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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, October 30, 2023

The Agreement Not Kept!

By Rich Kozlovich

It still comes down to demographics, economics, and geographics. They wanted their two state solution, and those who agreed to this current Gaza Strip and what can be called West Bank semi-autonomy,  also agreed to stop terrorism. They what a shocker.

But Israel gave them land, and a degree of semi autonomy, and what did they do with it? Nothing. There's no manufacturing, they can't feed themselves, they can't provide their own electricity or even their own drinkable water.

There's over two million people living there in that small geographic area, and if they have no commerce, and no appreciable agriculture, how do they support themselves? Charity! The world is dumping millions into Gaza, and so too is Israel. And is there any doubt big portion of all that funding is going to arms?

These were the dominant people in Palestine, and the reason why Palestine was a wasteland before Israelis took over, and would become a wasteland again if they took control. There's a reason no one wants them in their nation. As a culture, they're a lot of trouble and worthless leeches on society.


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