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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The E-Myth

By Rich Kozlovich

Many years ago when I first started my business I tried to read as much about business start ups as I could, including what I think is a really eye opening book called "The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It", and the biggest thing I took away from this book was his observation, “Everybody who goes into business is actually three-people-in-one: the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician”, and all three have different drives, goals, and motives that have to be merged in order to be successful.   I used this book title to try and emphasize the myths regarding economics in America are legion.

In spite of America being the most successful capitalist nation in the history of the planet, most Americans are stunningly ignorant about economics, and I blame the government's system of public education, and economists for that. 

As a retired business owner who was heavily involved in my industry's trade associations I can assure you one of the major problems we're facing is hiring people, and not because they're not there, it's because they don't want to work, if hired they can't be relied on to come to work, and when they do, they don't perform.

I subscribe to Joe Lonsdale's substack site because he was touted to me as an economic genius, and it's probably true,  but I've found I'm not really interested in much of what he writes about, but I didn't unsubscribe because you never know what very knowledgeable and accomplished people will produce, and today was one of those times with, Ep 99: The Myth of American Inequality with Senator Phil Gramm.  He notes the leftist media driven lie is:

The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. The wealthiest among us don't pay their fair share in taxes. The American Dream is disappearing... Are these claims true? What data are they based upon? And does it stand up to scrutiny?............He argues that we suffer, not from extreme inequality, but from welfare-driven equality that encourages huge numbers of low-and-middle income Americans to drop out of the workforce..........

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