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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 20, 2023

Israel at War: Part II

By Rich Kozlovich


Would someone please explain to me how anyone could murder this child by setting this precious baby on on fire or beheading her?  What kind of perverted monsters are they?

 (Image by amyelizabethquinn from Pixabay)

We now know these monsters burned children alive, and cut off their heads.  What kind of vile beast is capable of murdering children, and in such a vile fashion?  Muslims, leftists, and abortionists!  All of which is being celebrated by the vile, disgusting, and insane supporters of HAMAS.  

The western world has abandoned the Judaic/Christian moral foundation that made Western societies great.  The most stable moral foundation the world has ever known, and replaced it with the insane lack of morality shared both by the left and Islam.  Hate, greed, envy, lust, and violence.

I think it's safe to say terrorists share a commonality. Cowardice!  Murdering defenseless women and children, and old defenseless people is their stock in trade.  Facing a real military reaction?  They panic demand a cease fire. 

We see this same cowardice in America's universities.  We've seen snowflakes who needed to be pampered and given ice cream to calm them down. Why? They were been made to feel uncomfortable.  But that doesn't apply to Jews.  They must accept demands they be gassed without complaint, or support. 

If anything good comes out of all this it will be the exposure of the blatant hypocrisy of leftist misfits, and those in leadership positions who so vilely go along with this.   But, as one commenter noted:  Hypocrisy has never stood in the way of leftist thinking or actions.  

To be a leftist is to be irrational, misanthropic, and morally defective.  I started saying that in my articles over 20 years ago, and nothing I've seen since then has refuted it, and as for these misfits who try and justify the vile acts these disgusting monsters have perpetrated on all these innocent people share in the guilt of those vile acts.

First, let's start with the idea his was a massive intelligence failure.  Well, I have some thoughts on that.  I worked in intelligence when in the service during the Vietnam war, and the theme in the intelligence community, especially the NSA, which is arguably the most massively effective intelligence gathering unit in the world, is this.  If someone has a secret it must be important, and we want to know what it is.   

Have no doubt someone in the Israeli intelligence community knew this was on the radar.  Nothing this big and well coordinated occurs in a vacuum. It leaves trails all over the place.  Someone in the Israeli intelligence services knew!!!  And I can guarantee, someone in other nation's intelligence services knew this was coming.  Also, with the infestation of pro Islamic operatives in the federal government, including their intelligence services, it wouldn't surprise me to find out the Biden administration knew it was coming, and said nothing.  That's where the investigations in Congress need to start.

Was this an intelligence failure, or was all this a failure of philosophy and integrity? Some might even call it treason.  Leftists in Israel are as mad dog rabid as they are in America.  I've watched their corrupt efforts to destroy Netanyahu with their corrupt court system, much of what's just like what's now happening to Trump.

One has to wonder if important intelligence with ignored, or deliberately withheld.  Now we're seeing the unbelievable horrors these beasts have wrought on undefended civilians and the unimaginable murders on children and babies.  Hostages have been taken, raped and abused, many of them Americans.  

All of this can be laid at the feet of Joe Biden about civilian casualties, yet Hamas refused to let civilians leave to safer areas.  They use their own people as human shields, especially the children, and they will us the hostages in the same manner.  But Hamas was elected by Palestinians, and Muslims do not want peaceful co-existence with Israel, so they invaded and now there will be consequences.  

Also, if you think America's political scheme is a mess, take a look at Israel's..  Israel's Political Rivals Come Together in the Face of War.  An out of control judiciary, far left nitwits in the government, and a Parliamentarian system that creates mixed/coalition governments.  In a nation with only 9.364 million people, Israel has 12 political parties vying for spots on their 120 seat Knesset and another 42 who have no seats in the Knesset.  That's 54 political entities meaning there's a political party for every 173,400 people, and their views are wide and contradictory.  

Let's try an grasp how difficult that must be by comparing Israel's political scheme to America.  If America had that same scenario, an with America's population that would translate to over 1900 political parties, with a little over about 25% having seats.   And since Israel has a unicameral legislature, and if that were the case in America, counting both the House and Senate, that would be 485 parties with members vying for 585 seats.   What could possibly go wrong?

How did all this happen, who's to blame, what's to be done, who are the players, and just how bad is this to world peace?   I'm going to attempt to explore this in depth. 
There have been so many articles written daily over all this, and I've saved a great many of them for reference, and spent an inordinate amount of time. They appear below in 17 categories, and as a permanent log that will be updated, and most likely more categories will also be added. I hope all this brings clarity to my readers. 

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