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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, September 20, 2024

Assassination Attacks Against Trump Started with Obama

Barry struck the match that lit the fire 

America was ready for a black president, except we needed someone like Thomas Sowell, not the grifter Barack Obama. Instead of the cream of the crop as our leader, we got the dregs.

Obama ran on a campaign of “Hope and Change” and middle-class Americans thought he meant them. Wrong. He meant the elites and the lower classes who were satisfied with getting an Obama phone.

People mistakenly assumed that a black president would erase any racial lines still existing, although the country was already on solid ground. As we have all since learned, Obama is the most divisive president in the history of this country.

He is a thin-skinned arrogant fraud, a twenty-first-century snake oil salesman. Hillary Clinton stole $200,000 in furniture and china when the Clintons left the White House, but she was made to return the goods or pay for what she kept. I thought no one could be more greedy than her, but I was wrong.

Obama spent whatever he wanted, especially on his three-week Christmas vacations to Hawaii each year.  He took along Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, Valerie Jarrett (both who lived with the Obama’s at taxpayer expense), the Nesbitts (suspected to be the real parents of Malia and Sasha) and even Eric Holder and his wife, among others. Notice Obama doesn’t go as often now that he has to pay his way and the people there are not as welcoming as before.

The expense for Secret Service agents was so high during Obama’s eight years in office, according to a reliable source, that part of the cost went into the military budget, which, by the way, has never passed an audit.

Obama showed how low class he was at the 2011 Correspondent’s Dinner when he thought it clever to insult attendee Donald Trump. Speculation is that was when Trump decided to run for president.

Obama brought up his birth certificate issue at the event. Originally Obama’s public relations firm Distal & Goderich issued the following:

When Obama decided to run for president, he had to be a “natural born citizen” as required by the Constitution. He then claimed he was born in Hawaii, not Kenya, but he could not produce a birth certificate to prove it. His purported rush to Hawaii in late October 2007 to see his dying grandmother was actually to meet with the Hawaii Board of Elections because they were refusing to put his name on the ballot because he could not produce a birth certificate. Why didn’t someone get one at the HI Board of Health? Because none existed.

An accommodation was made to get him on their ballot by changing the language of the official Certification of Nomination to remove the part that said he qualified under the Constitution (emphasis added) to he was ‘legally qualified to serve….”  

Editor's note:  There's a picture here I can't properly reproduce. Go to the original article to see it. RK

It was a blatant violation of our Constitution.

Obama was a lazy, mediocre Illinois state senator who voted “present” 129 times, a deliberate act of non-voting which shows he couldn’t figure out how to vote. That became an issue in his 2008 presidential campaign. As a senator “Obama ranked as the first, tenth, or sixteenth most liberal member of the Senate, depending on the year.”

 During his campaign, no media seriously questioned his twenty years of attendance at church services of the anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright or the execution-style murder on December 23, 2007, of Donald Young prior to Obama’s 2008 campaign. Young, the gay choirmaster at Wright’s church, was rumored to be Obama’s boyfriend.

Obama was a dangerous fraud beginning on his inauguration day when he insisted on always having a Blackberry with him, to the chagrin of the National Service Agency. No doubt it was accompanied by an earwig.

He was sworn into a job he was unqualified to do but others, knowing he was an illegitimate candidate, knew how to cover for him.

He immediately squandered tax money by convincing corrupt politicians to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 costing $787 billion, which was the largest anti-recession spending package since WWII. Bush had just passed the TARP bill of $475 billion in October 2007. But Obama was new and people still trusted him.

His eight-year mission became one of entertaining rappers at expensive White House parties and telling blacks how they were mistreated for four hundred years. He was successful on both fronts. Race relations faltered and have declined to an untenable state. Things are now worse than where they were in 1960s.

His poll numbers were so low in 2011 that he had to manufacture the assassination of Osama bin Laden who had been dead for ten years. He then rode that slogan back into the White House for another four destructive years. He was an illegitimate candidate with a stolen Connecticut social security number and he politically weaponized the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and IRS against honest citizens.

He continues to promote hate against white people as he stumps for the simple-minded Kamala Harris, throwing gas on the fire and on Donald Trump in particular. When Trump was in office we were fighting no wars, had a soaring economy, a stronger military, worldwide respect, oil reserves, affordable food, cheaper gas and utilities, and a flourishing country.

In American Greatness Victor Davis Hanson said that Harris’s current advisor David Plouffe years ago warned the nation that “it is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”

Just last year, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) claimed that Trump “is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated.” Obama never found fault with what either said. Why isn’t Goldman in jail or Biden for saying that Trump needed a bull’s eye on him?                                         

What we do have is the man-child Barack Obama in the background sticking his thumb in everyone’s eye and stoking the fires.

Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of
The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

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