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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 18, 2024

The Kamala Quality

By Rich Kozlovich

For many years I was involved with my industry's affairs at the local, state, and even to a small degree at the national level, serving as an officer or director of four of our industry's trade associations here in Ohio, and served on our state association's Governmental Affairs Committee for many years.  I was invited to a meeting where the Speaker of the Ohio House was attending along with a House member who was involved in writing the state budget.

The next day our lobbyist called and asked how it went.  I chuckled and said: It's amazing how many questions they answer that no one asked, and how my questions asked they don't answer.  And they were Republicans.  Well, that's a permanent affliction for all politicians, only some are much worse at it.  


Recently Kamala has been doing interviews and is looking like the nitwit she is, which more that confirms in my mind she not only had the questions to her debate with Trump, she practiced the answers, most likely with help from someone with a brain.  Just as the nitwit Hollywood crowd is made to look smart on film by writers and directors.   

Her responses clearly demonstrate insincere sanctimony, as in how sorry she is for the murders committed by the illegal aliens, which the Biden/Harris administration has allowed to flood the nation.  A policy of destructive immigration she intends to double down on

Instead of actually answering questions she deflects and filibusters incoherently, and then falls back on blaming Trump for all that's happened since she became VP. Her performances are corrupt projections, lies of commission, lies of omission, and logical fallacies, and in these cases she has no writers of directors to make her look smart, or even look real.   And some actually doubted she's a plagiarist of massive proportions? 

Is it any wonder so many despise her, including her staff, which is abandoning her, a pattern that's followed her for her entire career.   Kamala is lazy, arrogant, nasty, foul mouthed, virulent, blames her staff for looking like an ignoramus after having ignored their necessary briefings, and I think she's stupid.  

She does have one quality she at which she seems to excel.  Finger pointing, and proclaiming it's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault, ad nauseum.   No one can be fixed if they won't recognize their flaws and choose to fix them, and living the lie will not work because at some point they reach,

Her solution to fix inflation?  

Get the price gougers!  Who are they and how will she do that? She doesn't say, which of course means that's an open invitation for unjustifiable and illegal attacks on anyone who's not going along to get along.    Here's the most important point to take from this piece.  Inflation is being caused by bad government policies, and the FED printing vast amounts of money the government doesn't have to implement these policies.  In fact, she's convinced the government needs to print and spend even more money.  Apparently she apparently doesn't like that fact we only owe 37 Trillion dollars.  She must like round numbers, like 40 trillion, or maybe even 50 trillion, since her policies will get the nation there, if America still exists. 

Price of food. 

What happened during WWII with their price control laws, which actually started before WWII?  The Democrats wanted that continued forever with the intention of making the agency in charge immortal.  The end result, shortages, and black marketing, i.e., more organized crime.

Printing all that money is the real cause of inflation, and you know Kamala cannot admit that because that acknowledges her spending proposals wouldn't end the chaos, it would continue this chaotic insanity that leading to vast amounts of personal bankruptcy.  

It's so, much easier point her finger of blame at mysterious unnamed figures!   Someone else, anyone else, but never acknowledge the real problem.  Government.  And offer the real fix: Cut the spending, stop the borrowing, cut the size of government massively, end government employee unions, and massively reduce federal regulations.   

Rent Control.  

Where in the Constitution does it give the federal government the right to control the price of rent and the cost of housing, and you know those will go hand in hand?  Nowhere!  So, she's going to build thousands of new houses, all green houses driving up the cost, and if the past has any meaning, those houses will go to minorities, legal, and illegal migrants, and all paid for by printing money with diminishing value, continuing the corrupt business as usual practices that are destroying the nation.

So, one has to ask two questions.  

First, why didn't these price gougers impact inflation during the Trump years?  Answer.  Apparently we must assume they only came into existence after Biden was elected.  

Second, has Harris and her cabal learned anything from the past?  Yes, if they tout lies long enough and often enough the lie will become truth for enough nitwits to get elected.  

I don't know who would be more proud of Kamala, FDR or Joe Stalin, as Harris’s schemes are nothing more than retreads of stuff FDR and Joe Stalin imposed.   There's nothing new under the sun, we just fail to remember the consequences, and our system of education is doing all it can to make sure no one remembers.

Is this the collapse of Kamala and the Democrat party?  Ray DiLorenzo thinks so, and notes the only thing their good at is murdering the innocent unborn:

"abortion pill, suction, dilation, evacuation, extraction. Abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason........It bears similarities to the homosexual marriage issue that mysteriously became a civil right. They said they wanted rights, but what they really wanted was to be in your face, in your school, in your public libraries, and on your White House lawn. And now the government tells them they can change their gender. What's next?

What's next?  How's this?  A potential military coup? 

The directive, DOD 5240.01, was quietly reissued on September 27, 2024. It authorizes the military to assist law enforcement agencies when "lives are in danger." But here's the kicker: it includes provisions for "responding with assets with potential for lethality" in situations where it's "reasonably foreseeable" that lethal force might be used.........The military can now legally kill American citizens if they deem it necessary. And who decides what's necessary? That's the million-dollar question.

And this is "just weeks before the most critical election of our lifetime."  Nothing scary there.  One more thing.   Did the DOD issue that directive after getting authority to do so via legislation from Congress and the President? No.  If that's the case, and it is, then where exactly does the DOD think they have the authority to issue such a Directive?    


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