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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

News and Views

By Rich Kozlovich 


As usual I go through my watch list and add a lot of article links to my draft file... daily... and they do get out of hand so I create gazettes that not only act as informational sources, they create files that allow me, and anyone who wishes to do so, to track the history of the events, the people involved in those events, what the issues were all about, and the outcomes.   Good conclusions can only come about with good historical foundations.  

Global warming has been the hot topic for years, and in spite of the vast amount of information showing it's a gigantic scientific hoax, and a fraud, the nitwits are still touting it.  John Kerry is among the foremost nitwits.   The nation dodged a bullet when this loon "reported for duty" to be President and wasn't elected.

The WEF is demanding people stop growing their food at stop global warming, because .... now get this..... professional agriculture has a smaller carbon footprint, and the "scientists" who were funded by WEF provided a study to prove it.  So who cares, the world stopped the small amount of warming that was occurring 25 years ago, and the carbon foot print has grown substantially all that time, so the carbon foot print must not matter.   

Do these misfits really believe the things they're saying?  Now that the world is going to embrace AI and quantum computing it requires ....MASSIVE...amounts of energy !  Far beyond what we're producing now, and so far beyond what all these idiotic "alternative" environmentally destructive energy schemes are capable of producing. 

 Billionaire, Eric Schmidt, insisted because of global warming, we were  doomed.....doooomed I tell least that was then.  But apparently that's not so true any more.  Amazing, and why is that?  He has now decided to abandon that profound moral outrage because he's become an arms dealer selling AI-powered drones to fight robotic wars, and AI, as stated, requires a lot of energy, and besides he notes by way of justification, “we’re not going to hit the climate goals anyway because we’re not organized to do it”, so apparently he wants to get all he can get right now, and no longer worries about his grandchildren. 

And guess who's on board with him on that?  Mister (globalism is beautiful, all leftism is good and pure, reduce the world's population, eat bugs to save the world from global warming himself) Bill Gates.  Remarkable!   Conclusion? None of these misfits believe any of this claptrap.  

Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor who isn't really a federal prosecutor is attempting to do an end run around the SCOTUS presidential immunity ruling, in a clear attempt to impact the outcome of the election.  And Democrats are demanding Alito's recusal for.... well... it really densest' matter for what, since it's the same old tune with the same kind of nitwits pushing the same kind of hypocritical reasoning.

Why do Americans fall for this stuff?  Kevin Finn posted this artilce, How does the Left do it?, listing 12 bullet points on just how destructive the Democrat party is to America, condluing by saying:

And despite all these things and more, some people still support them. How bad does it have to get? How badly must some people be made to suffer before they wake up?

As I've often said you can't reason people out of positions they've not been reasoned into, but they can be scared out of those positions. Then who do they turn to when they get scared? They turn to the Winston Churchill's of the world, the doers and fixers, versus the Neville Chamberlains, the go along to get along feel good guys that create these messes in the first place, and they're ubiquitous.

But once their fears have been ameliorated, what do they do? Just as quickly as possible they dump the doers and fixers for the go along to get along feel good nitwits that created the mess in the first place, and it starts all over again. 

Take Arizona for instance. It's become so infested with former California residents who were feeling the taxes, regulations, crime, violence, and the gigantic mess leftists created there, and now they're turning Arizona into another California, a far left disaster just like the one they fled. 

Kamala and Hillary were chosen to be the Presidential candidates for the Democrats and neither of them had any notable achievements.   Both came to power via the men they were involved with.  Hillary with Billy, and Kamala by sleeping with a much older married man who was a political power in California, and the question everyone should be asking is this.  Is their bench so lacking that's the best they can do? Answer? Yes, that's the best they can do.

Then we have the former governor of Maryland running for the Senate and when I did my Senate election analysis in February I gave that seat to the Republicans, but since then he's confirmed  he will  ‘absolutely’ vote to certify election results, with no questions asked, made it clear if Trump is elected he will fight Trump every step of the way, and told CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday that if elected, he would only vote for Supreme Court nominees who receive bipartisan support, regardless of who becomes the next president.  Which means only Democrat approved nominees. 

I'm inclined to think a lot of Republicans may think it's better to have the adversaries outside the wall rather than inside, polluting the mind of their fellow Republicans, which in some cases won't take much.  I'm also convinced any conservatives living in Maryland will simply refuse to vote for this John McCain clone, just as conservatives refused to vote for McCain.  I've decided this seat will remain Democrat.

People are what they do, not what they say, and is it any wonder so when it comes to Pope Francis who made a gay rights advocate a Cardinal, many Catholics keep asking, "who picked this guy".

Think about this.  In the last few years the Democrats have picked three losers as their candidate for President. Hillary, an incompetent, vile unliked and unlikable human being as there ever was one, with no accomplishments other than being married to Bill, a true test of tolerance, Joe Biden who no one thought he was the brightest pebble in the brook, and Kamala, another unliked and unlikable mess who's biggest accomplishment was her political advancement which came about by sleeping with a politically powerful married man.

The question everyone should be asking is this.  Is their bench so empty that's the best they can do?  Answer?  Yes!

There's a lot of talk about Trump's tariffs versus free trade, and much of it's hyperbole with cries about the American consumer.  But we need to grasp this.  Everything is about "the basics" and understand there are outright economic reason to impose and dispose of tariffs. And there are outright political reasons to impose them or dispose of them. If Richard Nixon hadn't opened up China to world trade the economic mess created by Mao as a result of his "cultural revolution" would have most likely sunk the CCP.

When Kissinger went to China and was sitting with Mao and Zhou Enlai, Mao's head butcher, Kissinger said the nice thing about all this is we don't want anything from each other. Mao said if I didn't want something from you, I wouldn't have invited you, and if you didn't want something from me, you shouldn't have come. I was never impressed with Kissinger, the Tallyrand of the 20th century, and what Mao wanted was to save himself and the CCP at the civilized world's expense.

It's time to reimpose those economic conditions on China, Russia, Iran, and any nation that proves to be a threat to civilization, and stop funding their military and economic efforts to destroy us. Trade agreements are about what's good for America's economy, and that doesn't necessarily mean it should be good for American multinational corporations, who on the best of days are leaky vessels as allies, and would sell the nation down the river for a good quarterly report, leading to bankruptcy and/or conquest.  Neither is good for the American consumer. 

These kind of policies require something on the order of Col. John Boyd's strategic military concept, OODA loop. Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. Which means paying attention and making whatever adjustments are necessary as circumstances change in order to attain necessary goals. It should be a matter of hard goals combined with flexible strategy.  I would be far more worried about regulations, which drive up prices, which drive up costs, which drives up wages, and creates larger more oppressive government.  Add outrageous spending and all this becomes a vanguard to dystopia.   

And what's Kamala's solution?  Equality of outcome!    

The competent to high achievers lose their incentive to produce at above average levels. Many will grow discouraged, put forth less effort, and slide into mediocrity -- or worse. And the "loafers" learn that they will be rewarded over and above what they earn. They will see no need to improve......Productivity and quality workmanship drops, the economy tanks, and the living standards for most of us "go down with the ship." Alas, there are reasons why state-controlled socialist or communist economies with equality of outcome as a goal are inferior to those in the relatively free market West, which while imperfect, still has substantially more respect for (and realization of) equality of opportunity.

I owned a pest control company for many years, and was involved in my industry's affairs, and even the nation's trade associations are pushing this DEI insanity, losing sight of the mission for which they were created. I said this a long time ago, and it's as true today as it was then:

"Diversity without accomplishment is philosophy without form and incompetence without consequence".

The Inevitability Factor: When Reality Reaches It's Apex! - America isn't perfect, but America has never offered perfection.  What America offered, with all our historical warts and moles, is the most acceptable imperfection.  As a result American republican democratic capitalism brought more people out of misery and suffering than any system in the history of the world.

That's a foundational truth! 

One thing is clear as a bell, Netanyahu gets it, and he always did, it just took this vile October 7th attack for force everyone else in Israel to get it, and Netanyahu was right to rebuke France’s Macron.

If you saw the Mel Gibson movie, The Patriot", you'll remember in one scene when discussing France's aid to the revolution, his character snorts in disgust saying, "the French", and I laughed when he did that. Let's try and get this about the French using this illustration.

"Once you drop a hammer in a gravity field (positive meaning it pulls downwards), you instantly know it is falling towards the ground, even before it actually hits, because the force of gravity is acting on it and pulling it down, regardless of whether you see it land or not; the act of releasing it is enough to confirm its descent."

People's character is defined by their history, and can be just as definitive as the effect of gravity, and French history is replete with actions that give more than enough reason not to trust anything they say or agree to.  Trusting the French is like believing the tooth fairy really leaves money under your pillow.

That's especially so since France is now so heavily infested with Muslims the city of Lyon has a 30 percent Muslim population, and the French are bending to that population's demand they accept sharia ..... or else... and they're doing so out of fear, and Macron is doing little about it.  

Macron is intellectually vacuous, since it appears he refuses to see that Israels is the canary in the coal mine, and France will be among their next victims. Or.... maybe he just want's stay in power and will happily sell Israel and France down the river to do so, but once Muslims take over, he will be lucky to survive.  

Once you turn monsters loose on society no one is safe, just like this former governor of NY was assaulted in Manhattan.  

Finally,  Russian sentences 72-year-old American to nearly 7 years in prison for fighting in Ukraine. My first thought this was a set up, but it turns out he really was there fighting.  My second thought then was:  What in the world was that nitwit thinking? 

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