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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Critically Thinking about the Upcoming 2024 Election The American Experiment is at Stake

By John Droz jr. Oct 07, 2024 @ Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues

In a democratic country’s elections, most of the emphasis should be on comparing the policies of Candidate A, to the policies of Candidate B. In the US, that idea has apparently gone the way of the buggy whip. We are now immersed in so much subterfuge (some quite sophisticated) that we need to periodically step back to appreciate the magnitude (and origins) of it — and then apply Critical Thinking. Here is my outline of just some of the current lowlights:

1- Zero Progress on Post-Election Audits —

Despite an extraordinary amount of well-documented evidence (e.g., here), plus the indisputable logic of doing it, there is not any US precinct, county, or State where a meaningful post-election audit is mandated! This is a testament to the power of the anti-Americans claiming that such audits: “are not necessary,” “will suppress the vote,” etc., etc. This is unmitigated baloney whose sole purpose is to hide election fraud.

2- Government Invasion of the Private Residence of a Candidate —

In an unprecedented attack on civil rights, the US Government invaded the home of a Presidential candidate. The explanation given was without merit, as the other Presidential candidate was equally (if not more) guilty of the same “offense” (having confidential papers in their residence) — and he experienced no such violation of his rights. Clearly, the main reason for this intrusion was politics: to damage the image of a particular Presidential candidate (e.g., see here).

3- Lawsuits Against a Candidate —

In an audacious assault on civil rights, Democrat prosecutors brought charges against one Presidential candidate. The nature of such charges (and how the deck was rigged at every turn), makes Russian politics look amateurish. As of today, there has not been a final adjudication that he is guilty of anything — but that was never the objective. Once again, the main purpose was to sling mud at a Presidential candidate, knowing that the media would amplify it, and hoping that there were a sufficient number of non-critical-thinking voters that the election would be swayed. (It's good that you noticed the political temerity here, as the root claim was that the prosecuted candidate was “trying to influence the elections” — exactly what they were doing!! )

4- Assassination Attempts Against a Candidate —

In an extraordinarily disturbing development, a Presidential candidate is subjected to two assassination attempts. The Dems claim no responsibility although: a) their incessant and inflamed rhetoric is specifically designed to generate hate and fear of this candidate, and b) the Dem-controlled government agency charged with protecting all Presidential candidates, acted in a woefully incompetent manner.

5- Flooding the Country with Foreign Nationals —

In another beyond-the-pale development, the Dems purposely allowed ten to twenty million undocumented foreign nationals into the country. (See here for a further discussion of this extraordinary, Dem-created catastrophe.) The number of these people who vote in the 2024 election will never be known! (See #1, Audits, above.)

6- Falsely Enflaming the Issue of Women’s Rights —

As they believe that it is a favorable election issue, the Dems have presented themselves as a “champion of women’s rights.” (See a further discussion here.) Once again they hope that voters are not critical thinkers, and will not notice the total hypocrisy of their position. For example, the Dems are also the champions against women’s rights when it comes to biological males competing in women’s sports.

7- Greasing the Skids for President Joe Biden —

The Dem’s process for selecting their Presidential candidate was not some democratic choice by registered Democrats! It was carefully choreographed so that one — and only one — candidate would be victorious: Joe Biden. Other legitimate Democrat contenders (e.g., Robert F. Kennedy, jr) were blocked. So the puppet masters got exactly what they wanted: Joe Biden as the official Dem Presidential candidate.

8- A Last-Minute Presidential Candidate that No One Voted For —

Oops, it soon became apparent that the puppet master’s candidate had no chance of winning — so back to the drawing board! In another unprecedented maneuver, the behind-the-scenes power brokers anointed Kamala Harris as the new “official” Dem Presidential candidate — even though she had not received a single primary vote from even one registered Democrat citizen. The Venezuelan dictator gives them a thumbs-up!

9- Mainstream Media’s Relentless Misinformation —

Journalism used to be a proud and worthy profession, where good people provided the public with objective, factual information that helped them make informed decisions on important democracy-related matters such as elections. Mainstream media abandoned this model decades ago and is now an unabashed promoter of undeclared agendas — mostly anti-American, Marxist agendas. Their survival depends on their being inattentive, non-Critical-Thinking citizens. Essentially every mainstream media story about the 2024 Presidential election, is a serious distortion.

10- Leveraging the Hurricane Disaster —

North Carolina is a pivotal state in the 2024 Presidential election. It is a red-leaning state, so is a target of Dems. The recent hurricane has put the ballots of some 1.3 million NC citizens at risk. Who are they? Per the NC State Board of Elections, there are approximately: 300k Democrats + 500k Republicans + 500k Independents. This appears to be one of the unadvertised reasons why the Federal and State governments are slow-walking NC recovery efforts. If citizens are consumed with day-to-day survival matters, voting will be a low priority, and that will hurt many GOP candidates. (See here.)

-- Takeaway --

When we stand back to see the Big Picture, this should be extraordinarily disturbing. This is NOT how America is supposed to work. Instead: 1) unelected deep state power-brokers are determining who is elected, by hook or by crook, and 2) our K-12 education system is now specifically designed to produce propagandized, non-Critical-Thinking graduates — who soon become voters. These are the people who the Left is counting on, to vote themselves into permanent servitude.

The remaining Critical Thinkers had better: a) speak firmly and clearly to their misinformed fellow citizens, b) support and vote for reform candidates like Michele Morrow, and c) get meaningful post-election audits implemented in their State. 


We ALL need to pray that we survive the imminent cataclysmic crisis…


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