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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 20, 2023

Israel/Hamas War Commentary: Immigration

By Rich Kozlovich 

.  This Link will take you to my Immigration commentaries.  RK

For those who somehow think all this unrestricted immigration into America is our strength, this Israel/Hamas War must be a wake up for them, and if it's not, they need to have their noses rubbed into the consequences of this insanity, especially when those immigrants are Muslims.  Muslims will not be Americans, irrespective of their citizenship.  They're Islamists, and that's where they true loyalty lies.  

There's a reason the McCarran Walters Act, of 1952 was passed by Congress,  over Harry Truman's veto, that prohibited the immigration of Islamists. because they understood, that was the best way to preserve national security and national interests.  And we really need to get that today.  

No agreement with an Islamists is binding on the Islamist, unless it's with another Islamist, and then only of that agreement is between Islamists of the same sect.  They have no loyalty and no allegiance outside of Islam, everything else is a matter of convenience.  And make no mistake, Israeli citizens who are Muslims, aren't Israeli, they're Islamists, and they're contemptible behavior over this vile attack on Israel's civilian population demonstrates that conclusively.  We really do need to get that.  We also MUST understand, it will happen here also.  It isn't about Jews.  It isn't about Israel. It isn't a about Christians. It’s Islam, Stupid.

What to Expect: The Effect Of Muslim Population Growth on a Society - by Michael Haltman, Homeland Security Examiner June 23, 2010 - What happens to society's as the Muslim population grows in percentage of the total? In the book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, written by Dr. Peter Hammond, he explores the topic of the impact that an increasing Muslim population has on that society. The lists below illustrate the Muslim population status of countries around the world, and exactly what changes to the societies can be expected according to Hammond................

 IT BEGINS: Jamaal Bowman and Other Leftists Already Calling on U.S. to Take in Palestinian Refugees From Gaza - Well that didn’t take long. Rep. Jamaal Bowman and other leftists are already calling on the United States to take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza. Of course, these people are surrounded by Arab countries, but none of them are taking them in. Why should America? In case Bowman and the rest haven’t noticed, we’re already dealing with a crisis caused by their open border policies............

So the West is supposed to take in all those Gaza 'refugees' because the Arabs won't? - October 15, 2023 By Monica Showalter - As Israel prepares to wipe out Hamas, ordering a million Gaza residents out of Gaza City, leftists here in the states already are making big plans for having those displaced residents come on over to the U.S. and make their home here. According to the New York Post:.............Yes, this being the left, they seek to hand out refugee status to the world's premier democracy and most developed country to every stone-aged ethnic-hatred-nursing fist-waver or mom-of-terrorists as a "reward" for hating and killing Jews in Israel. Kill a Jew,  get a green card..................

Letting in Palestinian refugees would be disastrous October 16, 2023 By Andrea Widburg - Not content with flooding America with illegal aliens from across the world, including undeveloped countries that are hostile to America, Democrats are now bruiting about the idea of letting in a million Palestinians from Gaza. That is an absolutely awful idea. Let me count the ways.  The idea first popped up a couple of days ago, with Rep. Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman leading the call:.................Fortunately, Republicans are not even pretending to be enthusiastic about the idea:.............

Neither Jordan nor Egypt Will Accept Gaza Refugees - Simon Kent Simon Kent King Abdullah II of Jordan informed a meeting Tuesday with German Chancellor OIaf Scholz in Berlin neither Jordan nor Egypt would be willing to accept any refugees fleeing the Gaza Strip after Hamas terrorists used the West Bank as a base to attack Israel. The Jordanian king said the humanitarian situation must be dealt with inside Gaza and the West Bank and not be pushed into neighboring countries.............

WATCH: Orban Says EU Has ‘Raped Poland and Hungary’ by Forcing Migration Pact. - 10/14/23  - Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban says the European Union (EU) has "legally raped Poland and Hungary" by "forcing through" a new Migration Pact which requires all EU member-states to make so-called "solidarity contributions" during times of high illegal immigration......

Macron Calls for ‘Ruthless’ Deportation of All Migrants with Ties to Islamic Extremism from France - Kurt Zindulka French President Emmanuel Macron called for all radical Islamist migrants residing in France to be removed from the country in the wake of the suspected Islam-inspired assassination of a middle school teacher on Friday. President Macron has tasked Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin to carry out a “ruthless” examination of the files of those who “carry hatred and terrorist ideologies” over the next 48 hours in order to remove foreign-born Islamists from France, Le Figaro reports.  It comes after Dominique Bernard, a middle school teacher in the city of Arras, was allegedly stabbed to death by a suspected Islamist named Mohamed Mogouchkov. The Russian-born suspect was reportedly on the country’s extremist watch list — referred to as having an “S file” — prior to the attack and had also reportedly been subject to a deportation order in 2014 that was successfully quashed by appeals from pro-migrant groups.............

Immigration Made Australia a Tolerant Place Where Muslims Chant “Gas the Jews” Outside the Sydney Opera House By “A man clutching an Israeli flag was dragged away by three police officers for ‘disrupting the peace'”  ....

Trump Warns 'The Same People That Raided Israel' Are Entering US, Suggests 'Attack' Could Be Coming Former President Donald Trump warned Monday that the United States is vulnerable to an attack from Middle Eastern terrorists because of President Joe Biden’s lax border policies. “The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers. Are they planning an attack within our Country?” Trump wrote on Truth Social.........

When Does Gaza Happen Here - By October 12, 2023 - Israel and Hamas are at war. Hamas launched attacks on Israel over the weekend. Those attacks were on an unprecedented scale. Large numbers of organized fighters took out border crossings, destroyed border fences, and then fanned out to attack Israeli towns and settlements. People were murdered, raped, and tortured on the streets of normally safe neighborhoods. Israel is struggling to regain control and retake its territory.

 AOC: Americans Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians John Binder - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party’s far-left wing, is suggesting  xAmericans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities. During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.................Refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years, according to research, and each refugee costs taxpayers about $133,000 over the course of their lifetime. Within five years, an estimated 16 percent of all refugees admitted will need housing assistance paid for by taxpayers..............

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