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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my children may have peace." - Thomas Paine

You know that little voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, well, I don't have that!  

By Rich Kozlovich

Over the years I've written about every issue that impacts humanity, and as a result Paradigms and Demographics is hit from all over the world.   Currently I've had over 128,000 hits for this month, and if that trend continues there would be over 180,000 hits for October.  But I'm always dubious of how these stats are created, so who knows.  
I've said in the past that I didn't place too much stock in this because there's no way I can track what subjects they're interested in.  Once a reader logs into P&D that creates a hit.  But once logged in they can then pick and choose what they're reading without creating any further hits.  How much impact I've had on peoples views is subjective, but there have been times when I do think I made a difference. 
A number of years ago Bulgarian readers started hitting P&D a lot, and for a few weeks. As I said, I can't always tell what my readers are interested in, but I had been posting a large number of links to articles dealing with fracking, mostly from Steve Milloy’s, and - lo and behold - the number of hits on those posts and a large readership from Bulgaria ran concurrently. About two weeks later there was a strong movement to overturn the Bulgarian government’s anti-fracking policy. Did P&D have anything to do with that? I have no way of knowing, but one can only hope. 
The previous winter had been extremely cold in Eastern Europe and a number of people froze to death due to a lack of energy. Sufficient natural gas, readily available, would have prevented those deaths. More lives lost due to environmentalist's scaremongering and posturing about CO2 levels and global warming, and that's the tip of the iceberg. 
For years I rarely had any hits from mainland China, but about that same time Chinese readership started showing up, and then disappeared almost entirely, and remains so now. 
Ukraine readers also started showing interest about that time, and since I post so many articles about tyranny, socialism and its ills, I wondered what impact that had with Ukrainians.  Given what's going on it now it appears none of that mattered.
Initially Paradigms and Demographics was an anti-green blog, and it was my intent to keep it ‘green only’! However, as time went by I found it was impossible to separate ‘green’ from ‘left’. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union environmentalism has been the spear point for the imposition of a tyrannous worldwide system of socialistic governance, and it was impossible to ignore.
Many countries that provided regular readers to P&D were all struggling under socialist governments, or have in recent years thrown off the socialist yoke, or are struggling to gain more freedom, but most of the countries governed by tyrants rarely hit P&D.  
When this started I expected to get a lot of attention from English speaking nations, and initially I did, and exchanged e-mails with readers in Canada, Britain and even Germany.  Now, the number of hits I get from Canada, England, New Zealand, and Australia run from few, to never.  I'm convinced P&D is in some way being restricted in these nations, especially when I see them throwing people in prison for refusing to get the covid shots as in Australia, or in England for protesting their immigration policies.
Grandfather Who Was Jailed Over Anti-Immigration Protest Found Dead. A grandfather imprisoned for two years and eight months for taking part in an anti-immigration protest in Rotherham, England, has been found dead in His Majesty's Prison (HMP) Moorland. 
Peter Lynch, 61, carried a placard asserting politicians, police, journalists, and others had been corrupted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), BlackRock, Vanguard, and others at a protest outside a hotel hosting illegal immigrants following the deadly stabbing of three young girls in the town of Southport, allegedly by a migration-background teenager.....
But I do get a large number of hits from India, which English is probably a second language there. 
I’ve been told no one reads, or cares what I have to say, and if they do it has no or little impact on people’s thinking.  Perhaps so, and it would be hubris to say otherwise since I have no hard evidence to the contrary, but as I watch the world and see who shows interest in my musings I can’t help but think someone is paying a bit of attention because it appears a substantial number keep coming back.
Perhaps a great number of people really are paying attention, and perhaps not.  But here's the issue, heterodoxy isn't for the faint of heart.  It has been my experience in life that very often people think thoughts they’re afraid to say, or unwilling to say in order to avoid conflict and confrontation. 
But those thoughts need to be said by someone, and I think it is important for those people to see it being said. I think most people are convinced what they believe is right, especially when it comes to all these destructive social issues, but they just can't seem to develop the intellectual argument to articulate and defend their positions against the unending drumbeat of leftist propaganda from those in power and in the media. 
Every issue facing humanity has a historical foundation and an historical context. And everything we are told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality. If the issue under discussion fails in either of these criteria, it’s wrong. All that is left to do is develop the intellectual argument to explain why it’s wrong. I provide that intellectual argument, and I've been told by prominent writers I do it well, and I hope that's true. 
But either way, people can now choose to use those arguments, ignore those arguments or even challenge them. But now they have a choice, and honest hearted people need those choices. They're the ones I seek!
This is a battle to overturn propaganda, lies, misrepresentations, and hypocrisy.  Win or lose, this is the battle of our time. It's the battle that must be fought! 
 “I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo."So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
The left, including the green movement, wins the battle of emotions, they always have. We win the battle of facts, we always have. To win the war we must win the battle of emotions and the battle of facts, and being loved isn’t going to be a part of that.  
"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my children may have peace.". Thomas Paine
We no longer know or understand history.  We substitute real history with leftist propaganda and call it history.  No one reads books any longer, especially history books.  We are an entire population that's been beguiled by the main stream media too lazy to find out the truth, yet because of the internet we have access to more information from more sources than any population in history.  Through a "philosophy of indifference" we've foolishly allowed these enemy citizens of America "to have their way [and] to grow strong and vicious"! 
The patterns of life repeat over and over again.  People will always be people.  Corruption is the offspring of power, and if that power goes unchecked, then the true child of power emerges:  Tyranny!

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