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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 19, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

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By Rich Kozlovich


Well, this week has been profound.  The UN, the Biden nitwits, and Europe all demand Israel declare a cease fire, not Hamas, Hezhollah, or Iran, only Israel, and in effect declare an national suicide.  Netanyahu has in effect told them to shove it up their noses and has taken out another radical Muslim leader.   Quoting Andrea Widburg of American Thinker:

After Harris and Biden insisted that Israel stay out of Rafah in Gaza and that Israel enter into a ceasefire that would leave the hostages captured and allow Hamas to rearm, Israel did something different: It continued its war, and it killed Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of the sadistic attack against Israel on October 7, 2023. It was an extraordinary success, and Kamala was forced to go on air and alienate her base by praising Israel’s actions and its right to exist.

There's a lot of talk none of that matters because others will take his place, but think about this.  This guy, who allegedly as a Muslim loves death, was escaping to avoid what he loved.  Imagine that.   I think it's interesting these guys who demand sacrifice are always trying to avoid it. Sinwar and Che, both monsters and cowards trying to escape in order to save their own miserable lives at the end.  Killing all these Hezbollah and Hamas leaders is having a massive effect on both those movements, and anyone who claims otherwise is delusional.


There's been a big turn around this week with the Pravda media, they're finally admitting Kamala's a really stinko candidate.  Who should the nation thank for that?  Joe Biden!  I'm calling this Biden's Revenge.  Revenge for the Obama/Pelosi/Schumer cartel pushing him out as the Democrat candidate, and when dropping out he endorsed Kamala, and that handed Kamala the spot, without winning one Democrat primary.  She was appointed by the elites, albeit very reluctantly, and not elected by the Democrat party.  Joe was the one elected by the Democrat party via the primaries, and then he stuck back at them with Kamala.

The alternative media has known this all along, and said so, and has published so many articles, not only about what a bad candidate she is, but what a terrible human being she is, and virtually everything she does confirms all that in people's minds.  So, now the media's polls, all of which are always rigged, showing Kamala doing well, have stalled, or reversed, and the media is "into meltdown mode". 

We’re now seeing thought pieces and columns about why Kamala Harris is failing, with the usual anti-Trump tropes sprinkled in as a coping mechanism. If they’re going to endure a second term of Donald Trump in the White House, they might as well hurl extreme hyperbole about the man. They seem to know that a) Kamala’s momentum has stalled, and b) they’re perplexed about why that’s the case. 

Yet, there’s also acceptance that Kamala did a poor job defining herself to the electorate, allowing Trump’s campaign to do that, which is usually an election-killing move. Her inability to do that and set herself apart from the Biden White House is killing her, along with her elite ineptitude and social awkwardness. These were the two top items; some were relatively easy, and she bungled them. It’s now too late to turn this around....

Well, I disagree that Kamala allowed Trump to define her.   I think Kamala identified herself clearly, and America sees it, and didn't like what they see.   She's defined by "her elite ineptitude and social awkwardness", doubling down on illegal immigration, antisemitism, support of terrorists, race baiting, unbridled abortion, more power to the deep state, end of free speech, more spending, more borrowing, more taxes, more regulations, all of which would be imposed on the nation by a lazy, nasty, not all that bright woman who if elected would be by voter fraud so massive it would make Biden's victory look legitimate, surrounded by, and controlled by, the same corrupt leftist cabal already in place making all the decisions.   Please take a look at my two Cartoon Roundup pieces,Cartoon Roundup: Dear Kamala, and Cartoon Roundup: Kamala the Queen of Change.

Trump is merely utilizing that definition, and the Pravda media hates it, hates Trump, and are spewing out any and all invectives they can dream up.

CNN, the electronic media's equivalent of supermarket tabloids, and the Soviet Union's Pravda, the propaganda wing for the left is dying, slashing salaries, and even they're acknowledging:

Donald Trump has never polled better or been more popular heading into the final weeks of the 2024 election. The panic is real among Democrats because everything is coming out of the woodwork. From reports about phantom boos at the Al Smith Dinner to Kamala Harris trying to claim that Trump’s mental health is in decline—the desperation is setting in, and it's ugly. At the same time, Democrats must do something because the ‘black woman’ card isn’t working, another sign that voters aren’t that stupid. Black woman or not, if this person comes off as a cackling, unqualified, and mentally challenged clown, they’re either voting for Trump or staying home. 

Let's try and get this right, once, please, just once!  If the polls are showing Kamala down a point or two, you need to add between five and ten more points, because all these polls are rigged, and like old tennis shoes, they stink, and the Pravda media knows it.  That's why they're really in a snit. 

While Obama and his ilk managed to put on a mask of of balance to fool the nation, and I include the Bush/McCain/Romney crowd in that mix, Kamala can't.  The left's base is so radical they're demanding their leaders opening disavow the United States, and all the traditional values that made America great, and in point of fact, Kamala is the Democrat party.  A party with old leaders who are now being disavowed, and young leaders who are so radically un-American and fundamentally stupid they have no bench. 

Lots of good stuff this week, and I can honestly say I will really be glad when this election is over, albeit, I have serious misgivings about whether or not the massive voter fraud I see developing will determine the outcome.  

This week I'm offering six pieces of my own, and twenty six by others, along with the four permanent links, and  here's John Droz, Jr's, Media Balance Newsletter (October 30, 2024) .

My Commentaries

  1. The Kamala Quality
  2. My Gazette: Media Collapse and Corruption Part IV
  3. An Updated Analysis of the 2024 Senate Race
  4. Death to America Isn't Just an Islamic Chant, It's The Democrat Party Agenda
  5. Cartoon Roundup: Dear Kamala,
  6. Cartoon Roundup: Kamala the Queen of Change


  1. Election 2024: Kamala to Jews: “Over Your dead bodies!” Deep state to Trump & maga: “Yours too!”  By Thomas Budds
  2. From the Back Forty: Harris in the Heartland By Sarah Cowgill
  3. Merrick Garland’s Long History with Barack Obama By Susan Daniels
  4. Family Feud: Media Zeroes In on White House Warfare By Leesa K. Donner
  5. Kamala’s Existential Crisis: Minority Voters Edging Toward Trump By Tim Donner
  6. Critically Thinking about Experience By John Droz, Jr.
  7. FBI Fixed Massively Underreported Crime Stats – And Told Nobody By James Fite
  8. The Issue is the Revolution By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Kamala’s Racism  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Only Tyrants Fear Free Speech  By Daniel Greenfield
  11. The 2024 Election Will Be Very Different From The Election In 2020 By Robin Itzler
  12. Kalama's Joy Campaign Strategy? I Think We Can Say We're "Over" Joyed Now! By Robin Itzler
  13. Campaign 2024: Here's the Way It Is! By Robin Itzler
  14. Are We Now A Radical Socialist Nation? - or - Is the Tide Turning to Freedom? By Robin Itzler
  15. Robin Itzler's Points to Ponder By Robin Itzler
  16. The Most Unserious Presidential Candidate Of All Time? By Francis Menton
  17. More DOJ And FBI Corruption By Francis Menton
  18. More Evidence for the “Washington Consensus” By Dan Mitchell
  19. EFW 2024: Continuing Deterioration in Global Economic Liberty By Dan Mitchell
  20. America’s Best and Worst Governors By Dan Mitchell
  21. Defending (One Version of) Class Warfare By Dan Mitchell
  22. Obamacare: Still a Failure By Dan Mitchell
  23. Trump Says ‘Enemy From Within’ Threatens National Security By Dave Patterson
  24. The US Air Force Is Doing Some RearrangingBy Dave Patterson
  25. No Happy Ending By Rob Pue
  26. Mitt Romney Still Believes He Can Rebuild the Pre-2016 GOP By Joe Schaeffer

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, well, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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