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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 26, 2024

Thought For the Day

By Rich Kozlovich

So often I will post a draft on some subject or the other expecting to publish it in the next day or so, or sitting in queue waiting to use it to enhance some issue I'm writing or posting about..... and they get lost.   So, here are five of my lost "Thoughts for the Day". 

1.  Please enjoy this video.  A Story Worth Repeating!  I would say this was a life well lived. 

 "Sir Nicholas George Winton MBE (born Wertheim; 19 May 1909 – 1 July 2015) was a British banker and humanitarian who established an organisation to rescue children at risk from Nazi Germany. Born to German-Jewish parents who had emigrated to Britain at the beginning of the 20th century, Winton supervised the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II. Winton found homes for the children and arranged for their safe passage to Britain.[1] This operation was later known as the Czech Kindertransport (German for "children's transport")."

"His work went unnoticed by the world for nearly 50 years, until 1988 when he was invited to the BBC television programme That's Life!, where he was reunited with several of the children he had saved. The British press celebrated him and dubbed him the "British Schindler". In 2003, Winton was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for "services to humanity, in saving Jewish children from Nazi Germany occupied Czechoslovakia".[3] On 28 October 2014, he was awarded the highest honour of the Czech Republic, the Order of the White Lion (1st class), by Czech President Miloš Zeman. He died in his sleep, in 2015, at the age of 106"

2.   "An unimportant leftist, Liz Cheney plays the part of a principled martyr. But what are her principles? She claims to be for the Constitution. But by attacking Donald Trump, who upheld the Constitution, she enables and implicitly supports the tyrants who now seek to obliterate it. She is the tyrants’ best friend. Why are we talking about her? She is so unimportant–and so tragically commonplace."  Dr. Michael Hurd 

3.  Corporations don’t make blacks attack whites. Greedy CEOs aren’t behind black anti-white hatred. “Capitalism” doesn’t make blacks and Hispanics more psychopathic and less intelligent, than whites.

My Take - But they sure support those who do. RK

4.  This was sent to me via e-mail.  I have no idea who originated it. RK

I watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes, for the death of a black man named George Floyd.

  • I have never seen them kneel for a fallen Police Officer.
  • I have never seen them kneel for a fallen Soldier. 
  • I have never seen them kneel for a murdered white man or woman.
  • I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of black-on-black murder victims nationwide or locally in Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan. 
  • I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of elderly people that died in nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.(Especially N.Y.) 
  • I have to ask: WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else? 

In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting, murder, and mayhem in communities Nationwide.

Ask yourself: Why now? 

The family (brothers and sister) of George Floyd opened a Go Fund Me account to "help the family"? It has already raised   $14,455,100.00 (Not the mention the $27 Mil. from Minneapolis) and still counting from donations as of June 22, 2020. Yes, almost $14 1/2 MILLION. This is for a guy who was arrested NINE times; was a convicted drug dealer (and at a drug deal the day he died); held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant lady while his five buddies robbed her home; did prison time three different times totaling about eight years, and obviously didn't learn from our penal system. And America is memorializing him by painting murals of the guy on the sides of buildings like he's a hero? Unbelievable!! 
You got to be kidding me.  Crime does pay! .....and to pour salt in the wound, Rep. Pelosi (democrat) presented his brother a folded American flag flown over the Capitol in his honor in a beautiful tri-cornered presentation case.
Are you throwing up yet? 

5.  Leftists do not care about others. They care about being SEEN as caring about others. Their fixation on putting “transgenders” on beer cans and swimsuit Sports Illustrated covers does not show they care for others. It simply shows that they wish to be SEEN as progressive and innovative. Obviously, they don’t know how to actually BE progressive and innovative. If they did know how, they would not choose such bizarre, self-refuting methods for attempting to show that they are. When an individual fixates on trying to prove what he isn’t through distorted, self-congratulatory and reality-busting hallucinatory outbursts, running around and screaming about the alleged superiority of less than 1 percent of the population who consider themselves both male and female — and neither — at the same time, you would dismiss such a person as out of his mind. When the entire infrastructure of a culture goes down this road, you have no choice but to wonder if the fall of civilization as we know it is precariously close.  - Dr. Michael Hurd

The Joe Biden Bait and Switch

That’s a funny concept of democracy.

by | Jul 25, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags: Articles, Opinion, Politics

In his first public address since deciding not to run for re-election, Joe Biden treated the nation to a speech that was as full of contradictions as it was disingenuousness. Speaking from the Oval Office, the president tried to put to rest the mounting queries regarding his sudden decision to step aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris. But what he delivered were more questions than answers.

Teleprompter Diplomacy

“In recent weeks, it has become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor,” Biden began. “Nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”

If those words had been offered prior to this year’s presidential primary contest, where more than 16 million people sought to have their say over the Democratic Party contender, they would likely have been well-received. Now, however, several months late and 100 million dollars in donations short, they ring hollow.

On the topic of why he decided not to run, no mention was made of his disastrous debate performance, his flagging poll numbers in the crucial battleground states, nor his evident cognitive difficulties. Instead, he spoke of VP Harris’ anointment:

“I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It’s the best way to unite our nation. I know there was a time and a place for long years of experience in public life. There’s also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is now.”

Apparently, the last year of soundbites claiming that Biden’s age was irrelevant have gone the way of the memory hole; in its place is the now-firm belief that it’s time for a younger voice to take the party megaphone. Why was this not true before the primary contest?

A Funny Type of Democracy

The president added an oratory flourish with all the makings of a Kamala Harris campaign slogan. He said:

“The great thing about America is, here kings and dictators do not rule — the people do. History is in your hands. The power’s in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. You just have to keep faith — keep the faith — and remember who we are.”

In whose hands? — not in those of the 16 million disenfranchised Democrat primary voters, naturally, but rather in the palms of the now-unbound delegates who will determine the party’s next contender without the input of the states from which they hail. It’s a funny type of democracy, made especially ironic by how members of Mr. Biden’s party clearly pressured him to stand aside.

Biden Fit for Service?

Biden insisted that he would not be stepping down from the presidency and that he would continue in office for the next six months, focusing on his Cancer Moon Shot, Supreme Court reform, and “working to end the war in Gaza.”

The question of whether Joe Biden can maintain his duties is one that sparks a whole host of concerns – some of which delve into the conspiratorial realms, others which are valid concerns regarding who is ultimately running the country. Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents concluded with the notion that charges would not be brought because – in Hur’s opinion – the jury would find him to be a well-meaning, forgetful elderly man. Hardly a ringing endorsement of competence.

And what about those who work with the president every day? Did they not witness his deterioration? Was the debate debacle a real surprise to them? Yet, the very people who united in forcing Mr. Biden to halt his campaign are now the ones with the unenviable task of explaining why he shouldn’t be removed from office. After all, six months is a long time to have the nuclear codes if one is too impaired to run a political campaign.

Where’s the Answer, Joe?

For the good of democracy is not a satisfying answer as to why the president collapsed his re-election campaign. Considering that the party will run roughshod over its primary supporters to crown Kamala Harris in a virtual roll call before the almost 4,000 delegates can gather in Chicago this August, it is also not a convincing one.

The Fourth Estate will not be demanding details on the process of Biden’s removal and has indeed already begun the process of canonizing the 46th president as a “heroic” figure. Party leaders in Congress have all fallen in line behind Harris in what appears to be the hope that they can avoid being throttled out of office through the entanglement of Joe Biden’s political coattails. Meaning, the only person who could have provided a clear answer was Biden himself. He chose not to.

“The cause of the nation is larger than any one of us,” he said. And that has always been true. The question demanding an answer is whether this concept holds true when it comes to a party so desperate to cling to political power, it suspends the very notion it claims to champion.

Read More From Mark Angelides

Federal Reserve Printing Press Running Wild Again

Eccles Building accelerates the money supply ahead of rate cuts.

by | Jul 25, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags: Articles, Business News, Opinion

Netanyahu Defends America Before Congress

Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had come to D.C. to defend Israel’s war against Islamic terrorists, instead he ended up defending America in a city and Congress overrun with them.

Marxist and Jihadist mobs prowled the streets of D.C., tearing down and burning American flags, and putting up the terrorist flags of the PLO in their place. Hamas supporters openly waved the green flag of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization and even the black ‘battle flag’ used by ISIS and other Jihadists made an appearance in the capital of the United States.

The Columbus fountain outside Union Station was vandalized with the red triangles supporting Islamic terrorist attacks and “Hamas is Coming”. “Long live the intifada” was scrawled on the Freedom Bell. A courageous lone individual rushed to save an American flag being burned by a mob shouting “Allahu Akbar” which quickly gave chase. The Capitol Police, formerly so beloved by Democrats and media, battled more of the red-shirted radical thugs with no support.

“Allahu Akbar! Hamas!” a Muslim protester shouted. “We’re gonna kill all the Jews.”

Then in a few hours the insurrectionist mob that assaulted Capitol Police officers was set loose.

The message from the Biden administration and Democrats was once again that terrorist mobs could freely vandalize landmarks, threaten members of Congress and assault Capitol Police.

The White House offered no specific condemnation of the anti-American violence. Rep. Pelosi and many top Democrats instead blasted Netanyahu for refusing to surrender to Hamas. None of them spoke out against the hatred not only for Israel, but for the United States of America, for the calls to murder Jews and the chants for the destruction of America.

Inside the situation was no better. Kamala Harris, Rep. Nancy Pelosi and many top Democrats had decided to boycott Netanyahu’s speech. Those who attended offered little applause and sat scowling through much of the bipartisan address. A few behaved disruptively including Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a longtime terrorist supporter, who held up a protest sign during the speech.

It fell to Netanyahu to condemn the mobs who “burned American flags even on the fourth of July. And I wish to salute the fraternity brothers of the University of North Carolina who protected the American flag against these anti-Israel protesters.” Followed by chants of “USA, USA.”

It would not be the first or last time that chants of “USA” were heard during the address.

Netanyahu’s speech often sounded like a State of the Union address that no one was around to give anymore, praising America as “the guardian of Western civilization”, and urging that “for the forces of civilization to triumph, America and Israel must stand together.” He invoked Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and condemned the failures of colleges to teach basic values.

Netanyahu described clarity as “knowing the difference between good and evil.” He denounced those protesters who “stand with evil, they stand with rapists and murderers” who found babies hidden in an attic and murdered them. While Speaker Mike Johnson stood up to applaud, the ranking Democrat, Sen. Ben Cardin applauded lightly but remained seated .

“Some of these protesters hold up signs saying: ‘Gays for Gaza’ they might as well hold signs saying ‘Chickens for KFC’”, Netanyahu said. Cardin did not applaud that one. Few Dems did.

With rescued hostages and hostage families in attendance, he described the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 when “these monsters raped women, beheaded men, burned babies alive, they killed parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents, they dragged 255 people, both living and dead, into to the dark dungeons of Gaza.”

Meanwhile Rep. Jerry Nadler boasted that he was “trolling” Netanyahu by reading a book.

“We also have families with American hostages here,” Netanyahu said, while Kamala was off attending a sorority event, and some 70 Democrats were officially boycotting the speech.

He introduced Avichai Reuven, an Ethiopian Israeli soldier who ran 8 miles during the Oct 7 attacks, killed terrorists and saved lives, and three other heroes of the fight against Hamas, two of whom had lost limbs. “These are the soldiers of Israel, unbowed, undaunted and unafraid.”

Democrats like Pelosi and Nadler, along with Kamala, Schumer and many others demand that they be daunted and surrender to Hamas. They are doing the dirty work for Hamas and Iran.

Recently, as Front Page Magazine reported, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines admitted that Iran was financing some of the pro-terrorist protesters. Netanyahu suggested that could include the Hamas riots outside and called them “useful idiots” for Iran. He described Ayatollah Khomeini’s promise to “export the revolution to the entire world.”

America stands in the way of Iran’s plan to impose Islam on the world, he argued.

“That’s why Iran sees America as its greatest enemy.” He quoted a Hezbollah terrorist official who said that, “the real war is with America.” Iran had sent “death squads” to kill Americans, including Trump administration officials and even “brazenly threatened to assassinate former President Trump.”

“Iran realizes that to challenge America, it must first conquer the Middle East… but Israel stands in its way. That’s why the mobs in Tehran chant ‘Death to Israel’ before ‘Death to America.’”

Netanyahu laid out a compelling case for Israel as the barrier to Islamic expansionism. And for America to support Israel so that it doesn’t have to put boots on the ground in the Middle East.

But he was also speaking to a very different Washington D.C. than when he first spoke in 1996.

The idea of America as “the guardian of Western civilization” would now be outright offensive to the average Democrat. As is the idea of fighting Islamic terrorism instead of surrendering to it.

But in a Washington D.C. where Islamic terrorist flags are freely waved and Jihadist graffiti is scrawled across national monuments, that may no longer be so. The nation’s capital, under Biden and Kamala, is no longer the “guardian” of anything except pork and privilege.

Rather than defending Israel in D.C., Netanyahu was tasked with defending America, making the case for it as a great nation and a force for good even while members of Congress, congressional staffers, wealthy brats and Islamic terrorists made their stand for evil.

Israel lacks support in D.C. not just because the left is antisemitic, but because it hates America. And a movement that hates America cannot be expected to love Israel or support civilization.

Netanyahu was the product of a better America. When he left in the sixties to fight for Israel, he had imbibed the best of this nation in his time here. Yet each time he returned America had grown worse. Had he jeered America, denounced it as a racist, capitalist and imperialist enterprise, many of the Democrats who boycotted the speech would have come and cheered.

This was a speech meant to remind Americans of what Israel and we are fighting for. But despite his eloquence, the red and green mobs outside waving terrorist flags, chanting “Allahu Akbar” and burning American flags did that better than even the greatest speech ever could.

No matter how many lies the media put out there, the choices are painfully clear.

One of the protesters, the sorts of people whom Kamala described as “showing exactly what the human emotion should be”, stood holding a sign reading “Allah is gathering all the Zionists for the ‘Final Solution’ with a nuclear mushroom cloud overhead.” In his other hand, he waved the black battle flag of the Caliphate with its call for imposing Allah and Islam on America.

The choice between good and evil is all too clear. All that remains is to make it.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation. Thank you for reading.

So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!

By Rich Kozlovich

Editor's Note:  This will be the first in a series dealing with the history of Kamala.  I've saved a lot of articles, published a lot of articles, and written a lot of articles dealing with Kamala's incompetence and stupidity.   As the media raptures their spleens hiding the real Kamala, I will be exposing the real Kamala, and it won't be pretty.  RK

Kamala is going to be confronted with the Biden administration polices, all of which she supported, and all of which she will have to defend, with cackles of self immolation, it behooves us to take a look a their policies, starting with three of America's three greatest enemies, China, Iran, and Russia.

China, Iran, and Russia have economies that are paper tigers, stunningly fragile. None of whom can stand too much interruption without crumbling.  Trump understood that, and if the 2020 election hadn't been stolen his successful polices would have continued and so much of what's going on right now wouldn't have happened.  Geopolitics and economics go hand in hand.

Neither Obama, Biden, Harris, nor any in their circular firing squad cabal get that, or refuse to admit it.  Unfortunately, having such a circular firing squad in charge in Washington is the real flaw in the scenario being painted here. 

Khamenei, Putin, and Xi took Biden's measure and knew him to be weak, indecisive, incompetent and a not-so-bright stumble bum, and on that was on the best of occasions, and easily intimidated.  In the case of China, it seems clear he was on the take.

It also seemed clear to to me Biden was going to be the Democrat Nominee, and truthfully, I didn't think he'd buckle and would stay in the race no matter what.   But his dementia must be progressing so badly even Jill and Hunter realized he couldn't go on.   

Well, now that he's out the Democrats are choosing an even more amazingly weak, stupid, selfish, incompetent and calloused replacement.  Kamala Harris!  And now they're pretty much stuck between the rock and the hard place in a disaster of their own making.   And I also have no doubt Khamenei, Putin, and Xi, believe she can be bullied.  And I also think they can kick her to the curb without breaking a sweat. 

 You will find this piece by Victor Davis Hanson interesting, The Nature of Chinese Contempt for Us, demonstrating the impact of an American foreign policy predicated on self loathing.

An adoring corrupt media allowed Kamala to get away with playing the phony tough arrogant bully role in the Kavanaugh hearings, but that won't float with Khamenei, Putin, and Xi, they're past masters at it. 

Trump could do it an get away with it because they knew they weren't dealing with a checkers player like Obama.  They were facing a multidimensional chess player in Trump, one with guts, one who fights.  Neither Obama, Biden, Harris, or the teams of misfits surrounding them are capable of dealing with any of those three at that level.  They're not even playing checkers, they're playing 52 pick up. 

The media wouldn't be able to protect Harris from these guys, nor can they protect her from consequences of her failures, which are already monumental, and I have no doubt would be even more monumental if elected.  She would crumble like tin foil.

If she has to debate Trump, she will be tin foil, even with the support of an excuse making media.  But no matter what, they're going to try just as hard as they can, just like Joe Biden high on medication, fixated and irrational. 

In the beginning of the Biden administration I ran a three part Kamala Harris Weekly series.  In Kamala Harris Weekly, Part I, I stated she was going to be a 25th Amendment President. Well, it almost happened, but the thinking behind that statement proved valid.  That was followed by a list of linked articles showing what a disaster she is.  Further noting:

Biden and Harris are a disaster domestically and internationally.  These two misfits are going to make both Jimmy Carter and Obama look brilliant.  Unfortunately the sane people of America will have to suffer right along with the 45% who think this false President is doing a good job.  Tomorrow I'll cover his European trip, which was as successful for America as was Kamala's trip to Central America, both of which were an embarrassment, and neither of them recognize just how stupid and incompetent they are.

Kamala Harris Weekly, Part II continued in that vein.  Remember, this was the view of Kamala from the media showing her radical views as an antisemite, a racist, someone total unconcerned over  illegal immigration, and how she hates America. Cackling like a fiend right up until now, with

Kamala Harris Watch, Part III confirming her irrational and radical positions, and the left is cheering as if someone great and wonderful just walked in the room.

Don't let the cheering fool you.  People without a solid moral foundation have meandering values that allow them to rationalize their reversion to acts of self interest and corruption.   Oliver Cromwell defeated a corrupt King in 1651, and then had to dissolve Parliament in 1653 for becoming corrupt for their own ends.  Here's one of my favorite quotes from Oliver Cromwell, that is totally applicable to our modern day state of corruption. 

“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!"

Do I hear a Second for that motion?

Who Reports to Who?

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is some paraphrased humor that appeared in Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

Following the attempted assassination of President Trump on July 13, it was announced that Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and Christopher Wray’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) would be investigating what happened. Both the DOJ and FBI have committed lawfare multiple times against President Trump and now they will investigate his attempted murder?

Let’s review government agencies and who they report to: 

Federal Intelligence Community:

Directorate of National Intelligence, under the President.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), under the President.

Under the Department of Defense (DOD):  

National Security Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
Army Military Intelligence Corps
Office of Naval Intelligence
Marine Corps Intelligence
Air Force Intelligence
National Reconnaissance Office [satellites]
National Geo-Spatial Intelligence Office
Space Force Intelligence Center

Separate Departments with Intelligence Agencies:

Under the Department of Justice

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Drug Enforcement Agency Intelligence

Under Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Coast Guard Intelligence
Office of Intelligence and Analysis

Under Department of State

Intelligence and Research

Under Department of Energy

Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Under Department of the Treasury

Office of Intelligence and Analysis

Babylon Bee Headlines:

With Biden as President does it matter who reports to who?  Every time Joe Biden speaks, especially without a teleprompter, he shows his mental acuity issues. On July 15, he was interviewed by Lester Holt of NBC News.

HOLT: Is it acceptable that you still have not heard, at least publicly, from the Secret Service director?
BIDEN: Oh, I've heard from him. I've...(inaudible)

The Kimberly Cheatle, Director of the United States Secret Service, is a woman, but let's not be too picky.  Joe Biden is a Democrat, and like Ketanji Brown Jackson, he's not a biologist, so can't tell the difference.  But he needs to start watching those pronouns.  The first thing you know people might start thinking there really are only two genders. Imagine that!

Georgia’s Libertarian Hero

 July 25, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty 

Editor's Note:  I think this is a great article, and I like so much of what Dan does but with this article I think it's important to understand there's a difference in Libertarians from one country to another and even within the libertarian factions in those countries.  In Russia they ended up splitting.  Truth be told is there's no absolute definition of what it means to be a "Libertarian"There are "right" Libertarians and "left" libertarians. They suffer from definition.  

Just as some conservatives suffer from the same problem of definition, like John Kasich who pontificates he can define conservatism as he sees fit, and insists that's the only acceptable definition, as in Trump isn't a real conservative so Trump is unacceptable to him.  So he supported and voted for Biden in 2020.  See, definition can be the pits.

My friend Jon J Ray asks and answers,  Are Libertarianism and Conservatism Totally Different?  RK

I wrote yesterday about an absurd example of media bias. A reporter for the New York Times authored a story about how people in the nation of Georgia supposedly miss communist enslavement.

It was especially galling that the reporter repeatedly cited a radical Marxist, yet failed to divulge her background to readers. Instead, she was merely identified as a “workers’ rights activist.” That would be like a reporter quoting me extensively in an article about fiscal policy without disclosing my libertarian bona fides.


For today’s column, let’s look at economic policy in Georgia. And, to be more specific, let’s look at how one person made a huge difference.

We’ll start with something I wrote in 2018, which is that Georgia enjoyed a dramatic increase in economic freedom earlier this century.

But that column had an oversight. It did not highlight the role of Kakha Bendukidze, who was largely in charge of economic policy in Georgia from 2004-2009.

To atone for that mistake, I want to share some excerpts from a 2014 article in the New Yorker. Authored by , it’s a list of Kakha’s remarkable achievements.

Bendukidze…undertook a libertarian overhaul of the Georgian economy… A big man with outsized wit and a personality to match, he was a model for many struggling liberal reformers in the region. …Bendukidze became an influential voice in favor of opening the Russian economy. But, by 2003, he later said, he saw signs of Putin’s increasingly controlling approach to economic policy. A year later, he sold all his holdings in Russia and returned to his native Georgia, where, following the country’s Rose Revolution, a new, liberal government asked him to come on as the minister of the economy. …

The country became a laboratory for Bendukidze’s radical libertarianism. Governments across the former U.S.S.R. watched in disbelief as he not only rapidly privatized state industries but also abolished most of the country’s regulatory agencies. Bendukidze cut income and payroll taxes and abolished other taxes, customs tariffs, and nearly eight hundred government licenses and permits.

“Each government permit was a corruption tool that allowed the state to take bribes,” Fady Asly, the chairman of Georgia’s International Chamber of Commerce, said. …When Bendukidze began his reforms, the country was heavily dependent on the support of USAID and other development agencies and organizations. They felt that they deserved a say in Georgia’s economic policies; Bendukidze thought that they did not.  On one occasion, his deputy at the time, Vato Lezhava, recalled, Bendukidze told a USAID representative to “f..k off.” …

He had to break the mentality shaped by years of Communism.” The result, his allies point out, was astonishing. By 2005, Georgia’s budget had tripled—largely because taxes, though lower, were being collected—and its G.D.P. was growing by ten per cent each year. By 2009, the country had climbed from a hundred and forty-seventh to eleventh place in the World Bank’s “ease of doing business” index.

Wow, an amazing track record. And one that (of course) produced great results. Bendukidze was the Javier Milei of his country.

Heck, Kakha is one of the people Gary Johnson should have named back in 2016 when he was asked to identify an admirable foreign leader.

We need someone like that in America.

P.S. Sadly, Georgia has drifted in the wrong direction in recent years. It now ranks #25 for economic freedom. I’m especially disappointed that the country’s tax and spending limits have been abolished.

Helping with Election Integrity

This is an essential part of being a good citizen

By John Droz, Jr. Jul 25, 2024 @ Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues 

As we get closer to the extremely significant 2024 US elections, more people are paying more attention to the quality and accuracy of the US election process — also known as election integrity.

As readers know, I've been extensively involved with the election integrity issue for several years now (e.g., see here). We simply MUST do more about assuring election integrity — particularly by mandating sample meaningful post-election audits (e.g., see here). So far, in the US there are NO officially mandated meaningful post-election audits of voters, machines, or the election process!

This is stunning and unacceptable.

Due to the commitments of thousands of good citizens, overall there has been good progress regarding election integrity since 2020. However, in the critical area of meaningful post-election audits, the progress has been woefully inadequate — which is extremely disappointing.

That said, it is good that more citizens are volunteering to be part of the process, and are getting educated about how they can help. Here is a fine example just being offered:


This Sunday, July 28, marks 100 Days until the 2024 Election Day.

I’m excited to share that the RNC, NRSC, and NRCC are partnering to host a National Election Integrity Day of Training in multiple states across the country on July 28 at 4:00pm local time. 

Each training will feature special guests - including Kimberly Guilfoyle, Senator Rick Scott, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Rep. Bryan Steil, Rep. Elise Stefanik, and many others. 

The Election Integrity Program at the RNC has now expanded with full time staff in 18 states.

Alongside our grassroots partners, we are operating full speed ahead recruiting and training tens of thousands of poll watchers, ensuring that Republican poll workers are hired in all critical areas.   

Please register here or below to consider serving in your state.

Thank you to all who can help spread the word as well!

Christina Norton, esq.

Republican National Committee

Arizona Election Integrity Team

California Election Integrity Team

Florida Election Integrity Team

Georgia Election Integrity Team

Maine Election Integrity Team

Michigan Election Integrity Team

Minnesota Election Integrity Team

Montana Election Integrity Team

Nebraska Election Integrity Team

Nevada Election Integrity Team

New Hampshire Election Integrity Team

New York Election Integrity Team

North Carolina GOP Election Team

Ohio Election Integrity Team

Pennsylvania Election Integrity Team

Texas Election Integrity Team

Virginia Election Integrity Team

Wisconsin Election Integrity Team

If you are in one of these key states, please consider participating in this worthy effort. (Note: this is NOT all state Election Integrity groups, just those officially affiliated with the RNC.)

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Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

This Election Will Be One of America's Most Historic

By Rich Kozlovich

I've stated, and believed, the most important election in the 20th century was the 1928 election.  was in my view the greatest President in the 2oth century.  When Harding died he assumed the Presidency two years in, and was elected in 2024.  He could have served another term in 2028, but he hated being President and refused to run.  

became President and set a chain of events into motion leading to   All that's finally being challenged after almost 100 years of the Deep State, massive spending, massive borrowing, and the eventual complete take over of the Democrat party by extreme leftists embracing each of the 1963 published forty five communist goals to destroy America.

In 2018 I predicted there was going to be a blood bath for both the Democrat and Republican parties.  The Democrats in elections, and Republicans in their primaries. That’s happening, albeit much more slowly than I initially predicted.

But this election is the kicker. Trump now controls the Republican party. The “old guard” has been pushed to the side line and are either retiring or not running because Republican voters, with the exception of a few states, won't tolerate TDS any longer.   

I keep coming back to this. After all the rhetoric, all the rationale being offered by pundits, the fact is American’s like Trump for the same reason Lincoln refused to fire Grant. He fights!

The RINO's are America's equivalent of the UK Tories.  Great at promises they never intended on keeping, all the while claiming they're conservatives, never seeing any insane leftist issue they couldn't make their own.   Like John Kasich who claimed he had the right to define conservatism as he saw fit, so he supported Joe Biden in 2020 because Trump was a false conservative. 

Since the RINO cabal has been exposed as Democrats is sheep's clothing, the McCain"whacko bird" conservatives are taking over.

The Democrat party is completely controlled by the Obama cabal.  All tyrants, all racists, all radicals, all socialists, all traitors, all antisemites, all anti Israel, and all this antisemitism isn't playing well with Americans.

Netanyahu's speech before Congress was brilliant in the subliminal message he presented saying, “Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory."  That was a message that Israel is the canary in the coal mine, and as of this moment is the front line in defense of western civilization.

The idea of a religious war is anathema to western civilization, but western civilization doesn’t get to pick. If a religious movement says they hate you, and want to kill you because you’re an unbeliever, you should believe them and act accordingly. That’s Islam, and Islam won’t stop on it’s own. It’s a religious war.

After this election I believe all that's going to be challenged because their core is a nightmare, and their bench is disastrous, and it was in 2016 with Hillary, and being epitomized by Harris.  They chose Biden because he was the least offensive and still needed massive levels of voter fraud to put them in the White House, and the Obama bench is even weaker than before to the point of non existence.

I've no doubt Kennedy will be back in the Democrat camp by 2028 and could very well be their nominee, along with others like this governor could very well find themselves in leadership positions by then also.   If Kennedy gets back in and takes a leadership role, I think we could very well see RINO conversions to the Kennedy cabal, as Democrats, or a third party mixture of upset Democrats, RINO's, and independents.  

One thing I think is clear, there will be a massive restructuring of both parties.  But, as the journalist said in movie, Charlie Wilson's War, we'll see.

Iran is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests

By Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog 

Who is funding the pro-Hamas riots in major cities? The state sponsors of Hamas in Tehran.

After failing to mention it in previous briefings, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines finally issued a press release admitting that “Iranian government actors have sought to opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza” by “posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”

Haines, a veteran of the Obama and Biden administrations, then went out of her way to defend participants in the pro-Hamas movement even though they are working with America’s enemies.

“I know Americans who participate in protests are, in good faith, expressing their views on the conflict in Gaza,” she argued. “Americans who are being targeted by this Iranian campaign may not be aware that they are interacting with or receiving support from a foreign government.”

That problem could be easily addressed if Haines revealed the names that the Iranian campaign operates under and which pro-Hamas groups or individuals are benefiting from the money.

Especially since doing business with the Iranian government is illegal without special exemptions. If Americans are taking money from the Iranian government, they’re committing a crime. And if they don’t know the source of the money, shouldn’t the U.S. government warn them that they’re unintentionally breaking the law? So why is Haines still keeping quiet?

Iran’s support for the pro-Hamas movement is no secret. The terrorist regime in Tehran has declared its support for the terror riots and even sanctioned’ the Chief of the University of Florida Police Department and other law enforcement personnel for interfering with the terrorists.

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history. You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front,” Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had declared, openly taking credit for the pro-Hamas movement.

The term “Resistance Front” is used to refer to Iran’s international network of terrorist groups including Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others. (Iran doesn’t officially list Al Qaeda as part of this network, which does include other Sunni Muslim Brotherhood groups like Hamas, but the current leader of Al Qaeda is based out of Tehran.) By naming the Hamas protesters as part of the “Resistance Front”, Iran was including them alongside Hamas and Hezbollah, whose flags have been waved at the riots, as one of the terror fronts that it funds and controls.

During a terrorist conference, IRGC Chief Commander Hossein Salami, a leader of Iran’s international terrorist network, boasted that “the resistance is so grand, beautiful, and captivating that its attractions have penetrated even into the universities of the US.”

Iranian universities organized solidarity protests praising the Hamas encampments complete with chants of ‘Death to America!’ ‘Death to Israel!’ and ‘Death to the Jewish oppressors!’

An Iranian university offered free tuition for students protesting in support of Islamic terrorism.

Kayhan, a major Iranian regime newspaper, wrote that “every student from Harvard, MIT, Boston, Columbia, Emerson, Texas, and so forth has become an Iranian student” and celebrated, “this is what we call exporting the Islamic Revolution!”

Foad Izadi, a professor at Tehran University who is listed as affiliated with the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, boasted that the Hamas supporters on college campuses were “our people”.

“If tensions between America and Iran rise tomorrow or the day after, these are the peoples who will have to take to the streets to support Iran,” he told an interviewer. “Personally, I think that the potential to repeat in the U.S. what Iran did in Lebanon is much higher. Our Hizbullah-style groups in America are much larger than what we have in Lebanon.”

The Iranian regime has done everything possible to take responsibility for the Hamas riots. After months of it, the Biden administration has tentatively gotten around to admitting the obvious.

Why is the Biden administration covering up Iran’s role in the Hamas campus riots?

The protesters and rioters are almost universally members of the administration’s leftist political base. And the administration has gone to great lengths to defend them. Like Haines, Biden and Kamala both praised the Hamas rioters as being motivated by the best possible intentions.

The Hamas rioters “are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza,” Kamala recently told The Nation: an extremist magazine whose writers have championed the riots and denied Hamas atrocities. Kamala sounded like Iran’s Khamenei.

And the Biden administration has played a major role in enriching the Iranian regime.

Iran has benefited from tens of billions in sanctions relief. That money allowed it to build up allied terror groups like Hamas in Israel, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen. The US Navy has been battling the Houthis for months on the high seas because of those billions.

The dozens of Americans killed in Israel by Hamas and others who may die in a war with Hezbollah can be attributed to the Biden administration’s extensive sanctions relief to Iran.

And it’s likely that the sanctions relief also freed up money used to interfere in our election.

In her Senate testimony, Haines implied that Iran was interfering in the coming elections. We already know that Iran interfered on behalf of the Democrats in the 2020 election.

The IRGC had previously engaged in a “cyber-enabled disinformation and threat campaign designed to influence the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election” through a false flag operation by Iranian operatives pretending to be conservatives sending emails to “tens of thousands of registered voters” in Florida that threatened them “with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump.”

The Iranian operatives organizing and funding Hamas riots in America may be the same ones trying to swing the 2024 presidential election to the Biden-Harris ticket.

That’s why the Biden administration doesn’t want to talk about them.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine. Click here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donation.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Biden Administration Launches A Great Leap Forward Into Green Energy

@ Manhattan Contrarian

Probably very few readers here are old enough to remember China’s “Great Leap Forward.” You’d have to be my age (73 - born in 1950), or close to it, to remember the GLF from reading about it at the time. The name “Great Leap Forward” refers to Mao Zedong’s second Five Year Plan, launched in 1958, and intended to catapult China’s economy from backwardness into modernity. This was to be not just any old central planning project, but a whole new approach designed by the really smart people to correct the mistakes and failures that the Soviet Union had encountered on the road to communism. This time, they were going to get central planning right.

Yesterday the Biden Administration launched a significant new climate initiative with a design that has some remarkable resemblances to the Great Leap Forward. Since most readers probably don’t know how the Great Leap Forward worked out, I’ll save that for the end of the post.

The new Biden Administrative initiative is called “Community-Driven Solutions to Cut Climate Pollution Across America.” The press release from the EPA is here. Nick Pope covered the new initiative in this post at the Daily Caller, which was then also re-posted at Watts Up With That here.

This new initiative is just one small piece of the vast economic waste of the falsely-named Inflation Reduction Act, with its multi-trillion dollars of subsidies for uneconomic projects. But the “community-driven” tag line here is what brings the memory of the Great Leap Forward. The basic idea is that the new investments and technologies to transform our energy economy are going to come from federal selection and subsidizing of various projects originating out of state and local governments, otherwise known as “communities.” From the EPA release:

Today, July 22, . . . the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced selected recipients of over $4.3 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants to implement community-driven solutions that tackle the climate crisis. . . . The grants will fund projects supporting the deployment of technologies and programs to reduce greenhouse gases and other harmful pollution across the country. . . . Together, these selected projects will implement ambitious climate pollution reduction measures designed by states, Tribes and local governments that will achieve significant cumulative GHG reductions by 2030 and beyond.

Enough of the outmoded idea that the way to an efficient and reliable energy system is through profit-driven businesses competing with each other to find the most cost-effective solutions. The new idea is that local governments, aka “communities,” run the economy, directed and supported by some lavish funding from the feds. Here is the quote from Biden Administration “climate czar” John Podesta:

“President Biden’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants put local governments in the driver’s seat to develop climate solutions that work for their communities.”

Pope gives some examples of the kinds of projects that will be getting the funding:

The projects include electric vehicle (EV) charging station construction, funds to help local governments expedite green energy siting and programs to enhance heat pump adoption.

The unifying aspect of all of these projects is that they are uneconomic and would never be adopted by the people of their own choice with their own money. Thus there must be coercion through the federal funding and mandates from the local governments.

Compare this vision to China’s Great Leap Forward. A decent short history of the GLF can be found at the Association for Asian Studies here. The basic idea was that communes would be formed, of about 5500 households each, to become the main economic units, then taking direction from above as to what businesses to pursue:

The movement bore [Mao’s] characteristic faith in China’s bucolic masses—now unfettered by skeptical intellectuals—to surmount any obstacles and achieve a Communist utopia through unity, physical labor, and sheer willpower. In this final stage of collectivization, communes formed—each with some 5,500 households. . . .

In classic the central planning way, the businesses selected to be pursued were based on an ideological vision of utopia, rather than economic reality. The trendy thinking of the time was that strong and modern economies produced a lot of steel, so therefore making a lot of steel was proof of success. And thus the best-known example of the GLF’s folly in economic development was that every household was to build its own furnace to make steel:

One of the most infamous innovations of the Great Leap involved an industrial revolution in the countryside, where farmers constructed millions of backyard furnaces and then divided their time between tending crops and smelting steel.

This promptly led to myriad unintended consequences. Examples:

Gathering fuel to stoke all these furnaces resulted in the loss of at least 10 percent of China’s forests. . . . Rather than mining the ore to be smelted, everyone contributed iron implements, including tools, utensils, woks, doorknobs, shovels, window frames, and other everyday items, while children scoured the ground for iron nails and other scraps. . . . [T]he campaign essentially converted practical items into useless lumps of pig iron good only for clogging railroad yards. . . .

And as labor got diverted from productive uses to unproductive, the economy collapsed. It only took about a year:

Starvation became a widespread problem with the harvest of 1959. . . . As food reserves in the countryside diminished, peasants began dying in droves by the summer of 1960. They collapsed in fields, on roadsides, and even at home where family members watched their corpses rot, lacking the energy for burial or even to shoo away flies and rats. . . . Estimates of deaths directly related to the famine range from a minimum of twenty-three million to as many as fifty-five million, although the figure most often cited is thirty million.

Well, the good news is that this latest Biden program is a lousy $4.3 billion — big, but still not much more than a rounding error in the federal budget. The Inflation Reduction Act as a whole — touted as $1.5 trillion, but estimated by many to be more like $2-3 trillion — is not a rounding error. Devoting that kind of money to uneconomic and wealth-destroying projects can have disastrous consequences. I expect that we will escape the fate of China in the 1950s, but we can’t be sure until the climate crazies are defeated.

Whitewashing Soviet-Era Tyranny and Failure

July 24, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty 

As part of my 100-tragic-years-of-communism series in 2017, I wrote a column about dupes and apologists for Soviet tyranny, as well as a column mocking economists who thought communism was producing good results.


The worst part of communism was the depraved brutality that led to 100 million deaths.

But since I’m an economist, let’s focus on the failure of communism to deliver higher living standards.

The Soviet Union, for instance, was a member of the anti-convergence club, falling farther and farther behind the United States over time.

Given these facts, I was shocked to see a report in the New York Times, authored by , that waxes nostalgic for “Soviet prosperity” in the country of Georgia (formerly part of the Soviet Union).

I’m not joking. Here are some excerpts.

…those…in poorer parts of the country…pine for a Soviet past that delivered them stable incomes and basic social infrastructure. …the Soviet period…for many people in rural areas…was a time of plenty, when they had jobs and prosperity. …One such town, Chiatura, was once considered a Soviet workers’ paradise… Now, the town center is a shell of what used to be, with shuttered businesses…

“We used to live well under Communism,” said Mamia Gabeskeliani, 68, who lives in Zodi, a mining village outside Chiatura. …Sopo Japaridze, an American-educated workers’ rights activist in Tbilisi, said she wanted to see a closer examination of all sides of Georgia’s Soviet past. …

But life in Georgia since the collapse of the Soviet Union “has degraded in every way,”…she said, so the benefits of Soviet rule also need to be considered. “Life was much richer,” said Ms. Japaridze.

You may be wondering about Sopo Japaridze, who is identified as a “workers’ rights activist.”

What the reporter should have mentioned is that she's a lunatic lefty. It only took me one minute of online searching to find some of her strange output, such as “Imagine a World: Utopian Visions of Marxist Feminism” and a presentation to Kasama Project, which openly states that “We are a communist project that fights, in theory and practice, for the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”

To be fair, I’m sure there are some people in Georgia who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union. Some people who had jobs in subsidized industries probably lost status when communism collapsed. And relative status matters to many people.

But if the goal is more prosperity for the masses, then the dissolution of the Soviet Empire was a big plus for Georgia.

Just as it was in Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, and other parts of the former Soviet Bloc that shifted to free markets.

P.S. I wrote back in 2020 about a reprehensible attempt to whitewash East Germany’s Stalinist dictatorship.

The Biden Coverup and Kamala Harris 2.0

What did the vice president know, and when did she know it? 

By Jul 24, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News Tags: Articles, Opinion, Politics

Let’s be honest. From the moment she came into sharp focus upon being selected by Joe Biden as vice president, Kamala Harris has been a laugh line. Why? The widespread perception that she was picked over more qualified candidates strictly because of her race and gender. Her evident lack of substance revealed through her signature word salads. Her disastrous performance as border czar. Her famously ineffective management style that forced one adviser after another to run for the exits. Her inexplicable guffaws when a gracious laugh was called for and expected.

But that’s all over now. She’s a new person, Kamala 2.0, don’t you know? She no longer represents the most target-rich environment for ridicule but rather a rock star, Hollywood on the Potomac, the female Barack Obama — the woman whose mixed-race background and endless enthusiasm for abortion promises to offer broad appeal to left-of-center voters. 

With Democrats undoubtedly scrambling to change everything from ballots to lawn signs from Biden-Harris to Harris or Harris-(fill in the blank), a fawning media are doing their part by glamorizing her life story. They will be sure to leave out inconvenient truths like her career-launching relationship with a married man, famed California Democrat Willie Brown, or that her formative years were spent in Canada, or how she has presented herself alternately as a tough-on-crime prosecutor and BLM-inspired progressive.

She will try to be all things to all people but is in danger of winding up where she did in her failed run at the White House: as nothing to nobody. Despite lazy descriptions of her as African-American, she is not — and that matters in the Democrats’ hierarchy of oppression. She has never had particular appeal to minorities or women beyond those who vote primarily on race and gender. Perhaps most damaging is that she is widely viewed as having few core beliefs.

But that was then, and this is now. Harris is a new woman, reborn as the goddess of our progressive future. And so, with the wind at her back during a mini-honeymoon, she will now have a chance to transform her image before an anxious national audience. She will try to do so as shellshocked voters desperately try to add their evaluation of Harris to their processing of the dizzying course of events in this campaign for the ages, from Trump’s conviction to Biden’s debate from hell to the Trump headshot to Biden’s stunning exit from the race.

Questions Demanding Answers

Before anyone is truly convinced of her ability to either beat Trump or serve as president, Kamala will have to answer a series of extremely difficult questions in forthright and intelligible fashion. It will require political skills she has not previously displayed.

  • Exactly when were you aware of President Biden’s cognitive decline?
  • What did you do about it? Whom did you talk to about it?
  • Will you continue to claim you saw no evidence of his deteriorating condition through all of your interactions with him? Congressional Democrats were reportedly startled by his condition as far back as the fall of 2021.
  • If President Biden is not up to running for office, something he denied for months, how exactly is he fit to continue as commander-in-chief? What is your response right now to Robert Hur’s description of your president as an elderly man with a poor memory?
  • As Border Czar (though you reject that title), how much responsibility are you willing to accept for the catastrophe at the southern border, for the millions of illegal immigrants who have poured over the border since the advent of your administration?
  • How responsible are you for a migrant-driven crime wave that has women terrified to go out alone and has driven so many out of once-great cities?
  • Do you agree that inflation was really 9% when you took office, as the president has repeatedly claimed, even though it was reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics as 1.4%?
  • Exactly how much responsibility are you willing to accept for inflation that is worse than at any time in 40 years, and rising prices that are forcing Americans to change their lifestyles?

Those are certainly not all the questions facing Kamala as she races out onto the big stage. But if she can navigate those fundamental issues effectively enough to convince Americans — and Democratic leaders well aware of her deficits — that they were wrong about her all along, then her candidacy can be considered a serious threat to Trump. But if she replaces Biden’s stumbles and mumbles with her own circular logic designed to dodge scrutiny, her negative image, like that of her increasingly elite party, will only be reinforced.

How did we get to this point?

Kamala Harris: Product of a Rigged Process

One of the more prominent narratives advanced by the media over the course of the 2024 presidential campaign is that an overwhelming majority of Americans wanted alternatives to both Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Armed with that data-based assumption, how did the two parties respond? After all, they are the only vehicles for managing the political landscape as laid out by public and private polling. And the responses of the two parties could not have been more opposite.

Republicans, shaky about another run by Trump, created a primary framework that attracted well-known alternatives to Trump like Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Chris Christie. They provided platforms, primaries, and debates. And just like in 2016, the challengers all fell like dominoes before the former president as a martyr for the cause who “took a bullet for democracy,” as he proclaimed at a recent rally, and who has now unmistakably redefined and united the Republican Party.

In striking contrast, Democrats, once perceived as protectors of the downtrodden and dispossessed, are now widely viewed as the true elites. And their primary process only reinforced that reputation. They essentially warned and threatened anyone in their fold, from officeholders to operatives, who would dare consider challenging their president. Dissenters were silenced. There was only a single option. Joe Biden would be the nominee whether rank-and-file Democrats wanted him or not. The one brave soul willing to openly observe that their emperor had no clothes, Rep. Dean Phillips, was marginalized, ostracized, and reportedly threatened with a primary challenge.

The result: Trump and Republicans are more united than ever. Democrats are left with Kamala Harris, a candidate who flamed out mightily in her previous run for the presidency, receiving a grand total of zero delegates in her heavily funded presidential campaign. But now she has wrapped up the nomination in about 24 hours. Maybe it had something to do with the way their nominees were selected. Could Kamala Harris have won an open primary against successful or well-known Democrats like Govs. Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, and other rising stars? Few would say yes, and that is why, despite the party’s attempts to put a happy face on the mess they created, so many Americans are flummoxed and so many Democrats are furious.

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