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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 7, 2024

Dementia Joe Outsmarts the Obamas

And Did it More Than Once! 

 By Susan Daniels, Oct 05, 2024, @ Susan's Newsletter

Michelle Obama’s tiresome repetition of “I hate politics” was a failed attempt at reverse psychology. The Obamas were determined to get back into the White House.

While Michelle kept repeating it tediously and convincing some people into believing it was true; others watched as she used the playbook that got Barack elected. She wrote a couple of books, started a voter registration drive and was scheduled to give the keynote speech at the Democrat convention in her hometown of Chicago. She has been all over the country but was “not” campaigning. Cough, cough.

Barack joined Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer in pushing Biden out as the candidate, according to Anita Dunn, Biden’s campaign advisor and the wife of Bob Bauer. Bauer was Obama’s personal lawyer and White House counsel under Obama.

Bauer was also a partner at Perkins Coie, the law firm that made millions of dollars defending Obama against the almost four hundred lawsuits filed over Obama’s eligibility as president. All were thrown out on “standing,” meaning the person filing didn’t have “a sufficient connection to and harm from the law or action they are challenging.”

I did achieve standing in my 2012 lawsuit that charged Obama with using a stolen Connecticut Social Security number because I was certified as a write-in presidential candidate by the Ohio Secretary of State. I then used that letter against him when I sued.

Obama hated Biden as his vice president and Biden hated Obama ever since he supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 when Biden wanted to run for president. They kept up an impressive front of collegiality for their donors. It was no more real than Obama pretending to be heterosexual, which will become apparent in the legal battles ahead for Sean “P. Diddy” Combs.

In a podcast with Playbook Deep Dive, Dunn blamed Pelosi, Jeffries, Schumer and Obama for what happened to Biden. She insisted that Biden did a great job during the debate with Donald Trump and it was the next twenty-four days of constant attacks against Biden that caused him to drop out. She said every time things would calm down, one of them would “throw gas on the fire” to get Biden out as the candidate.

Surely she knew the plan was to slide Michelle in as the candidate. But if she did, she didn’t say it.

On July 21, Biden wrote a letter announcing that he was stepping down. He mentioned Kamala Harris in his letter and thanked her for being his Vice President. However, several hours later in a tweet he endorsed her to take his place as the candidate for president. It was a stroke of brilliance.

Well, “Surprise, surprise,” as Barney Fife would say on the old Andy Griffith Show. Dimwitted Joe Biden knocked Michelle out of the running.

Barack Obama “nodded to the uncertainty of the moment soon after Mr. Biden stepped aside from the nomination. He did not endorse Harris. 

"We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead," he said in a statement. "But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges." 

But the damage was done. Michelle could not undercut another black woman. Equally important, the $240 million in the Biden/Harris campaign fund could not be used by anyone else.

Three days later the Obamas came out in support of Harris as the candidate. There could not be a worse candidate. Michelle Obama is now living the nightmare that Hillary Clinton has awakened from every day since she lost the 2016 election to the current front runner and former President Donald Trump.

Michelle is well-spoken and must cringe every time Harris opens her mouth and “unburdens” us. Michelle stepped on a lot of people on her way to the top and after two years of hard work “not campaigning,” she has learned the old English proverb: “There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip.”

Neither Obama has not been campaigning for Harris and Michelle has no plans to.

Karma is a bitch.
Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

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