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Saturday, October 26, 2024

CIA Gives Birth to Barack Obama

Evil begetting evil 

By Susan Daniels Oct 25, 2024 @ Susan Daniel's Newsletter

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “collects, evaluates, and disseminates vital information on economic, military, political, scientific, and other developments abroad (emphasis added) to safeguard national security.” So why are they so involved in Obama’s life? Because he worked for them and shoveled money to the CIA when he was the president, like the $1 billion for Operation Timber Sycamore where U.S. Special Forces trained Islamic fundamentalists who carried out a reign of terror.

Obama worked for Business International Corporation, a known CIA front, for a year in 1984. Besides Obama, the CIA also employed his grandparents, mother and stepfather, and Frank Marshall Davis, his likely father. None had clean hands. But let’s start with Barack Hussein Obama, who was not born in Hawaii where he said he was.

Only federal law enforcement agencies could pull a scam on America by putting a Manchurian Candidate into the highest office in our country. Retired FBI agent Max Noel said that the CARL test was not used on Obama. The acronym CARL stands for Character, Associates, Reputation and Loyalty. Obama would have failed each miserably. The Secret Service, who protects Obama, would not have hired him in 2008 as a janitor if they did a background check on him.

Obama was never vetted by anyone. He has used a stolen Connecticut Social Security number since his mid-20s. Republican politicians like Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy, Jim DeMint, and Marco Rubio were all alerted in 2012, but none reacted to the verified documents proving Obama committed a crime.

With a refusal to challenge Obama for fear of being called racist, they all threw gas on the fire that Obama started with his transforming and dividing our country. Obama wrapped himself in the armor of white men afraid to call him out. And then he snuggled up to scum like John Brennan, who Obama named director of the CIA. Brennan is undoubtedly the person who oversaw the forgery of all the phony documents created for Obama in 2008, including his birth certificate.

The New York Times reported that, “‘in the 67 years since the CIA was founded, few presidents have had as close a bond with their intelligence chiefs as Mr. Obama forged with Mr. [John] Brennan,’ an architect of the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program and former CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia.”

According to OPEN SOCIETY Justice Initiative (2-2-2013): “Extraordinary rendition is the transfer—without legal process—of a detainee to the custody of a foreign government for purposes of detention and interrogation.

“An anonymous Cabinet member explained that “presidents tend to be smitten with the instruments of the intelligence community [but] Obama was more smitten than most…”

Covert Action Magazine (10-1-2021) said: 

“‘Obama’s worldview meshed so closely with this “‘unsentimental intel warrior’ and ‘terrorist hunter’ that Obama ‘found himself finishing Brennan’s sentences.’”

Zbigniew Brzezinski wasn’t working for the CIA when he was at Occidental College recruiting for the agency in 1981. It is believed he hooked Obama then. Obama was the perfect puppet. He attended school there from fall ’79 to spring ’81 and only took four or five classes. Since one of the first actions as president was to seal his own records, it is not known if he even passed whatever those few classes were.

So where was Obama the following year? He claimed he was in Pakistan visiting a school roommate for three months, but he went missing for a year. He was seen there in the presence of someone who matched the description of Brzezinski and was also seen in India. Obama said he transferred to Columbia University to Columbia after he left Occidental.

But Obama was not attending classes at Columbia. The late Dr. Henry Graff, who taught History there for forty-six years, said he never heard of Obama or saw him on campus. He said every poly-sci major, which Obama claims he was, took two or three of his classes. His “Seminar on the Presidency” was taken by all of them.

Graff said that none of the other professors in the department heard of, or saw, Obama and the Dean told Graff that he was told to sign Obama’s diploma. The Dean added that he didn’t know the man but signed it anyway. Graff was outraged that Obama was using his school in a lie.

Coincidentally, Brzezinski taught at Columbia starting in 1960. In his book, Alternative to Partition, he “advocated reassuring the Soviets that the United States did not have military designs on them in order to infiltrate ideas into Eastern Europe that would undermine communism.”

Could Obama have attended the Peoples’ Friendship University six-month program in Moscow? He was a perfect candidate. No one knows. But Dr. Graff knew he wasn’t at Columbia.

Stanley Dunham, Obama’s grandfather worked as a furniture salesman in Washington and Hawaii. Independent researchers believe that was a cover for his work as an intelligence agent for the CIA.

Stanley Dunham’s favorite bar in Hawaii, Bar Nuuanu & Hotel, where he brought little Barry, was owned by William J. Lederer, a known CIA agent who wrote the Cold War classic, The Ugly American.

Young Barry Soetoro lived from ages six to ten in Indonesia but when his mother sent him home to Hawaii, while keeping his half-sister Maya with her, he again became Barry Obama. Stanley Dunham, who named his daughter Stanley because he wanted a boy, spent considerable time with Barry and Frank Marshall Davis.

Madelyn Dunham, Obama’s grandmother, with only a high school education, became a Vice President at the Bank of Hawaii. She handled escrow accounts, including ones for the CIA.

Obama’s mother Stanley Ann Soetoro worked for CIA front companies in Indonesia— the Ford Foundation and USAID during the 60s and 70s. It is reported that while she was helping women start small craft businesses to become financially independent, she was also naming communist enemies of the Suharto government, who were then killed.

Obama’s step-father, Lolo Soetoro, was called back from Hawaii, where he was in school, after a coup in Indonesia in 1965. With the help of the CIA, President Sukarno was removed from office, and Suharto was installed as the country’s second president. Soetoro joined Suharto’s army the following year. In his book Dreams from My Father, Obama dedicated a whole chapter to Soetoro.

He said that Lolo taught him “how to eat raw green chili pepper and choke down dog, tiger, and snake meat, as well as roasted grasshopper.” Soetoro appears to be one of the few men that Obama ever admired.

Soetoro was the father of Maya Soetoro Ng, while Obama has lived his life with a misidentified father, purchased by his grandfather to hide the family shame.

Covert Action Magazine: “Obama’s friend Keith Kakugawa told an interviewer that Ann had had an affair with (Frank Marshall) Davis because she was angry that the family had to move to Hawaii, away from her high-school friends who were all attending the University of Washington.

“Ann became pregnant and, to hide the truth, Dunham paid Obama Sr.—whom he knew through the University of Hawaii exchange—to marry Ann, giving him the opportunity to extend his visa to attend Harvard.”  (They never did actually marry because Obama had a wife and children in Kenya; he and Ann never even lived together.)

Obama wrote in Dreams from My Father, that “the visits to Frank’s house always left me feeling vaguely uncomfortable as if I were witnessing some complicated, unspoken transaction between the two men, a transaction I couldn’t understand.”

Davis was a journalist and known communist in Chicago. His party number was 47544. He was sent to Hawaii to cause dissension between the races. He wrote for the Honolulu Record, the Communist Party publication. He was a mentor to Obama through the 70s and as early as 1955 was calling for taxpayer-funded universal health care. Obama accomplished that with the financial nightmare called Obamacare.

Covert Action Magazine:: “After he left the presidency, Obama worked through his consigliĆ©re John Brennan to help conjure up the “Russia Gate” scandal, which revived Cold War-era demonologies, poisoned U.S.-Russia relations and greatly increased the threat of nuclear war.”

Even when it is not about him—Obama makes it about himself. As he was scolding black men recently for not supporting the Kamala Harris candidacy, he said: “We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama said.

When Trump wins the election, Obama can scuttle back under the rock from which he recently came to stir up his special kind of evil.

Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

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