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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, March 24, 2025

Observations From the Back Row With News and Views For 3/24/25

 By Rich Kozlovich

Well, going "Woke" and reality can be a conundrum, since reality can really bite.  Disney's latest Snow White offering is crashing, and their star who made it clear she hates Trump and his supporters is crashing right along with Disney.  I'm just glad Walt isn't around to see what these misfits have done to his creation.  And that's the pattern of leftism.  Infiltration and corruption, including foundations created by wealthy industrialists of the late 19th and 20th century.  If these people were alive to see what their money has morphed into they'd be aghast at the insanity.  But hey, at least they're all woke, right?  Isn't that sufficient?  

Trump is shutting down the Department of Education, a massively expensive failure that caterers to the teacher's unions, who have failed the children of America, and that includes the universities.   Shutting down places like Harvard and Columbia would be a nice start, but what really needs to be done is ending all funding to all these universities, tax their endowment funds, and force them to become "for profit" institutions with the same rules that are imposed on all businesses.

Let them then teach any insanity they choose to teach, but not on the taxpayers dime. They can advertise their their views to the world and compete in an open market place. And if they lie in their advertisements, they need to be sued by those taken in, and prosecuted for false advertising.   The answer is in the money, not all this crap about academic freedom.  What they want is the freedom to leech off the people they despise, and it's time for that to stop.

Talking about money, in 2023  the world's priciest whisky went up for auction, "Macallan Adami 1926 single malt whisky, a Scotch whisky that spent 60 years aging in sherry casks."  Sale price? "$2.7 million at a Sotheby's auction in London on November 18, 2023, making it the most expensive wine or spirit ever sold."  

I gotta tell ya, I've never understood this. The idea of why anyone would spend almost three million dollars on a bottle of hooch. But if they have the money, and they do, that's their business, and that's okay with me, but once that's done, then what?  As I see it there are three options.

  1. Never open it as an investment, but if you can afford to spend almost three million bucks on hooch, the investment argument seems weak to me.
  2. Use it to show off.  Imagine that.  They need a bottle of hooch to make them seem like they're something special?
  3. Drink it. But I don't understand how any hooch, no matter the taste, can possibly be worth about three million bucks.

Conclusion? They're nuts.

Before Trump was elected the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, another commission that seriously needs to ride off into the sunset, passed new and expansive rules regarding pregnancy that could upend the workplace.  

Wow! Does that now mean those leftists in government who've been insisting that men and women are the same, were wrong?   That they really aren't the same? I just had a thought. Does that mean transsexuals who profess to be women, aren't real women?  And if they're not real women they shouldn't be competing with "real" women in athletics?  C'mon man, I don't know but that sounds a bit heretical to leftist dogma to me. Can that open up a can of heretical worms.  Just a thought.  Waddayathink?

What Elon Musk has accomplished with Twitter, now X, and DOGE is amazing and commendable.  It's hard to understand the man.  In spite of his positive accomplishments, I think Elon has a screw loose.  What kind a person names his child X Æ A-Xii, along with others named,  Nevada, Saxon, and get these names, Exa Dark Sideræl, Techno Mechanicus.  

If it wasn't for his DOGE accomplishments my thoughts were if there was ever any evidence of interstellar aliens on the planet, he's it, and would clearly qualify as their ambassador.  There's something seriously wrong with this guy. As for the women who've married and/or bared his children; they also must have a screw loose.  

There, I've said it, I mean it, I won't take it back, and I hope he keeps up his good works!  What really irritates me is all that sounds like cognitive dissonance on my part.

There's an unending meme about Trump's economic war on the world, and it's one that's long over due.  Canada and Europe have all been in a real snit over Trump's policies, “How dare you do to us what we did to you long ago! What gives you the right to do to us what we're doing to you now?”   Canada, European nations, as well as other nations, such as China, have long placed tariffs on American goods, and/or subsidized their businesses and industries placing them at a distinct advantage over their American counterparts.  

They just don’t get it, Bretton Woods is done, but Trump gets it, and so let them whine, cry, scream, and threaten all they want, we don’t need them, they need us. Europe is doomed, the EU is doomed, and they fail to realize they’re no longer the geopolitical center of the world. It’s shifting to the Middle East, and for a while China.   But China is self-immolating, it just isn’t that obvious yet to them, since they all live in a delusional echo chamber of head nodders, but Europe is heading down the drain, and America isn’t going to bail them out this time, and  China's economy is in trouble.  One more thing. There’s a difference between tariffs for economic reasons versus geopolitical reasons. Trump is mastering both.

We’re not living in a Smoot-Hawley world, and smart tariffs will benefit America.  Over fifteen years ago I observed and wrote about how taking the hard stand was going bring industry back to America. First, again, Bretton Woods is over. We held the world’s hand to keep them up, and now they’re dragging us down. Tariffs, trade restrictions, and most most importantly, the lack of stability in the rest of the world is going to drive companies back, and as it turns out, foreign companies are deciding to come to America.   "Rolls-Royce is reportedly preparing to increase manufacturing production in the United States to avoid tariffs imposed by President Donald Trump."

The trend right now is to eliminate a bunch of rule making nitwit bureaucrats, and the nitwit regulations they passed, which in 2014 cost America 1.8 trillion dollars a year. All of these regulations do one thing for sure - create jobs – for non-productive bureaucrats.  It took government employees 10.38 billion hours to do “the paperwork for the federal government in 2013, and will take 78,000 full-time employees to complete the additional paperwork”, and that was ten years ago, I don’t know what it is now.

Once American capitalism is unleashed it becomes a force of nature no nation on Earth can match. That’s why it’s important to dismantle all these foreign schemes, especially with China. 

On March 16,  John F. Di Leo published this piece, Tariffs and the Moral High Ground, laying out an argument to justify America taking on the world over trade, and did it very impressively I might add, and then failed, with the, "it's not the right time", meme.  I see that pattern playing out so often.

I’m 78 years old, very soon 79, and I’ve been hearing, “This isn’t the right time”, for so long I don’t remember when was the first time I heard it. But I also keep hearing, “if now isn’t the right time, when is”? And, “if Trump doesn’t do it, who will?”

“This isn’t the right time” is just kicking the can down the road, and that never seems to end. That can has been kicked far too long, way too far down that road.  
So, let me give the world the answer as when the time is right.

The right time is always ….. always …… when someone comes along who’s willing and has the guts to do it. If there are consequences, then so be it, let them happen, since there will always be consequences. If that’s true, and it is, then let them happen now so my children won’t have to face the deadly consequences of doing nothing after I’m gone.

One more thing, the idea it will take America a long time to adjust isn’t set in stone. During WWII American manufacturers went from the consequences of the Great Depression to the greatest manufacturing giant the world had ever seen, and did it overnight. American capitalism when unleashed is like a force of nature.

Challenging the internationally corrupt trade practices is only one leg of a four legged stool. The second leg is ending the thousands and thousands of destructive regulations imposed on America by a totally corrupt Deep State, and that in the works right now.  It’s clear Trump understands the problem for that four legged stool.   Trade agreements, regulations, spending, and taxes, and is determined to fix them.

I have a number of writers who permit me to publish their work, and one is a libertarian economist, who is usually really smart about economics, and tracks everything. But I’ve not been publishing him lately because he’s on an unending rant about how stupid Trump is about tariffs.

And again, this isn’t 1930 and the world’s economy that Smoot-Hawley impacted no longer exists. They need us, we don’t need them, and I’m willing to take that plunge and see just who lasts the longest. It won’t be Canada, it won't be Europe, it won't be Mexico, and it won't be China.   I’m more than prepared see who gives out first, and it won’t be America.

Ontario strutted big and bad threatening to shut of electricity to three states. Guess what?  It didn’t take long for them to get their heads on right, as  Ontario bowed to Trump in tariff war, and this will be the pattern, not the exception. We don’t need them, they need us, and it’s time we acted accordingly.


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Deep State




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Middle East 



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