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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 29, 2024

The Real Goal of Space Exploration

By Rich Kozlovich

During WWII air craft carriers, advanced jet aircraft, and tanks were the keys to victory, and has been so for all these years.  Since the end of WWII, they've been the backbone of military effectiveness.  Well, that's over!

Some years ago there was a SciFi show that was a spin off from the Stargate series called Stargate Universe.   In one of the episodes they came across "Berserker Drones" which attacked en masse.  In spite of the advance technology of their ship, they had to develop an escape plan to avoid being destroyed.  The numbers were just too great.  

That's playing out now, and we saw how Ukraine destroyed Russia's Black Sea fleet with a drone attack.  Extensive use of massed drones is going to be impossible to stop, just like trying to defend against a killer bee hive.   

These are not people, they're machines, totally dispensable, and made to be so, and easily replaced.   The only training involved deals with technicians who are nowhere near the battle field sitting in front of a computer/video console directing the actions.  When there's a lot of drones, there will always be some that will break through.   The only effective counter measure is destroying the communication connection between the drones and the technicians.  With advancements, that's not so easy now.  

For some years I've been following this effort to create military lasers, and written about it, and just about everyone laughed, just as so many laughed at Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, AKA, Star Wars program to shoot down Russian missiles.   It's not so funny now, and once again we see Reagan was far smarter than his critics as he saw farther, deeper, and wider, than all the arrogant, smarmy leftist snots who called him stupid.   

From all I read I knew what was on the horizon, and now we're seeing the beginnings of it, including Israel.  Even H.G. Wells saw that potential in 1895 in his book The War of the Worlds.

“However it is done, it is certain that a beam of heat is the essence of the matter. Heat, and invisible, instead of visible, light. Whatever is combustible flashes into flame at its touch, lead runs like water, it softens iron, cracks and melts glass …”

This year the UK tested the ‘DragonFire’ Laser Weapon, and it was successful against an aerial target, claiming:

The laser-directed energy weapon (LDEW) is claimed to have the ability to hit a precision target the size of a coin from a kilometre away. Although the exact range of the weapon is classified, the ministry said that it can engage with any visible target. The MoD said that the average cost of firing the laser is around £10 per shot, meaning that the weapon has the “potential to be a long-term low-cost alternative to certain tasks missiles currently carry out.”

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