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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 25, 2024

Cartoon Roundup: Biden's Revenge

By Rich Kozlovich

Derick Hunter in his article, The Media Are the Scum of the Earth saying, and I couldn't agree more: 

However much you hate the progressive corporate media, double it. Then double it again. After that, triple it and you’re getting close to where you should start hating these people. There isn’t a good person among the lot of them, there really isn’t, as they happily dance on the graves of dead loved ones and lie with impunity about Donald Trump under the banner of “truth-tellers.”

But as vile as the media is, even they can't prevent Kamala from exposing how unqualified she is to the President of the United States, or for that matter, to be in charge of anything that requires intelligence, competence, a work ethic, and a viable moral ethic.  All of which she lacks entirely.  In spite of the media's corrupt Herculean efforts to hide just how bad she is, she's still managed to once again expose herself to the nation as to who she is in her interview with CNN, which has been a repeat performance in every unscripted interview since the debate.   It's also more evidence she must have been given the questions, and practiced the answers ahead of time for her debate with Donald Trump,

If she performs so badly, and she does, why does she do them?  She has no choice as she's been forced out by the polls, and now for many Democrats after that interview, that was "the last straw".  


The only thing she's absolutely sure about is her desire to murder the innocent unborn, and forcing everyone, including medical people who believe it's murder to comply with it.


Well, the polls are running badly against her, which means they're far worse than is being presented.  Add five to ten points to these polls and you'll probably get a much more accurate reading. 





The left has had a hissy fit over Trump's McDonalds episode, and no matter what they're saying, the real reason is because it was clear Trump actually was enjoying himself and was totally comfortable with the employees and the customers.  Trump just likes people, and America loved it. What they also know about Kamala is not one bit of that is who Kamala Harris is, and in that situation she would have bombed just as she's bombed in each and every unscripted and unrehearsed interview she's ever given.  On camera she's a cackling incompetent nitwit.  Off camera she's a nasty finger pointing incompetent nitwit. 


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