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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Are We Now a Radical Socialist Nation?

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK 


Consider what is happening today under a Democrat administration that we would NEVER have allowed to happen even five years ago! 


On October 2, pro-Hezbollah supporters in Dearborn held a rally in support of their favorite terrorist group. The Dearborn mayor yelled to the crowd, “Netanyahu, go back to Poland!” The crowd repeatedly yelled, “Death to America!” Did you ever think that parts of Europe would look like Iran? But they do now. Did you ever think that parts of the United States would look like Iran? But they do now. Hamas, Hezbollah and their supporters in the United States, many are American citizens, consider Christians and Jews to be infidels. — Read the full article from The Geller Report; includes footage —  Dearborn, Michigan Rally for Hezbollah

On the Republican Side: 

Auto Workers for Trump founder Brian Pannebecker recently was asked in a Newsmax interview why the leadership comes out for Harris when the rank-and-file are for Trump: “Because they’ll keep lining the pockets of our corrupt union bosses. That’s the only reason I can think of.” Later he added:

“I can tell you from my own experience, 36 years in the auto industry, 11 for Chrysler Corporation and 25 for Ford Motor Company, that the membership the rank and file, the people on the shop floor do not support Kamala Harris. I know that for a fact because I do rallies outside of the auto plants every week during the election cycle, and I talk to the workers. Right now, the support on the shop floor for Donald Trump and JD Vance is 65 to 70%.”

On the Democrat and Republican Sides:  

The Michigan-based Arab American Political Action Committee said in a statement last week that they will not endorse either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. We are surprised the PAC didn’t endorse pro-Hamas Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

On the Independent Side:  

The former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke has endorsed Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Duke is basing his endorsement on Stein’s hatred of Israel. Stein does not accept the endorsement.

On the Democrat Side:   

Harris’s recent Univision town hall was promoted as an event with “undecided Latino voters.” That’s as honest as saying Chick-fil-A serves hamburgers. Besides Harris requiring a TELEPROMPTER to answer questions, the audience was filled with paid actors. Harris supporters (not undecided voters) were flown to the Las Vegas studio.

Strategist James “it’s the economy, stupid” Carville should be placed in a padded room. He keeps saying Donald Trump is a Nazi (we will wait while you laugh). Carville has gone so far as to claim that the reason Trump plans to hold a rally on October 27 in Madison Square Garden is that he wants to duplicate the pro-Nazi event held in the arena in 1939. Helloooo … Democrat National Conventions were held in Madison Square Garden in 1976, 1980 and 1992!

In the meantime, Harris is striving to obtain Muslim and Arab votes. Pictured: Parody of Vogue’s magazine cover that featured Kamala Harris.

You know your campaign is sinking when leftist Saturday Night Live mocks you in its opening segment. There are some Democrats who now lament having forced Biden out of the race since he would have at least maintained union support. Others privately admit they didn’t think Kamala Harris was as bad as her word salads.  Watch the SNL skit.

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