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By Rich Kozlovich
Another week of insanity, and the desire to say, "I can't wait for this election to be over", is overwhelming, but, it's also a mixed bag since there no longer is a loyal opposition, and if Kamala is elected that will be the end of things as we know them. America will quickly disintegrate into an entirely Balkanized, violent crime ridden society that doesn't speak the same language, and most assuredly will no longer share the same cultural values.
Why would a nation's leaders do that to their society? Because they no longer consider themselves Americans, they're leftists, socialists, globalists, environmentalists, abortionists, feminists, and a host of other radical factions that subscribe to beliefs that are destroying the nation, and turning the most successful culture the world has ever known into an ungovernable society.
And after all this leads to an ungovernable society what's the solution? An abandonment of the Constitution in favor of a dictatorial government? As Machiavellian as that seems, the events taking place have to make one wonder, since the destructive direction they're driving the nation is as predictable as day follows night. If that's true, and it is, then it must be deliberate.
There's one thing and one thing only that can prevent that. America's foundational social paradigms to resist such a thing, and when the left is in charge, who and what they are becomes exposed by their excesses. The far left has now completely taken over the Democrat party, one of the 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America.
Because of the Venona Intercepts we know going back to the 1920's communists infiltrated the media, the entertainment industry, the federal government, the unions, and now they've not only infiltrated these entities, they are these entities, including much of the nation's commercial sector.
Voter fraud is so pervasive it's totally corrupted the system, and the Democrats are working to make sure that corruption remains. Most would call that treason, the media calls that a myth, but the days when the media could lie to the nation and get away with it are over. The alternative media has exposed their lies, and American's really resent being lied to as a result, they're credibility with America has totally disintegrated, and just as newspapers have been going out of business almost as fast as restaurants, the same is going to happen to the electronic media, and CNN, being one of the most corrupt liars in the media, is most likely to be among the first down the drain. A national day of celebration.
Their demise is being driven by arrogance such as displayed by George Stephanopoulos who says he won't allow anyone on his show that won't concede Joe Biden won the election honestly. Well, good, that way conservatives won't have to waste their time, and every conservative should refuse to go on any of these Pravda propaganda machines in the first place. He, as well as all these network shows are not looking for truth, they're all channeling Baghdad Bob demanding validation for things which cannot be validated because they're lies. That's leftist propaganda.
Today's offerings include six pieces by me and twenty six others, with some thought provoking views, and the four permanent links.
I'm adding this link, because I really do think this whole issue regarding what America's intelligence agencies are up do needs to be exposed.
Are Intelligence Agencies Planning to Make Voters Obsolete? , - Here’s something for you to contemplate as you consider concerns about election integrity: Do the algorithms that Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., has found surreptitiously embedded in current state board of election voter rolls suggest intelligence agents have decided to bypass voters to vote election simulations?......We know that secret algorithms planted in state voter rolls pave the way to stealing elections, so this is not an unreasonable question....... If the algorithms Paquette has discovered are the handiwork of U.S. intelligence agencies, the New World Order to make voters obsolete has already begun........
Best wishes to us all!
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