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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trump Sentencing Delayed, But......

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

Trump's sentencing bywas originally scheduled for July 11, but then delayed to September 18 following the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity, Judge Merchan now changed the sentencing to November 26. Marxist-Democrats are disappointed. They had wanted to shout, “Trump is a convicted felon!”

Did Marxist-Democrats want to brew a civil war-like situation so they could declare martial law and start arresting people? We had reached out to various authors and columnists for their view on the situation and what Patriots should do/not do, had Trump been sentenced to prison on September 18 for a “bookkeeping error” that no other politician has ever received prison time for. 

Al Bienenfeld Contributing Columnist, American Thinker: Your first instinct is correct. They want violence to continue to portray Trump voters as insurrectionists. Just more J-6ers. 

They believe we are as stupid as their base of trash (think James Carville and Whoopi Goldberg) voters. Combine that with the image of a man running for President sentenced to prison for an unnamed crime, and they think they have fixed an electoral outcome. 

Judge Merchan’s instructions to the jury was that they do not have to agree on a crime, just think one was committed. They are going to go crazy when it fails. 

I will attend a protest and send more money. To date I have contributed $350.00 over more than a year. The last contribution was for $100.00 after the fraudulent conviction. I will do so again on sentencing day as part of a symbolic effort to appeal to the rational people out there and hopefully attract the attention of the Supreme Court. 

They must rule on this immediately. To press for this, we need massive protests and a massive financial message of support for our guy. They will do as they did on J-6 and send professional agitators to as many events as possible. This is their standard operating procedure. We must be vigilant. 

Read “Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart the Secret Service, PA State Police and Butler LEO” by Al Bienenfeld

Comrade Harris Campaigning in Blue States

On the DEMOCRAT side:

The presidential race is not what the MSM wants you to think it is. Otherwise, Comrade Kamala Harris would not have campaigned last week in NEW HAMPSHIRE, a solid blue state with only four electoral votes. She would be in a swing state where the race is very close (all within the margin of error) or she would be in large blue states that have double-digit electoral votes. 

Instead, she was in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The Harris campaign had to BUS in attendees from neighboring Massachusetts.   

Antisemitic Kamala Harris has appointed antisemitic Brenda Abdelall, an Egyptian American lawyer and former Department of Homeland Security official, to bring Arabs to the Democrat party. 

The people who know Tim Walz best—Minnesotans—do not particularly like him. A recent KSTP/SurveyUSA poll found that of Minnesota voters: = 12 percent say Walz is a fair choice = 34 percent say Walz is a poor pick = 50 percent of men oppose him; 40 percent of the 50 percent called Walz a poor choice of a running mate.

On the REPUBLICAN side

The Walz family of Nebraska supports Donald Trump. They intimately know how horrible Tim Walz is and are warning Americans. (We wonder if they also warned Minnesotans about electing Walz governor.) 

President Trump met in Nebraska with the Walz family that has endorsed him.

 On August 12, 2020, Liz Cheney posted on X/Twitter: “Kamala Harris is a radical liberal and supports dangerous policies that would devastate millions of Americans.  On September 5, 2024 in North Carolina, Liz Cheney said: 

“...And as a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this. And because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I am voting for Kamala Harris." 

Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance’s reaction to despicable Liz Cheney endorsing Comrade Harris:

“This is a person [Cheney] whose entire career has been about sending other people’s children off to fight and die for her military conflicts and her ridiculous ideas that somehow, we’re going to turn Afghanistan, a country that doesn’t even have running water in a lot of places, into a thriving literal democracy. And, for that, Liz Cheney was willing to kill thousands of your children.”

On the INDEPENDENT side:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been allowed to remove his name on the ballot in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas. However, attempts to remove his name in Wisconsin has been unsuccessful. 

In his MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN quest, RFK will be holding rallies with President Trump and/or Trump surrogates. Expect enthusiastic long lines at these events, too. Speaking to the media (which neither Harris or Walz will do), RFK said: 

“So, I will be doing rallies in each of those states over the next 61 days. We want to, if we’re going to accomplish the mission that I set out to accomplish when I got into this campaign — end the censorship, end the surveillance, to get out of the Ukraine war and unravel the war machine and the chronic disease epidemic — the only way to do that is to get President Trump in the White House and me into Washington. So we’re going to pull out all the stops to make sure that happens,” 

As Trump has frequently told supporters, he currently heads the MAGA movement; but that movement is for all of us! 

Do NOT get hooked on polling data from even supposed reliable people or organizations. For instance, Nate Silver is frequently viewed as a pollster to follow. The same Nate Silver who in 2016, consistently had Hillary Clinton as the favorite to win the presidency. 

As to 2024, if we can make it “too big to rig” by “swamping the vote,” we believe victory is within reach! 

Read “A Memo to Donald Trump Before the Debate” by Arnold Steinberg

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