Democrats double down on absurdity, with bizarre claims and misguided policies, leading to a sharp decline in approval and a need for a more moderate, Clintonian approach.
By William F. Marshall @ American Greatness
Just when it was time for Democrats, in the wake of their November 2024 shellacking, to reorient themselves from radical Bernie Sanders policies to a Clintonian brand of moderation, they decided to double down on crazy. James Carville led the charge when he put on a pseudo-medical hat and recently declared President Trump to be suffering from syphilis on the basis of his hand’s complexion.
You cannot make this stuff up. When the so-called genius of Democratic political strategizing must resort to phantasmagoric claims that President Trump’s fully justified public berating of an ungrateful, corrupt Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was due to an imagined syphilis affliction, well, it’s time to bring the curtain down on his entire party. A case of projection, perhaps? Mary Matalin, take care.
One might imagine this parodic line of argument appearing in some sketch from Zelenskyy’s erstwhile career as a television “comedian” (word used lightly). I half expected John Cleese in full Monty Python burlesque regalia to appear on a stage shortly as a Democratic political spokesman to opine on Trumpian policies. But even Cleese, a real comedic genius, would not be so ridiculous. It was his crew that mocked the whole transgenderism thing long before it actually became a central plank of Democrat politics. Cleese and Company were way ahead of their time in their hilarious Loretta sketch in Life of Brian.
But farce is where the Democrats find themselves right now. So, for what better clown for the Democrat Party to throw themselves in front of a roaring Trump locomotive than a diminutive representative of the beleaguered people of Ukraine, who rose to fame and glory by feigning playing the piano with his genitalia?
The full obnoxiousness of the twerp from Kiev was on gratifying display in the Oval Office last week. Whether Trump knew the conversation would devolve in the direction it did is up for debate, but if Trump was not intentionally giving the American people a window into the bozo we’ve thrown hundreds of billions of (largely unaccounted for) dollars to, then fate once again smiled upon our President.
My own hunch is that Trump really thought a peace deal was going to be realized, benefiting all parties involved, not least ourselves through a mineral-laden windfall of rare earth elements. But then, as suggested by conservative pundit Ned Ryun, likely on the really poor advice of malicious Democrat operatives (Susan Rice, et al, according to Ryun’s sources), Zelenskyy scotched the whole thing.
Talk about bone-headed moves. I think of a guy who’s floating in the Pacific in shark-infested waters with a life ring around him attached to a rope. The other end of the rope is held by a guy named Donald Trump, standing on the deck of the USS Salvation, who has turned the huge USS Salvation around at great expense to save this dude. Then the guy starts yelling at Trump from the water that Trump should appreciate the guy more and be nicer to him. Oy.
But farce rolls on as Trump helpfully spoke recently about more of the discoveries being brought to light by Elon and the DOGE crew, such as:
- $520 million “for a consultant … [on] environmental, social governance investments in Africa.”
- $25 million “to promote biodiversity conservation and socially responsible behavior in Colombia [South America].”
- $40 million “to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants.”
- $10 million “for Mozambique medical male circumcisions.”
- $42 million “for social and behavior change in Uganda.”
- $10 million “for Mozambique medical male circumcisions.”
Syphilis, male circumcisions, and Zelenskyy playing piano with his privates. I’m beginning to sense a theme here that resonates with progressives. Don’t even get me started on USAID’s seemingly global push to make everyone transgender. And people wonder why the US is reviled by much of the developing world?
If one were to devise a plan to make the United States an international pariah among the deeply traditional, and often Christian conservative global south, but also deeply traditional Muslims and Hindus, dispensing American “foreign aid” to projects to which USAID was dispensing it would be a clever method. Pushing transgender operas, drag shows, and LGBT-themed comic books in traditionally Catholic (and increasingly Pentecostalist) countries like Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, respectively, does nothing to advance US interests in those nations. The vast majority of their populations would be as appalled as conservative Americans are to learn of these programs.
Who in their right mind would think otherwise? Does anyone really believe that peasant farmers in Latin America think like Mayor Michelle Wu and her Harvard buddies in Boston? Hellooo. The mayor recently offered her “condolences” to the family of a homicidal lunatic trying to stab two people to death before he was shot to death by a heroic off-duty cop. Talk about farce.Farce may in fact be too generous a description of modern Democrats and their party’s policies and programs.
Subversion might be more accurate. For many years, Judicial Watch has been exposing the revolving door and tight collaboration between the State Department and USAID on the one hand and George Soros’s Open Society Foundation on the other. For example, in Romania, Albania, and Colombia, OSF people collaborated closely with State Department and USAID officials to promote OSF’s radical agenda. So it was not altogether surprising that Soros-backed groups sued the Trump Administration for freezing funds to every U.S. foreign assistance mission.
Is the answer to the Democrat Party’s problems doing more of the same? According to recent polling by Quinnipiac (hardly a right-wing bastion), the Democrats in Congress are at their lowest approval on record, with a mere 21 percent approval rating. Republican congressional approval isn’t meteoric, but still better at 40 percent. The pollsters say 45 percent of Democrats would prefer a more moderate party. My big question: Why is it only 45 percent? Are that many Democrats in America hell-bent on permanent obscurity?
I think it may be time for Democrats to identify new strategists who don’t obsess over venereal diseases afflicting their opponents and instead try a little Clintonian “triangulation.”
William F. Marshall has been an intelligence analyst and investigator in the government, private, and nonprofit sectors for 38 years. He is a senior investigator for Judicial Watch, Inc., and has been a contributor to Townhall, American Thinker, Epoch Times, The Federalist, American Greatness, and other publications. (The views expressed are the author’s alone and not necessarily those of Judicial Watch.)
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