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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, October 17, 2024

My Gazette: Media Collapase and Corruption Part IV

By Rich Kozlovich, See Part I, Part II, and Part III


The claim some time has been the Main Stream Media, or as I call it the Pravda media, has lost all credibility.  The debates sealed that claim.  What was the media's biggest beef with J.D. Vance?  The man had the audacity to confidently smile.  Imagine that.  Did he shout, scowl, wave his arms in outrage, bang his fits on the podium?  No, he did much worse, and it was far more "chilling".  He outrageously " put on a mask of likability and empathy.”    That was unforgivable male toxicity.  After a face crime such as that, how does he even dare "breathe  in the air we breathe on this planet! ”  But that was from Maureen Dowd, as far left loon a as there is. 

In Discover the Networks, Dowd is described as a "narcissistic writer tending to reduce “all political phenomena .... to caricatures of the personalities", who finds it “easier to whine than to take a stand or offer solutions".  Her "favorite rhetorical device is parallelism", which is like a the logical fallacy of inappropriate comparisons.  Claims anyone who opposed abortion suffers from "mental impairment", and is an unending race baiter, and I think the real reason she dislikes Vance so much is she identifies as one J.D. Vance's childless cat ladies, just like Kamala Harris, "who hadn’t procreated.... were “miserable” and had no “direct stake” in the country", whether she owns a cat or not. 

The arrogance of the "stars" of the Pravda Media is beyond the pale, Stephanopoulos says "he will not continue with any interview with a Republican if they won't concede Joe Biden won in 2020.  He won't allow any discussion of voter fraud, or watered down ballot rules.  Nitwits like him "think it's journalistic malpractice to do a live interview with President Trump on television."  Why? Because if it's live they can't contort what was said as they've done over and over again with taped interviews.    

Then we have Morning Joe Scarborough, who has been described as America's Baghdad Bob.  You remember Baghdad Bob don't you?  He was "Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf", who '"ludicrously claimed “The infidels are committing suicide by the hundreds on the gates of Baghdad.”  "Americans “are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks. They will surrender, it is they who will surrender."  The next day Baghdad fell.

Joe Scarborough? At one point, he was considered a conservative Republican congressman from Florida. Today, he is a disgraceful fool spouting a never-ending array of talking points for President Joe Biden on cable news. His credibility as a journalist, although never very impressive, has completely evaporated.  His performances on MSNBC have become so laughable that the comparisons to “Baghdad Bob” are impossible to ignore.

 Scarborough claims former President Donald Trump was “preparing for civil war.”  What triggered that statement?  Well, he quotes Trump saying:

 “Those who want to stop us from achieving this future have slandered me, impeached me, indicted me, tried to throw me off the ballot. And who knows? Maybe even tried to kill me.”.....“You know, I always say there is an enemy from within, and there is an outside enemy. If you are smart, the outside enemy is not going to be a problem. Russia, China, North Korea, we are not going to have a problem if you have a smart president. If you have not such a smart president then it’s a problem. We have an enemy from within, which I think is much more dangerous than the outside enemy.”

How does Scarborough define all those true statements?  He calls that a stunning level of un-American activity. 

“The level of un-American activity that you just saw is stunning. That is un-American. They know they’re lying. Donald Trump knows that’s a lie. He will tell you that the Secret Service, he thought, did the best job they could do. The fact that JD Vance and Trump’s family would out and out say what they said takes the threat of violence takes the threat beyond where it was even leading up to January 6. This is an increasingly desperate person, an increasingly desperate family, who is preparing for civil war. They just are.”

And the list of outrageous statements by Scarborough and his team are listed in the linked artilce, go there and see clearly they're all about "punishing Trump, coddling Biden".  And "this is what our media elite considers a well-functioning democracy and apolitical justice", and the reason I call them the Pravda media.

There's no debate or interview that won't be a designed trap to make conservatives look bad, and a lot of that is backfiring as conservatives have given up any idea the media will play fair.  They won't, and now people like J.D. Vance are prepared to deal with them, and even challenge them.   

on 4 Times the Left-wing Media has  C0mpletely Destroyed its Credibility, saying:

The mainstream media no longer pursues truth. It is a puppet of the political establishment and will demonize anyone who dares question their establishment-approved narratives. Labeling everyday Americans as “conspiracy theorists” and purveyors of “disinformation,” the media has weaponized its platforms to shield political elites rather than holding them accountable. From silencing critical stories like Hunter Biden’s laptop to ridiculing valid concerns about COVID vaccines, the mainstream media has consistently acted as the enforcer of the political machine, not a champion of truth.

As the facts came to light, many of the stories they dismissed and suppressed have been vindicated—exposing not only the media’s bias but also the lengths they’ll go to discredit those who challenge their carefully constructed narratives. Here are four of the most shocking lies the mainstream media purported to protect their leftist political elites that absolutely destroy their credibility: 

Lie #1: The Hunter Biden laptop theory is Russian disinformation.....
Lie #2: The COVID lab-leak theory is a conspiracy theory.....
Lie #3: COVID vaccines are safe and effective.....
Lie #4: Joe Biden's mental state is "not" declining.....

Actually, while those are four excellent examples, the amount of vile and corrupt lies of commission, lies of omission, logical fallacies, and projection, spewed out by these corrupt misfits is much larger than just these four examples, actually going back a hundred years, and probably just as long as news organizations have existed. 

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