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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 9, 2024

Marxist Democrat Kamala Harris

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK 

 On the DEMOCRAT side:

 Kamala “Zero Votes” Harris must think that receiving ZERO votes in a primary is the American way of winning the presidency. Well, uh, cough-cough, we know Ms. Harris’ professional career path included Willie Brown’s bedroom, so we shouldn’t be surprised. The DEI hire won’t even do live interviews with friendly journalists!

Do not listen to the polls showing Ms. Knee Pads being ahead. There are only a few reliable pollsters and even then, Republicans are often under-reported. Consider the FACTS and learn some Yiddish: = Democrats are hanging black tents in venues at Harris rallies to hide empty seats because Harris is a shmendrik (jerk). = Democrats are paying people to attend Harris rallies, or they bus in union workers. We wonder what other tchotchkes (small gifts) they offer people.

Democrats are not allowing Harris to talk much outside of scripted speeches because she has bupkis (nothing) to say. 

The only way Harris was able to get viewership for her convention speech was by spreading rumors that there would be a special guest. Beyonce? Taylor Swift? There was no special guest. They did this because few people wanted to listen to Harris’ Marxist spiel (long speech).

Harris is AFRAID to debate Trump. She tried to change the debate rules after they were agreed to. Harris is a putz (someone who acts like a jerk).

Several state attorney generals are investigating the Harris campaign raising money through Act Blue’s money-laundering schemes. This is a shande (embarrassment) but nothing embarrasses Marxists.

Lacking original thought, Harris continually steals Trump’s policy ideas such as not taxing tips or building the border wall. This makes Kamala Harris a goniff (swindler, a cheat or just plain dishonest).

The Harris campaign has an ad where she extolls the benefits of TRUMP’S BORDER WALL. Harris is a tuchas-hole (a..hole). 

Harris is now for everything she was once against and against everything she was once for—with a complying MSM. Harris and her supporters are meshugana (crazy).

On the REPUBLICAN side:

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s plan to unseat members of the “Gaetz Eight” that pushed him out hasn’t worked so well. Reps. Matt Gaetz (Florida) and Nancy Mace (South Carolina) easily won their primaries. Rep. Bob Good (Virginia) lost his primary, but that was due to President Trump endorsing his opponent. We will see in two years if McCarthy’s personal vendetta continues when Gaetz runs for governor of Florida.

Democrat-turned-Independent Tulsi Gabbard (who represented Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021) endorsed President Trump for re-election. You might recall that it was Gabbard who verbally slaughtered Kamala Harris in an early 2020 primary debate, leading to Harris dropping out before any votes were cast.

On the INDEPENDENT side:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled last week that Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein can remain on the presidential ballot. Democrats have been trying to keep Stein off the ballot. The same supreme court ruled that RFK, Jr.’s name must remain on the ballot.

Georgia Administrative Law Judge Michael Malihi ruled for the Democrats that Jill Stein, Cornel West, Claudia De la Cruz and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are ineligible for the ballot. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has the final decision. Note: RFK is fine with this decision since Georgia is one of the swing states where he is having his name removed from the ballot in order to help President Trump win re-election.  (Update: Michigan court has ruled he must be taken off. RK)

Oh, but Democrats are going to save democracy.

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