There has been a lot of sniggering about how Meghan Markle's Netflix series has flopped spectacularly .......But Michelle Obama.....-[who] Democrats held onto the hope that Obama would sweep in to save the day by jumping into the presidential race and decisively defeat Trump. She is trusted. She is loved. She is...boring. So, so boring......she is really really, REALLY BORING......It is excruciating....... she's as likable as a bad case of hemorrhoids.
Well, why would anyone who watched her or read her history over the years be surprised? She a totally unaccomplished race hustler, who hustled for eight years with privileges, and travels around the world at the expense of American taxpayers as First Lady, and the Democrats thought she was their new leader? Imagine that.
Nah, it turns out AOC is their new leader now, and little Chuckie Schumer is in trouble ....serious trouble... with his base. A base that's just as nuts and radical as AOC. Why? Well, he's always been great at puffing out his chest and talking big and bad, but there's a new sheriff in town, and he backed down and voted for the continuing resolution. He's actually afraid now.....well schadenfreude.... that's how the SCOTUS justices felt when he sicced the mob on to them.
I would like to focus on some Geopolitics. The Russo/Ukraine War has forced a lot of nations to refocus their priorities, and its exposed a lot of truths. First, Europe a totally unreliable ally, their pledges are as reliable as weather forecasters, not all members of the EU agree, and Trump isn't playing the game Europe wants. Second, China is scaring everyone in Asia. Result? Defense spending is shooting up in Europe, and in Asia.
Japan has ended it's "decades-old
arms export ban". South Korea's arms exportation is now a multi-billion
dollar a year industry, one of the top ten in the world. And there's now a cohesion between all these S.E. Asian nations involving intelligence sharing, economics, and defense spending, and policies, all in retaliation for China's militarized economic threats. And Trump is
finding how China is managing to skirt sanctions, and dealing with
their machinations. The economy of China is in trouble.
NATO expanded due to Russia's attack on Ukraine, and is now preparing for the US to walk away from NATO. South East Asian nations are preparing to defend their sovereignty against China's aggression. All that Putin and Xi have striven for is collapsing, no matter what ultimately happens to Ukraine, and it's clear, neither Putin, Zelenskyy, or Europe want peace, since each time a treaty appears possible, they throw a monkey wrench in the works.
For some time I've noted this Russo/Ukrainian War has demonstrated what will be the new military strategy the world will embrace. Drones and lasers, which I've written about, with lasers becoming the "force majeure" in the near future. WWII demonstrated how all the WWI strategies were worthless, and now these drone attacks have shown just how worthless the WWII strategic planning is becoming.
For Iran and their terrorist puppets, while still talking big and bad, they're insisting they have nothing to do with the Houthis terrorists in fear Trump will, in conjunction with Israel, attack Iran. Trump has vowed to destroy the Houthis, and Iran understands, he's not Joe Biden.
The renewal of attacks on Hamas by Israel, with support from Trump, makes it easy for Iran to conclude that's on their horizon, and they're scared, and their society, which is sick and tired of their tyrannous Islamic government, is unstable. Muslim protestors who are publicly supporting Hamas are being deported, and while there was talk that Egypt was going to welcome hundreds of thousands of Gazans for resettlement, Egypt has come out and made it clear...... they are not welcome. That's not going to change anywhere among the Middle East Muslim controlled nations. They're nothing but trouble wherever they go.
The question about Egypt that seems no one is paying attention to is why they're building up their military? Speculation is they're preparing for an attack on Israel. But Trump is President now, and if that was what they were planning, I'm betting that's now on hold.
Turkey is a mess, economically, socially, and politically, which has been my position for years, in spite of all the experts saying how great they were doing, and a force to be reckoned with in the Middle East. So, where are the mea culpas from the experts? Experts have an unending weakness for being totally incapable of seeing "the basics" always embracing preconceptualism.
They refuse to acknowledge the things known because they're inconvenient, and make up the things not known, in order to justify their actions, just like Henry Kissinger. Setting folly into motion that's destructive impact can last decades, and possibly for generations.
The Balkans and the Caucasus are a mess, Serbians are having massive protests over..... I really don't understand it, but it appears they don't like Serbian leadership being cozy with the EU. And we're shocked that Serbs are upset over something? Imagine that.
Trump has revoked the security clearances of a lot of people, including Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris, and while the left and their media myrmidons are going to go apoplectic over this, the base loves it and could care less what the rest of the world thinks. So, now we see what all those who were screaming about Trump and classified material, the President of the United States is the absolute authority on the classification/declassification of classified material, and on who can have security clearances. Not the bureaucracy, not the judiciary, and not the Congress. The President of he United State is the ultimate classifying authority.
Also, Jack Cashill is one of my favorite authors. Lot's of great history, sound logic, and he meets what I consider one of the most important qualities in a writer. He questions everything, and here's his latest piece, Is Dem Defector Lindy Li A Deep State Double Agent? The history will impress and outrage you.
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