Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality
De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)
This Link will take you to My Commentaries.
By Rich Kozlovich

Well, it's been another one of those weeks. Another one of those, "ya just can't make this stuff up" weeks.
However, try as they might, neither side can fully explain the existence
of left-wingers. For my part, I can far easier grasp the appeal of
turnips and grits than I can the stranglehold that Marx, Lenin, Stalin,
Mao, Castro, Chavez and Obama, have on leftists. I mean, how is it that
anyone can look at the results of communism and socialism and not see
them for the nightmares they are and always have been? After all, the
evidence is in plain sight. - Burt Prelutsky
One well known leftist propagandist from the Pravda media outlet MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell, "announced he's taking a week off" due to what he said was "exhaustion caused by President Donald Trump's administration." Does that seem a little snowflakish to you? It's actually understandable. These leftist apologists have had to do unendingly remarkable mental gymnastics in order to make Biden, his administration, and the Democrat party look rational and sane, while claiming the normals who disagree with them are "weird". But now they're dealing with a new sheriff in town — and he’s taking no prisoners. He's striking back, and winning.
Betrayal - "Trump has found them out. He has found their corruption,
their greed, their fraud, their hatred, and their betrayal of the
American people, and he's going to nail them to the wall."
With the alternative media watching everything the left and their media lackey's are saying and confronting them by exposing their half truths and lies, which has resulted in they're viewership being washed down the drain, their mental gymnastics no longer works, leaving them confused, frustrated, and suffering from some serious mental fatigue. Other than denial, the only recourse for recovery available to them is to start telling the truth, and that's an arrow into their hearts. Why? Because then they would have to become conservatives.
Just like Dan Rather, they'll go down the tubes screaming denial, as Old Dan Rather, the "fake but accurate" talking head used to intone, "Questions remain". As for the Rather/Mapes fake documents scandal, here's what I originally published in 2012: We Need to Get This: The Media Lies....Constantly! I posted this interview with Mary Mapes saying:
"Ross asked Mapes , "if she believed the story was true. She stated “The story? Absolutely.” the interviewer found it incredible that she found “this story to be up to your standards”. (Editor's Note: This is an important point. RK ) Mapes stated "I’m perfectly willing to believe those documents are forgeries if there’s proof that I haven’t seen."'
Does this take you aback? It should. Ross asked “"But isn’t it the other way around? Don’t you have to prove they’re authentic?" Mapes responded by saying that “they haven’t been proven false.”
Ross asked what most of us would consider obvious, “Have they proved to be authentic though? Isn’t that really what journalists do?” Now the quote of the year…….Mapes said; "No, I don’t think that’s the standard."
In short…..the narrative is far more important than the facts. Just like they say in Hollywood; “If it didn’t happen that way, then it should have.” But we know that Hollywood is a fiction factory; that’s their job! We expect the news to be non-fiction. After all; isn't truth supposed to be "their" job?"
If truth isn't their job, then propaganda and lies must be their job, and we're now finding USAID has been funding those lies. Nothing has changed, except now they're under a microscope, and Dan Rather played a huge role in making that transition happen. It's taken time, but that's Old Dan's actual legacy.
Then there's Joy Reid, a blatant racist that MSNBC allowed to spout insanity for years, who cried that "I still have value" when they fired this nitwit from her three million dollar a year job, is now apparently ready to burn MSNBC's house down. It's being claimed she knows "everything" which in her case most likely means nothing, but MSNBC:
"knows where all of her bodies are buried too. We've already had one apparently leak about an antisemitic rant."
With all their arrogance and self-righteousness being crushed by truth, it really is fun to watch these leftists start stabbing each other in the back now that things have started to go South.
"Hell hath no fury like a leftist scorned."
And proof of that is how Little Chuckie Schumer stood tall and challenged Trump on the continuing resolution, looking all big and bad, and then had to crawl saying those rotten Republicans made him retract his opposition, and now his troops are attacking him. Only he didn't say rotten. Schadenfreude!
But never fear, James Carville, that great seer of leftist delusion proclaims the Trump administration is in ‘total meltdown’. So, if Carville said it...well... then it must be true... Right?
Trump has made life unbearable for Rosie McDonnell, so she's moving to Ireland, and Louise Penny is boycotting the U.S., what ever that means, over Canadian Tariffs. Wow! That's really scary....nah... actually, as my mother used to say, "that falls under the category of who gives a crap", only she didn't say crap.
Well, I want to tell you I'm shocked, shocked I tell you to find there's corruption in the race baiting business. It turns out Black Lives Matter is a scam, “They Bought Mansions". You know, the group Joy Reid so ardently defended. Then there's Stacey Abrams "who really, really, wants 'her' $2 billion from Biden's EPA slush fund", taking a page from Hugo Chavez on the matter of home appliances. And now we're startled.... startled I tell you..... a Musk-bashing Democrat donor is guilty of a Woke Fraud Scheme. But the hits just keep on coming. After wasting $9 billion on 'free' health care for illegals, California's Gov. Gavin Newsom asks for a bailout.
Imagine that.
Yes, they all know just how terrible it is in America, but what about the Syria Jihadis Slaughter Shia Muslims, Tell Christians ‘You’re Next'. What about the slaughter of Christians in Syria? What about the Muslim abduction, rape, and forced conversion of Christian girls? What about the abuses by Muslims in Nigeria, here, here, here, and here. Then there's the Israeli woman who was gang raped in India. Why isn't the media aflame with all that? Black thugs and criminals are killed while committing crimes and it's 24/7 outrage. Innocent Christians and whites are butchered and we get crickets from the Pravda media.
I have five commentaries of my own, and again, only fifteen by others, and for the same reason.
Have a great weekend, and best wishes,
My Commentaries
- Greenland and Donald Trump
- Judiciary Supremacy is a Myth
- There's No Such Thing as a Government Shutdown
- Have We Lost Our Minds?
- The Five Pillars of Modern Environmentalism
- Eggs and Barack Obama By Susan Daniels
- Mann vs Science: Science Wins! By John Droz, Jr.
- LA’s Political Bosses Are On Fire By Daniel Greenfield
- How a Former Afghan Jihadist Began Covering Trump for the Voice of America
- Mourning Murdered Jewish Children is “White Supremacy”
- Conservatives must raise Cain at Public Events, using Alinsky’s Rules! By Tom Harris
- America and Around the World By Robin Itzler
- Wikipedia: Proud Boys vs Black Lives Matter
- America is back! The Golden Age of America has only just begun."
- The Democrats Descent From Ridiculousness to Farce By William Marshall
- Why I Became an American Citizen: A Journey of Faith, Freedom and Purpose By Malcolm McGough
- Markers On The Road To The Green Energy Wall -- Electric Trucks Edition By Francis Menton
- More On Counting Federal Spending As A Full-Value Addition To GDP
- Advice for DOGE: No More Subsidies for the Paris-Based OECD By Dan Mitchell
- Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal? By Texas Fred
Permanent Links
No matter what anyone says, you can’t marginalize the truth! You can
suppress it, you can ignore it, you can avoid it, you can attempt to
undermine it, you can attempt to subvert it, you can attempt to
organize against it, you can even laugh at it, but if we have the
courage and the fortitude to stand and confront the lies, irrespective
of the personal costs, the truth will stand the test of time, because
truth and time are on the same side.
Constant as the North Star
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