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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Critically Thinking about "My Body My Choice"

What does that mean — and is that the real question?

John Droz, Jr., Oct 01, 2024 @ Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues

It seems that since each US political party has prioritized one societal issue, citizens should do some Critical Thinking about both of them. My most recent commentary was a Critical Thinking analysis of the US immigration issue (that the Republicans are emphasizing). Now, let’s look at the Dem’s main talking point…

In the recent Presidential debate, Kamala Harris strongly emphasized that women should have a choice over their bodies. Surprisingly, all sides actually agree that (from both a man’s and woman’s perspective), My Body My Choice is what should apply! The difference is a matter of timing.


Before we consider the timing aspect, let’s think about the two key terms involved here: Body and Choice.

Body: As humans we have rights. The US Constitution says we are born with inalienable rights. Where did those inherent rights come from? God. If not then who?

Choice: Two elements are needed for real choice: 

1) knowledge, and 2) intellectual maturity.  (For example: can a ten-year-old make a legit choice about what house the family should buy and live in? No, because a child lacks both essential elements.)


From a woman’s point of view, a situation may arise where she has a very important choice to make, as her body is involved. It is whether or not she consents to having a special physical interaction with a man, that might produce a new human being.

If she says NO (or does not have the ability to consent), and it happens anyway — then we have rape. (The woman should have the right to terminate any consequence of an interaction that she did not initially consent to.)

On the other hand, if she says YES, then she does not give life to a new human being, the interaction does. The woman then takes on the role of caregiver: providing nutrition and protection for this newly created life.

When does this new creation become human? Only God can say that definitively. However, we know for 100% certainty that this transition does NOT just magically happen at the time of a natural birth, 9± months later.

For example, a friend’s daughter recently was carrying twins and she had some medical complications. At 7± months the decision was made to accelerate the birth of both babies, via C-Section. Following that, when her food supply (umbilical cord) was cut the babies were able to survive on their own — so clearly they were already human prior to delivery. (FYI six months later they are still fine.)

But what about buyer’s remorse? Let’s say that the father turns out to be a total jerk. Or their financial status substantially changes so that a baby would be a major economic burden. These and other real-world developments happen all the time.

However, the My Body My Choice has already been made by the woman. Somewhere soon after her choice, there is a new third party created, that she had consented to.

The issue is no longer My Body My Choice, as that decision was made well prior to that time. The question now is: should the woman stop providing nutrition and protection for this third person, that she had originally contractually consented to provide?

There are several details skipped in this overview, as the important point is to clearly understand the fundamentals involved in the procreation decision.

Four common examples of My Body My Choice 

  1. REPRODUCTION: See above.
  2. EDUCATION: The brain is arguably the most important part of the body. The Left has specifically targeted the brains of defenseless children — e.g., in 25,000± hours of K-12 class time, they are subjecting them to incessant propaganda. Further, the key message is that they should be conformists (i.e., NOT use their brains!). The Left sees that the parents, the legal guardians, are usually barred from knowing what propaganda is being instilled into their children’s minds.
  3. GENDER: Why should an eight-year-old child be put into a position of making a gender choice? They have neither the knowledge nor intellectual maturity to make such a decision. The parents, the legal guardians, are often excluded from this decision process. The Left is promoting this illusionary “choice” — not because it is in the child’s interest, but rather for political, virtue-signaling, reasons.
  4. VACCINES: Under the My Body My Choice premise, adults should have the right to say that they do not consent to being injected with an unknown bio-chemical combo that has not had meaningful long-term safety tests. The Left says that if you make such a choice, you will be severely penalized. Watch this fabulous short video.

So, which political party is really advocating for the best interests of your body, and which political party is genuinely defending your right to make an informed choice? Bottom Line —

So after critically thinking about the main issue of each US political party, what are our conclusions?

  1. The reality and implications of the immigration issue are understated.
  2. The reality and implications of the abortion issue are overstated.
  3. The Left is clearly NOT the party protecting our bodies.

This should not be surprising as what we have heard about each of these issues primarily comes from mainstream media, which is: a) very Left, and b) operating under the assumption that there are few critically thinking citizens.

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