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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, March 7, 2025

Points to Ponder

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors, in this case paraphrased. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK


For all those people who keep asking how dumb can Democrats get; I wish you would please stop asking that since it’s clear they think that’s a challenge that needs to be met.   

As for all these poor bureaucrats who are going actually lose their jobs, don't worry, be happy, and take the advice Joe Biden gave in 2021 to the 10,000 pipe workers who lost their jobs. Learn to code.  Of course that may mean having to leave your home and actually work for an employer who expects you to turn up everyday, on time, perform tasks on demand, on time, and correctly, and then leave on time.  Wow... I wonder if they're going to offer fired federal employees training for that?

It seems to me the term Non-Government Organization is usually a misnomer, since it turns out by ending federal funding to so many of these organization they are going out of business.  If that's true, and it is, then how can they be NGO's?  Anything so massively funded by the federal government that it can’t exist without that government funding, can't have ever been an NGO. 

I’m told NASA is conducting an investigation into Elon Musk regarding his space program.  It turns out he’s managed to do it without gay non-binary Muslim dwarfs of color on his staff.  Imagine that.

Other investigations into Elon Musk are asking why he’s cruelly taking away the social security of a woman named Mary, who has lived to a ripe old age of 341, and on her birthday.  This poor woman lost two sons in the Civil War, her husband was a patriot of the Revolution, she survived the sinking of the Titanic, and despite all that pain and suffering, they’re now taking her Social Security away from her.  There’s an effort to set up a Go Fund Me page …cash preferred. 

The trans community asks why everyone can’t accept who they are.  Others ask why should we,  when you can’t even, accept who you are?

For a long time it was touted the covid shots would give everyone immunity.  It turns out not only did they not impart immunity, they didn’t prevent transmission, they caused serious medical problems, and in the end the only immunity imparted was to Pfizer and Fauci. 

Charlie Kirk noted that it’s funny how the set of people insisting Elon Musk is running the country overlaps 100% with the set of people who insisted Biden was in full control of the country, when he wasn’t even in full control of his own bladder.   Which I think further enhanced the idea that if all mental illness was cured, there wouldn’t be any Democrats.  

Perhaps that’s being unfair, since to be a Democrat you have to be smarter than everyone else, because they have the unique ability for amazing mental gymnastics that allows them to see things everyone else misses. Take for example the propaganda wing of the Democrat party, the media.   If Trump is playing golf and shoots an eagle on the 9th hole. CNN would report that “Trump shot nine bald eagles.”  

Then again, when you're seeing things no one else in the world is seeing isn't that called having hallucinations?  And isn't it true that when people experience things that aren't real it's usually tied in with mental psychoses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses? 

Just a thought.

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