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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, October 26, 2023

McCarthy is Done and Now, the Real Story Begins, Part VIII

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, waddayaknow. I'm gonna finally be able to end this series, and it only took eight parts. The Republicans have now finally picked a Speaker of the House.  Imagine that. 

I've seen over and over again claims that Gaetz worked McCarthy's ouster with the Democrats.  Well, there seems to be a lot of smoke, and yet, I don't see a fire.  Not one Democrat has come forward to claim Gaetz tried working a deal with them.  Not one Democrat has claimed they were in cahoots with Gaetz and the Heroic Eight.  Not one!  Why?  If there was an ember of truth in these claims of a Gaetz/Democrat collusion to dump McCarthy why hasn't it burst into a conflagration of media outrage?  Gaetz certainly couldn't offer them anything because he didn't have the power to offer them anything, and they knew it.

The big knock on the Heroic Eight was they didn't have a plan.  That's false. I do wish everyone would walk away from this irritating meme, because, actually, they did!

On the other hand, we do know there was a McCarthy/Pelosi collusion for her to support McCarthy, and as Speaker, he could offer the Democrats a lot, and he would have because they would've owned him lock, stock,  and barrel.   What was McCarthy's plan, who's the traitor?  

After Steve Scalise Jim Jordan was chosen as their nominee but lost after three votes because  25 Republicans blocked him.  Why?    Because Jim Jordan is a threat to the "Swamp", the system of reckless spending, borrowing, regulations, and "the traditions, the hierarchy, and the old-guard beliefs'"  So, were those 25 traitors?  That's what Patricia McCarthy called them saying:  

The uniparty, that deep state bureaucracy that rules over us all, determined that the people should not have the Speaker of their choice.   A clear majority of Republicans wanted Rep. Jim Jordan to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy for good and obvious reasons.  But twenty-five members of the House GOP revealed themselves to be petty, sniveling, chumps who decided that the people should not have a say.  

Traitors was what the Heroic Eight were called when they voted to kick McCarthy out.  Everyone says: Be Reasonable! But their definition of being reasonable is to go along to get along. If that really was the definition of reasonable, I would like to see one time when being reasonable ever overcame deeply entrenched and determined forces.  In short "to be reasonable" is to surrender!  But they were only eight votes.  Remember, it was the Democrats who voted him out, and that's really rich.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.   

Then Patricia McCarthy discusses  Tom Emmer, a major RINO and Never Trumper who: 

"As head of the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2022, he reportedly implored Republican candidates in the midterms to distance themselves from Trump. And he’s been telling GOP donors that he won’t support Trump’s 2024 presidential primary campaign. “You can’t have the majority leader of the Republican Party being very anti-Trump and against his agenda,” one source close to Trump tells TIME. “That’s just not going to work. There’s no trust there.”

And he had the nerve to call President Trump for an endorsement.  Four hours later he dropped out.  

However, one has to ask, why was this RINO chosen in the first place?  Kevin McCarthy!  

Ex-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is conspiring with Establishment Republicans to install an anti-Trump, anti-MAGA Speaker. The former House Speaker has thrown his support behind Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) in the speakership race. McCarthy and Emmer worked together to pull funding from pro-Trump congressional candidates – a move that many blame for the 2022 midterm disaster. What was supposed to be a red wave turned out to be a trickle.

Make no mistake, Congressional Republicans are at war with their base.  And Matt Gaetz even claims  Kevin McCarthy Worked Behind the Scenes to ‘KNIFE’ Other Speaker Candidates.   So, who are the traitors?

Now, the Republicans have finally chosen a Speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana, and now,  after voting against McCarthy, and all the glee the Democrats expressed is now coming back to haunt them.  It's hard to understand just how stupid and petty these nutrolls actually are.  I'm guessing like most people, I've never heard of him, and as it turns out, it appears he's as conservative as Jim Jordan, but not as flamboyant. 

Trapper apparently knows him and has followed him for many years saying his ‘ideology is very far to the right’.  Which brings me to ask, did you hear all those explosions?  What explosions you ask? 

When Mike Johnson claimed this was part of God’s plan, leftist minds exploded all over the nation, and they've gone into melt down mode, "with Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign strongly condemned the election of Johnson.....“MAGA Mike Johnson’s ascension to the speakership cements the extreme MAGA takeover of the House Republican Conference,” Ammar Moussa, a spokesman for the Biden campaign".

  • Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) called Johnson an “insurrectionist.”
  • Rep Ilhan Omar (D-MN) labeled him a “MAGA Extremist” and wrote that his “achievements” include seeking an “abortion ban” and voting “against LGBTQ+ rights.”  
  • Schiff discouraged voters from doing their own research and googling the new Speaker.Let me make it simple: Johnson is a hard-right, pro-Trump, leading election denier in the House,” he wrote. “Sadly, this is what passes for Speaker material in the Republican conference.’   
  • “Introducing extremist GOP Speaker nominee Mike Johnson,” wrote Ocasio-Cortez. “He was a key architect of the Jan 6th strategy to overturn the US election.”
They really dislike him because as "political analyst Gloria Borger" claimed:

"You know, I think he is a person who’s hard to demonize. You know, it's very easy to demonize somebody like a Jim Jordan, who’s a firebrand. He's out there, he's fighting. And then Donald Trump can demonize an Emmer because he didn't believe the election was rigged. 

But you had this kind of, I don’t use the word 'milquetoast,' that's not quite the right word, he's a serious person, who is not prone to getting in big, huge fights with people. He is known as a listener, I was told. He is hugely conservative, but he doesn't wear it on his sleeve all the time. So he can get along with moderates and listen to them. And it will be interesting to see what happens with Ukraine aid, for example. But, you know, he’s not the devil incarnate."

So, they really hate him because they will find in hard to demonize him?  Remarkable, but neither, truth, honesty, morality, integrity, or hypocrisy ever stood in the way of the Democrats.

He's been called one the smartest and most principled members of Congress, and he's got his hands full with all that's on the table.  Will he compromise?  Yes, but there's a difference between compromise and capitulation.  In a compromise both parties get something of real value.  The McCarthy wing gets almost nothing and amounts to a capitulation.  Is this is the end of the McCarthy, Ryan, and Boehner, era of Republican Speaker?  We'll see. 

In my opinion, this was the only outcome that could occur.  The real benefit to all his is now the nation is far more insightful of who stands for what, and many of the Republicans have been exposed as CINO's, Conservatives in Name Only, and I'm expecting to see a lot of them primaried in 2024.

In his article, Are We Winning or Losing?, Jeffrey  Tucker states: 

"The past four years have taught us much about the workings of the world that we did not know. The real rulers of the political social order who once hid in the shadows came out into the open".

He couldn't be more correct.  This Israel/Hamas War, and the Battle For Speaker of the House has done a lot of good exposing organizations and people for who and what they are.  Heterodoxy isn't for the faint of heart. It takes guts, smarts, tolerance, patience, knowledge, a really tough hide, and the willingness to be unliked for long periods of time. That's what we saw. Gaetz and his group were the Heroic Eight. Everything else is a red herring.

If Gaetz is re-elected he's going be one of the most powerful men in the House, even if the House goes Democrat. I know three things for sure.  Persistence, courage, and the willingness to be unliked as long as it takes will take a toll on their adversaries.  All of whom lack all three. 

Leaders lead, and often times that means challenging the conventional wisdom, and those who've benefited from that "wisdom" are outraged when someone like Gaetz and the Heroic Eight stand as rocks in the current.  CINO's need the support of the group, the man rowing against the tide needs only truth, and guts, and Gaetz has exposed just how badly McCarthy and the RINO's have been conducting the "peoples" business. 

This Israeli/Hamas War is going to drive a lot more people to the right as they're seeing just how contemptuous and disgusting the Democrats and the left in general are over the horrors heaped on the Israeli civilian population, especially the children.  That's heartbreaking, and that heart break is going to translate into change, and that change of heart is going to benefit people like, Gaetz.  

We need to thank Gaetz, because no matter what happens now, McCarthy is gone because of him, his power is gone, his ability to sway events is gone, and his Never Trump RINO supporters are badly diminished.

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