the past four years?’”

Bob Hoge, conservative commentator and writer; closing Red State/Townhall Media live blog “It wasn't the knockout we hoped for, but ABC delivered one of the most shameless, biased performances in history. And that's saying something.”

Laura Ingraham, Fox News host; X/Twitter “If she’s asking for another debate, they don’t think she won this debate. They would be saying, ‘mic drop, we’re done.’ They don’t think that she’s in a position right now to win this race.”

Charlie Kirk, Turning Point Founder; X/Twitter “You don’t get done with a debate and instantly request another unless you know you didn’t get what you needed. They see their internals and know they didn’t get a kill shot. This is not how a winning campaign acts. It’s how a losing campaign acts if they want people to think they’re winning.”

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