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Saturday, October 19, 2024

"That’s What Christians Do Now"

VS what they SHOULD be doing... 

By John Droz, Jr. Oct 19, 2024 @ Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues

This classic commentary has been repeated before — because it’s good. As elections in 2024 get ominously closer, I hope that this resonates with conscientious citizens…

“They called it no-fault. Why should we blame anyone when something so tragic happens? Haven’t they already suffered enough? Half of the marriages in America end this way. The children suffered. The family broke down. It is called divorce.

I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

In 1973 The US Supreme Court said it was OK to kill unborn babies. Since then, in the US we have killed more than the entire population of Canada. And it continues. A woman’s choice? Half of those who have died in their mothers’ wombs have been women. They didn’t have a choice. It is called abortion.

I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

First, it was in dingy, dirty theaters. Then, convenience stores. Then, grocery stores. Then on television. Now it is in the homes of millions via the Internet. It is called pornography.

I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

At one time it was an aberration. We secured help and hope for those who practiced it. Now it is praised. We have parades celebrating it, and elected officials give it their blessing. Now it is endowed with special privileges and protected by special laws. Even some Christian leaders and denominations praise it. It is called homosexuality.

I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

It used to be an embarrassment. A shame. Now a third of all births are to mothers who aren’t married. Two-thirds of all African-American children are born into a home without a father. The state usually pays the tab. That is why we pay our taxes so that government can take the place of parents. After all, government bureaucrats know much better how to raise children than parents do. It is called illegitimacy.

I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

At one time it was wrong. But then the state decided to legalize it, promote it, and tax it. It has ripped apart families and destroyed lives. But just look at all the money the state has raised. No longer do we have to teach our children to study and work hard. Now we teach them they can get something for nothing. We spend millions encouraging people to join the fun and excitement. Just look at the big sums that people are winning. They will never have to work again! It is called gambling.

I go to church, the minister preaches and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

Not long ago, Christians were the good guys. But now any positive image of Christians in movies or on TV is gone. We are now depicted as the bad guys – greedy, narrow-minded hypocrites. The teacher can’t have a Bible on her desk but can have Playboy. We don’t have Christmas and Easter holidays – just winter and spring break. We can’t pray in school, but can use foul language. It’s called being tolerant.

I go to church, the minister preaches, I go home. That’s what Christians do now.

Yes, all these things came to pass within 30 years. Where were the Christians? Why, they were in church. All these things are for someone else to deal with. Times have changed. It’s called apathy.

But don’t blame me. I didn’t do anything. I go to church, the minister preaches, and I go home. That’s what Christians do now.”

by Dr. Donald E. Wildmon – American Family Association (AFA) President.

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