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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Mike Johnson: The Mole Who Thinks Fake News CNN Reporter Jake Tapper is "Always Fair"

By Rich Kozlovich

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 I ran this piece, Republican Control of the House, describing the turmoil brewing there saying:

There's been a lot of turbulence in the Republican controlled House, and it's not been pretty. But all this turbulence has really exposed who are the conservative members and who are not, and some of those who are not have abandoned their Republican colleagues by resigning, and have done so in such a way as to make it possible for the Democrats to take over.  And now we're seeing another battle over the Speakership, and giving Speaker Johnson's actions, we're not shocked.   Marjorie Taylor Greene is spearheading the effort to remove him saying:  ’Yes I’m Willing to Force It'

I noted she was no longer the lone voice as Rep. Massie joined her in this crusade, calling for Johnson’s Resignation, laying out a plan to replace him.   And this dissatisfaction is spreading!  

There's a lot of anger over Johnson's Foreign Aid ‘insanity’, all the while neglecting the nation's border control, not to mention his "reversal on the Foreign Service Intelligence Act, supporting a FISA extension that passed earlier in April."  And he's joined by fellow schemers like Mike Gallagher, who postponed quitting to pass the Ukraine aid bill.  I think that's telling, and it gets worse.  What's even more telling is Biden ‘Strongly’ Supports Speaker’s $95 Billion Foreign Aid Package

Well, it turns out, just like Biden, Johnson has issues regarding Ukraine.  His "top policy adviser" is a former lobbyist with clients with business interests in this Ukraine war.   Which Wendell Husebø and Matthew Boyle claim is:

The inside story of how House Speaker Mike Johnson was flip-flopped on Ukraine aid starts with his top policy adviser, a former lobbyist whose clients include a number of major companies who have issued corporate statements indicating some kind of interest in the war.

If anyone has any delusions that Johnson is part of the Nitwit Brigade, this should end all doubts,  Mike Johnson Praises CNN’s Jake Tapper Off-Air: ‘You’re Always Fair’.  

Always fair?  Really?  When?  Bradley Jaye lists all that "fairness", he and CNN pushed:

Russia Collusion Hoax, Hands Up,  Don’t Shoot Hoax, Jussie Smollett Hoax, Covington KKKids Hoax, Very Fine People Hoax, Seven-Hour Gap Hoax, Russian Bounties Hoax, Trump Trashes Troops Hoax, Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful,  January 6 Protest Hoax, Rittenhouse Hoax, Eating While Black Hoax, Border Agents,  Whipping Illegals Hoax, NASCAR Noose Hoax, The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 HoaxTrump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax, MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax, COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax, Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax, Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax, COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax, Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax, The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax, Hamas Hospital HoaxJohn Fetterman Is Healthy Hoax, If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax, and The Alfa Bank Hoax!

Is it any wonder CNN is going down the tubes.  As for Johnson, just how stupid can a person be?  I guess there's no limit.

It seems clear there are two things about Speaker Johnson we must conclude.  Charles Wills says Speaker Johnson is just another compromised, self serving politician as he supported FISA, which is in reality "the unconstitutional power to spy on its enemies--the American people", and he further says, and I agree, Johnson is just Another Deep State Sleeper as he asks:

  • How is funding full term abortions and the child transsexual agenda going to save the republic? 
  • How is funding a Nazi government, that has suspended elections and imprisons Christians, going to save the republic? How is funding the transportation, housing, food, and medical expenses of illegal aliens going to save the republic? How is funding the LGBTQ movement going to save the republic? 
  • How will funding projects that the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein requested or the building of Chuck Schumer's environmental justice center in New York City going to save the republic?

He states, "The only way to save the republic is to fire all the Mike Johnsons in Congress and elect more Marjorie Taylor Greens."  The danger moles represent is you don't know they're moles until they get power, and exert that power to destroy.  All of which must be why Rand Paul agrees they need to oust Johnson as Speaker.

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