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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Israel/Hamas at War Series

By Rich Kozlovich

What kind of moral compass do some of these misfits have?   Angelina Jolie says it's wrong for Israel to bomb Gaza in spite of the vile horrors they've imposed on Israel.  This woman's moral compass has no idea which way is north.  In the first place, where do nitwits like her get the idea anyone cares what Hollywood celebrities think?  The entertainment industry is full of stupid leftist idiots who are really good a playing make believe.  But real life seems to elude them, and their personal lives is a strong indicator of that.  

Not only do they want to kill Jews, they even want their own people to be killed in order to use that as propaganda against Israel and any who support them, especially if any of those dead are children.  And blithering idiots in and around the world, just like Jolie and much of Hollywood here in America, are defending these monsters. 

Why did something like this have to happen before so many were forced to see that which should have been obvious to the most casual observer.  Terrorist-supporters in America are our enemy: "Diversity is one thing. Supporting terrorism is another.......These undesirables are not our fellow Americans.  They are our enemies and potential fifth columnists, and we need to make them unemployable so they will have to go back to wherever they came from." Israel Drafts ’Concept’ Proposal to transfer Gaza’s 2.3 million people to Egypt’s Sinai.

Norway PM Complains Israel Isn’t Beheading and Raping ‘Palestinians’ - By   - Never has the longtime criticism that Israel’s response to Muslim terrorism been as ghoulishly absurd as it is now.  Norway’s prime minister says the Israeli army’s response to the deadly Hamas attack that killed 1,400 people and saw over 230 abducted by terrorists has been disproportionate, and denounces a “catastrophic” humanitarian situation in Gaza. “International law stipulates that [the reaction] must be proportionate. Civilians must be taken into account, and humanitarian law is very clear on this. I think this limit has been largely exceeded,” Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store says on NRK public radio.  Turning terrorism into a math problem never made any moral, logical or strategic sense.  How many Arab Muslim women should Israel rape to be proportionate?  How many children should it kidnap and hold hostage?.......

‘Her Skull Was Found’ — Kidnapped Music Festival Goer Shani Louk Was Beheaded by Hamas, Israeli President Reveals - Kurt Zindulka - Shani Louk, a German woman who was kidnapped from a music festival in Southern Israel by Hamas during the October 7th terror attacks, has died according to her family.  Israeli President Yitzchak Herzog has claimed that Shani Louk’s “skull has been found”, telling the German newspaper Welt: “It means that these barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head while they were attacking, torturing and killing Israelis.”.....

My Take - The raped her, they murdered her, and they cut off her head.  So, what kind of proportionate violence should Israel impose on Gazans for this? 

Is Hamas enough to wake up the slumbering American people?October 30, 2023 By Marc Weisman - History’s great events are often created by crisis.  The reprehensible, barbaric terrorism perpetrated by Iranian proxies (Hamas) on October 7 has cracked open a window in our country that has the potential to finally arouse us to see what we have become.  Is it possible that Israel’s tragic crisis can serve as our own catalyst for change?  The reaction to the massacre of October 7 at our great universities, among much of our media, and from some of our congresspeople might be nothing less than shocking.  Most conservatives are not shocked, just sickened, but many liberals are shocked because they have not been paying attention to the so-called “Great Reset” or “transformation” of America.  Well, this is it.  

Dare to peer through the window, and you will see thousands of crazed, screaming “students” hurling spittle as they glorify and justify the beheading and burning of infants, the slicing open of live pregnant women, the shooting and killing of hundreds at a peace concert, and the kidnapping of 80-year-old Holocaust-survivors.  ........In America, the tail (leftists) has been wagging the dog (liberals) for two decades.  The Democrat party has lost its center, and most liberals just haven’t paid attention as they blindly support what they’d like to believe is the party of their parents, the party of John Kennedy.  But it isn’t.  It’s the party of Omar, AOC, and Tlaib.  The vocal, aggressive, radical minority often dominates the quiet majority, and in American liberal precincts, this is certainly the case............

Antisemitic Threats Spark Fear on Cornell Campus - By Jenn Gidman Oct 30, 2023-  Online messages threatened rape of Jews, shooting at building with college's kosher dining hall.  Threatening messages on an online forum used by Cornell University students sparked fear among the Jewish community there over the weekend, and an investigation is ongoing. Per student newspaper the Cornell Sun, the messages popped up Saturday and Sunday on forums on Greekrank, a site dedicated to frats and sororities at colleges and universities nationwide. One of the messages threatened a shooting at 104West!, which houses Cornell's kosher dining hall and Center for Jewish Living, while others threatened additional antisemitic violence...........

The unfolding of a terrorist massacre at a little Israeli kibbutz, through the WhatsApp - October 29, 2023 By Monica Showalter -  Unlike, say, ISIS, Hamas is a bloodsoaked terrorist organization with a public relations department targeted at Western liberals. Which in the wake of Hamas's October 7 massacre of 1,400 innocent Israelis and a few foreign visitors, has cranked up to high gear in a bid to shift the "narrative," putting the spotlight on Israel's retaliation as somehow bad, and denying anything bad ever happened. Hamas, see, wouldn't dream of beheading a baby, spitting on a woman's stripped body from a truckbed, or parading a raped woman in front of the cell phone cameras as radicals cheered, now would they? They want us to forget. They want Israel to be the bad guy in the eyes of the news media and social media influencers, supposedly harassing and killing innocent people in their war on Gaza, the Hamas stronghold, as if the terrorisgts were just standing there doing nothing and Israel attacked. Here's one of their sycophants in denial out promoting denial:......

Hamas revels in the blood of dead Gazans - October 29, 2023 By Andrea Widburg - One of the things about whackadoodle conspiracy theories is that the people embracing them use imaginary dots to connect invisible lines. For them, the absence of any evidence whatsoever is proof that their theories are real. However, those of us saying that Hamas routinely uses civilians, especially children, as shields to raise the body count for propaganda purposes don’t need invisible and imaginary proof. Instead, Hamas’s leaders are boasting about the civilians they put in harm’s way and reveling in their deaths....... Israel begged Gaza’s citizens for two weeks to leave Gaza before it began its bombardment. Instead, we got news that Hamas fighters were preventing people from leaving and that they are denying resources to those who stayed (voluntarily or not). That’s because, to Hamas, every person living in Gaza is a soldier in the jihad against Israel and the West. Some serve by fighting; others serve simply by dying.

Soros Has Funneled Over $15M to Pro-Hamas Organizations Through Open Society Foundations - Far-left billionaire George Soros has given organizations behind pro-Hamas rallies over $15 million since 2016 via his Open Society Foundations, per a new report.  $13.7 million of the money was transferred to a left-wing activist organization called The Tides Center, according to the New York Post. The Tides Center sponsors many of the groups that have justified the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel.  One such organization is the Adalah Justice Project, which posted on Instagram a picture from the attack where a bulldozer tore down a border fence with the caption, "Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison." It added, "No cage goes unchallenged.” The organization has since begun to call for a "cease fire" and performed a sit-in at the office of Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA).  The report notes that the Tides organization also gave $30,000 to Desis Rising Up and Moving, a co-sponsor of a protest in Bryant Park in New York City that resulted in the arrest of 139 people.  Other Soros-funded, pro-Palestinian groups include Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, which took in $650,000 and $400,000, respectively...........

Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given millions to groups working with Hamas and other jihadis - By This present jihad is brought to you by… “Rockefeller Brothers Fund Funneled Millions to Hamas, Other Terrorists,” by Frank Bergman, Slay, October 27, 2023: The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) has funneled millions of dollars to Hamas and other deadly terrorist groups, according to a new report. The RBF was founded by the five third-generation Rockefeller […]

David Mamet Blasts Fellow Jews for Supporting Democrats - Joshua Caplan Renowned playwright David Mamet appeared this week on the Fox News Channel and urged fellow Jews to cease their support of Democrat lawmakers and reconsider sending their children to what he described as “antisemitic” colleges in response to rising anti-Israel sentiments on American campuses following Hamas’s shocking terror attack on the Jewish state.........

Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Prove We Need to Change Our Immigration Strategy - . By Bruce Bawer. - If the jihadist butchery of October 7 was monstrous, the spectacle of huge crowds applauding it was appalling. It shocked many people. It shouldn’t have. Many of us have spent years writing endlessly about the ugliness of Islamic ideology — notably the murderous hatred of Jews that is enshrined in the Koran, taught in the madrassas, and preached in the mosques — only to feel that our words were falling on deaf ears. Radical proposal:  America not only needs to stop accepting sharia-following immigrants, but needs to identify and deport every immigrant in the country who has been observed celebrating Hamas terrorism. This is a proposal that, before October 7, would have sounded offensive to many American ears. Perhaps after October 7 it doesn’t sound quite so harsh. But if the truth offends, so be it............

Massive Pro-Palestine Protests Rage Through the U.S. This Weekend - Sarah Arnold - Massive pro-Palestine protests erupted across the United States since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel that left more than 1,400 dead.  This weekend alone, thousands of anti-Israel protestors stormed cities spewing antisemitism amid Israel's war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza. At least 7,000 protestors rushed to the Brooklyn Bridge, halting traffic and cheering on the barbaric attacks Israel has endured for the past four weeks.  Demonstrators held signs that read, "By any means necessary" and "NYC stands with Gaza," while waving Palestinian flags............

Dagestan: Muslim rioters gather at airport to attack Israeli passengers - Muslim rioters came to the international airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan on Sunday evening, in order to harm Jewish Israelis. The crowds waited for an Israeli flight that was supposed to arrive and checked vehicles leaving the airport to try and find Israeli or Jewish passengers. Footage from the scene shows crowds chanting "Allahu Akbar," and according to reports, they also chanted antisemitic chants. The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel and was scheduled to land in Makhachkala, was rerouted and landed at a different airport.
Anti-Israel Rioters Storm Russian AirportSarah Arnold  October 29, 2023 - A group of angry anti-Israel protestors stormed a Russian airport searching for passengers from a flight that departed from Tel Aviv.  On Sunday, an airport in the city of Makhachkala shut down after rioters flooded the runway, chanting anti-Israel remarks..............

Newly Appointed Head of NYC’s Racial Equity Commission Has Decorated History of Spewing Antisemitic Rhetoric - New York City Mayor Eric Adams' new appointee for chair and executive director of the city's Commission on Racial Equity has a distinguished history of spewing antisemitic rhetoric. The New York Post reported that Linda Tigani, who earned more than $140,000 in 2022 as acting chief equity and strategy officer for the city's Health Department, has shared a number of posts on X that appear to be antisemitic. She has apparently used the phrase, "from the river to the sea," which has turned into a battle cry by Hamas terrorists who wish to annihilate Israel. She took to X on July 1, 2020, writing "FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA! PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!" The post appears to only be available to those whom Tigani has given permission, but it apparently included a video clip from the so-called "Day of Rage" rally in Brooklyn, where protesters chanted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel."............

The Contradictions of 'Queers for Palestine' - Gay and transgender people—both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank—face an extraordinary level of persecution.  The Israel-Hamas war has made political allies out of some unusual bedfellows. Yet the strangest pairing on display thus far is probably "Queers for Palestine," most notably because those protesters would risk summary execution should they take their demonstration to the Gaza Strip.  The movement isn't new. But following the terrorist attacks launched against Israel by Hamas, the Palestinian group that controls Gaza, it has seen a sort of reemergence at various protests. "Queer rights! Trans rights!" protesters are heard chanting in a video taken in New York City. "We say no to genocide!".............

How to Defeat Hamas Fast, Cheap and Easy  October 30, 2023 By Alexander G. Markovsky - As the war rages on, Gaza is getting destroyed, people are getting killed on both sides, and a resolution of the conflict seems as elusive as ever. On the contrary, the war is escalating and spreading to other theaters. Israel is facing two challenging issues: the safe return of the hostages and the eradication of Hamas. Thus far, those issues seemed to be at odds with each other...........The problem with this approach is that the tunnels in Gaza are fairly sophisticated. They boast an impressive level of engineering, constructed from reinforced concrete, divided into separate self-contained sections by steel doors, and reaching depths up to 100 feet. The tunnels are also equipped with modern ventilation systems powered by generators. They were built under buildings, hospitals, schools, and other civilian projects..........To eradicate Hamas and ensure safe passage for the hostages, the IDF should flood the tunnels with seawater.

Lessons from 1920s Germany and today - By Jeremy B. Kay  October 30, 2023 -There has long been an assertion, mostly advanced by people who also deny the scope of the Holocaust, that some Jews actually supported the Nazis in the early days. It is mostly the stuff of anti-Semitic legend, although certainly Jews, like everyone else, did not really see the true dangers of the decades to come.  I think about these mythical Jews when I view the scenes of protests on city streets and college campuses that are beginning to resemble pogroms and I am stunned to see, among the obvious haters of Jews and Israel, signs proudly announcing that they are Jewish supporters of Hamas, essentially calling for the destruction of their fellow Jews.  The self-loathing, ignorance, and naïveté that is on display is beyond belief.........

Are we going back to Holocaust times? - October 30, 2023 By Eric Utter - It’s 2023, and, incredibly, the Nazis are winning again.  Sad, but true. Pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas rallies are occurring all over the West, including right here in Canada and the United States.  And, unlike the Freedom Convoy and MAGA rallies, most of the aforementioned are occurring without official interference or condemnation from local authorities.  In fact, in New York, the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) took to Times Square to celebrate Palestinian resistance.  Students on college campuses across the fruited plain are rallying — in some cases borderline rioting — in support of the bloodthirsty medieval rapists and baby-killers from Gaza.  Hate speech?!  “Offensive” doesn’t begin to describe this.  Neither does “despicable,” “insane,” or “repulsive.”  But what do we expect from our bastions of “higher education,” since they have been entirely taken over by regressive Marxists?  Young people support the terrorists at a much higher rate than do older folks, largely as a result of the radicalism with which they have been indoctrinated.............
“I’m Ashamed of the UN – Let’s Get Out” – Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová Calls on Czech Republic to Exit UN After Rogue Regimes Cheer Hamas Following Slaughter of 1,400 Jewish Civilians - As reported on Friday, the United Nations failed to pass a Canadian amendment to condemn the barbaric slaughter of 1,400 Jews by Hamas on October 7, 2023 in southern Israel. Hamas murdered 1,400 civilians in a surprise attack including 300 kids at a rave party. Then they took 229 hostages, including 30 children and several women and senior citizens.  After the vote failed the assembly then all cheered their vote.  They are applauding cold-blooded mass murder..........

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