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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 12, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

By Rich Kozlovich

Normally I don't add video's to my P&D monologues but I really consider this "one of the essentials", because all we know Kamala's "rise to the middle" in California wasn't through her competence.  But this video entitled, "The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed", not only shows she's incompetent, she's lazy, she's corrupt, is one nasty human being, and has been so her entire career.  In point of fact, according to this video, she's violated California law in her actions.  In short...she's also a criminal. But hey, this is California, is there any politician in California who hasn't?  Probably not.  This is what she would bring to the Presidency. 


Why do people keep saying, "everything will turn out for the best"? Let's stop being delusional, everything does not always turn out for the best, and we have untold thousands of years of history to show that to be true.

Biden was elected through voter fraud, and what we ended up with was levels of corruption and incompetence America's never seen in all the nation's history.  More of which Kamala intends to double down on.   How's all that working out for you?

In John Mauldin's Thoughts From the Frontline he states: 

A challenge in writing a weekly letter like this is that the economy never stops. Important data keeps accumulating, whether I write about it or not. A lot happened in the last four weeks: an FOMC meeting with major policy changes, a surprising jobs report, important shifts in the bond market and yield curve, hurricanes, China, some geopolitical events, and a political race, just to start. I haven't mentioned them because I was on other, also important topics. Now it's catch-up time....... Normality is always a moving target......We do know one thing, however. The effects of 2020, 2023, the pandemic, the Fed, the inflation, everything else grow more distant with each passing day. The runway metaphor is overused but it fits: Planes can't stay in the air forever. This one will land. The question is whether we passengers will feel a hard or soft landing.

Make no mistake, there's a massive international economic downturn coming, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, that axis of evil are all broke.  I'll have more on this in my next geopolitical issue. 

Now all the "conspiracy theories", and "misinformation" about covid are coming home to roost, as the only misinformation was from the CDC, Pfizer, WHO, and the Biden administration, and as I predicted long ago, the long term consequences for their lies will impact humanity for decades. The false vaccines increased the risk of myocarditis in children, but somehow they felt the public didn't need to know that, and now, WHO, another vile corrupt international organization, admits monkeypox is a "side effect" of the covid vaccine.   Even I didn't see that coming, and someone needs to go to jail for all of this.  

Western civilization has gone completely insane.  In order to protect abortionists (like those Baal worshiping priests who sacrificed babies into burning pits, they make their living by murdering the innocent unborn) Scotland has made it illegal to pray at home, declaring private residences must be considered "abortion safe zones".  So now putting people in jail for silently praying outside an abortion clinic isn't sufficient, all thoughts against abortion must now be a crime, and don't you dare discuss your feelings with God over this.  Scotland has forbidden it.  

I do hope more people start reading the book 1984, because the only thing Eric Arthur Blair, aka, George Orwell got wrong was the time frame.

Because of the Democrat's policy of open borders, a violent criminal gang from Venezuela, all here illegally, Tren De Aragua, has been allowed to become out of control here in America by these leftist nitwits, and Kamala intends to double down on that and end all border controls.  Trump on the other hand has announced “Operation Aurora” in massive move to oust foreign gangs like Tren De Aragua.  And yet, if polls are to be believed, there still are Americans who are confused as to who they support?

The left hates, and wants to unleash their hate violently.  That's all they have.  If your a man who won't vote for Kamala, one professor wants you shot. Your outraged a the cost of food? Then your outrage is misplaced as that's nothing more than false information, and price gouging, but under no circumstances is it the fault of Biden's polices.  Democrats openly despise Catholics, and according to Obama if your a man who won't vote for Kamala, you're a racist, even it you're black, and a misogynist.   It turns out the real racist is Obama! 

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!  A far left wing alien resident who illegally became president stirring up racial hatred in America, and no one asks what his motives are?  Well, it turns out not everyone in black America is all that enthused about Obama, including, including C. J. Pearson.
Former President Barack Obama is urging black men to support Kamala Harris, suggesting that our allegiance should be based on the color of her skin and the chance to “make history.” But I have a simple response to that: my ancestors fought too hard for my right to vote for me to be reduced to a racial checkbox in a political game. I won’t support someone just because they look remotely like me—especially when that person has shown no regard for the real issues facing black communities.......... But here’s the thing: we’ve been “taking one for the team” when it comes to supporting the Democratic Party for decades. And what has it gotten us? Our inner cities are struggling, violent crime is on the rise, and too many of our communities remain trapped in a cycle of poverty. That’s the reality of progressive policies, not just in a few cities but across the country. We don’t need more of the same—we need leadership that actually delivers.
The media is corrupt beyond belief, the only difference is their corruption is out in the open, and this piece by Mary Grabar demonstrates it,  J.D. Vance Committed the Unforgivable Facecrime of Confidently Smiling.  

Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor who isn't a federal prosecutor, has decided the Supreme Court didn't understand his persecution of Donald Trump with their presidential immunity ruling, so he's made some changes and refiled, apparently to help them understand the error of their ways.   Jack Cashill likens all this to the prosecutorial misconduct of Mike Nifong saying:
.....who notoriously hid exculpatory evidence and distorted the sequence of events to prosecute three Duke lacrosse players on a rape charge. Once exposed, Nifong was disbarred and arrested. The difference between Nifong and special counsel Jack Smith, Donald Trump’s Javert, is that Smith is still practicing law.
Nifong was disbarred, but Smith's conduct has been even worse.

As the political climate clears it seems clear to many Democrats that Trump will be elected, and to the point even the voter fraud schemes they have in place may not be sufficient to prevent it, so, they've decided to become election deniers.  Imagine that.  Doing what they demanded Pence not to, and did so with profound outrage claiming that would be an attempt to destroy "our" democracy. 

I've updated my An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More, article, and Matt Vespa thinks the Republicans have a solid chance to take the Senate, with which I agree, but you can never overlook Republican ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.  


  1. Barack Obama and the Abrupt Demise of Kamalamentum By Mark Angelides
  2. How the Mighty Obama Has Fallen By Susan Daniels
  3. Dementia Joe Outsmarts the Obamas  By Susan Daniels
  4. Hurricane Milton, a Lack of Leadership, and Election 2024 By Leesa K. Donner
  5. Are the Walls Closing in on Kamala Harris? By Tim Donner
  6. Education: Content and Competencies The two main components of K-12 education By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Critically Thinking about the Upcoming 2024 Election The American Experiment is at Stake By John Droz, Jr.
  8. How does the Left do it? By Kevin Finn
  9. Jack’s “October Surprise” is a dud By Joe Fried
  10. Inside The October 7th War  Daniel Greenfield
  11. The Revenge of Israel’s Women on Hezbollah  Daniel Greenfield
  12. Wrap up For the Week From Robin Itzler By Robin Itzler
  13. Kamala Harris; Failure on the March By Robin Itzler
  14. Trump Holds Union Advantage By Robin Itzler
  15. When To Vote?  By Robin Itzler
  16. Criminals Among Us! By Robin Itzler
  17. What The Hell Is Going On In Cuba? By Francis Menton
  18. Ordinary People Lose with European-Sized Government By Dan Mitchell
  19. The Prudent Case for the Laffer Curve, Part III By Dan Mitchell
  20. Industrial Policy: The Triumph of Hope over Experience By Dan Mitchell
  21. Further Confirmation of the 7th Theorem of Government By Dan Mitchell
  22. Sensible Tax Analysis from British Bureaucrats By Dan Mitchell
  23. Biden Touts Infrastructure – What Does That Even Mean? By Andrew Moran
  24. The Eve Of Destruction By Rob Pue
  25. The Devil Made Me Do It By Mike Shaw

 Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor
  4. An Analysis: Senate Race 2024 and More Updated this week!
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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, well, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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