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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, October 14, 2023

This Russo/Ukrainian War is About Revanche, not World Conquest

By Rich Kozlovich

There are so many who keep coming up with conjectures of why it's imperative for America to become more and more involved in this Russo/Ukrainian War, and comparing the WWII Hitler scenario to this Russo/Ukraine war and Russia need for strategic depth represents in my opinion serious flaws in fact and logic. 

Hitler had every intention of taking over the world. The Putin policy is one of revanche. Equally vile I agree, but Putin’s incapable of going beyond that, and while in the past I believed without America in NATO he could have swept down the North European Plain right down into France with little trouble, we now know, even as weak and feckless as the NATO nations have been, that’s not what would have happened. But I understood even then, if Russia had swept down the NEP he simply wouldn’t have had the manpower, or the economic wherewithal, to keep it.

As for being NATO nation being right on Russia's borders; so what?  There is not one of these nations that had any intention of invading Russia, nor were they capable of it, and Putin knew it. 

He’s not going to invade these NATO nations because he’s incapable of it. He’s depleted his manpower, his industrial base is being shown to be seriously lacking, he depleting his economic advantage, and it won’t be long before he’s going to start cutting social services even more than he has. His military is filled with incompetent leaders and poorly trained personnel. And his demographic pyramid is a mess.

Right now, he’s turned into a geopolitical weakling having to rely on Iran and North Korea to meet his armament needs. The fact is Ukraine is corrupt and tyrannical as Russia, and if Europe chooses to continue to support them at least that’s understandable. They have skin in the game. We don’t.

We’re not responsible for this war and were not responsible for fixing it. We have no skin in this game, and we have no end plan. What we’re seeing is a war that will go on for years, at our expense, and with Zelenskyy and his corrupt tyrannical cabal skimming off millions of unaccountable dollars for their personal benefit, money we don’t have.

At some point when this ends, and it will end, guess who everyone will expect to fund Ukraine’s rebuilding? America! America’s wealth going to the the same corrupt thugs who’ve been in charge, whose corruption filled their coffers, and Biden’s, who failed to properly arm against Russia knowing full well Putin’s desire to make Ukraine part of Russia, and even the Clinton Foundation is now trying to get in at the feeding trough. This is all on them, and they're failure isn't our responsibility. If they weren't willing to defend themselves, how did their defense somehow become our responsibility? I see no reason to take on their failed responsibilities.

And again, why do so many keep harping on this false narrative about strategic depth? Against who? NATO? Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, or how about Japan, or even Australia?  That’s a load of horsepucky! No one had any plans on attacking Russia! No one!!!!! No one on Russia’s borders had the military wherewithal to attack Russia, or for that matter the desire to do so. 

I do wish everyone would abandon that false narrative because that’s nothing but an illogical excuse to justify continued funding.

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