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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, October 6, 2023

McCarthy is Done and Now, the Real Story Begins, Part II

Definition leads to clarity, clarity leads to understanding, understanding leads to good decision making.  

By Rich Kozlovich 

Good decision making is a serious problem for Republicans.  There's a reason they're called the "stupid party", they earned it. I posted this piece, McCarthy is Done and Now, the Real Story Begins, saying:

Before this vote to dump McCarthy everyone was laughing at Gaetz, and now, ....and now...., this is going to change things as never before.  First, everyone said his efforts were going nowhere.  Then it was said the ethics committee was investigating  him, and by all accounts at the behest of McCarthy, and could cost his is seat in the Congress.  He knows whether or not he's guilty and I doubt he would be pursuing this if he was, and we already know some charges brought against him were lies the media ran with. Now we're hearing ..... Chaos, Chaos, Chaos, without McCarty we have chaos.  Really?  Ya gotta be kidden me! Why is it getting rid of a guy who was given a "F" rating by Conservative Review for his votes over the last six years, who loved more spending, more debt ceiling increases,....... massive spending and debt increases I might add, ......... abandoned every conservative principle he claims he believes in, was cozy with Democrats with back room deals is chaos, yet all that capitulation to the left isn't chaos?  

And I got kickback on this which surprised me, from conservatives.  Well, this week has been a fiasco of inane intellectual blabber ...... from conservatives!  I've been aghast at the ranting from those who claim to be conservatives over Gaetz's successful ousting of McCarthy, claiming we'll now have chaos without McCarthy, which I will cover in Part III. Can they all be that foolish?  

Apparently they can!  So I will run a series of pieces to clarify all of this for them, because it's clear a lot of conservatives are in some serious need of some clarity, and clarity starts with defining things properly.  This the second in my series, and the theme will be, Gaetz, whatever his flaws, is the hero in this story.

Here's what the conservative base of the Republican party is concerned about, and what McCarthy and his fellow CINO's (Conservative in Name Only) in the Republican caucus failed to do anything about by continuing to fund everything the Democrats and Biden demanded of them.

  1. Over eight million illegal immigrants have invaded America, and this administration, and the Democrats, along with some Republicans in Congress are complicit in that criminality, and yet their public stand is the "border is secure".  Which almost no one believes.
  2. Biden wants the Congress to authorize borrowing another six to seven trillion dollars, money we can't pay back under the current system.  
  3. Biden wants home mortgage interest rates to be raised to 7%.  
  4. Inflation has caused basic essentials to cost between 25 and 30% more since he was fraudulently elected to office.
  5. His foreign policy decisions have been disastrous starting with Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars of American military equipment to the Taliban, and now wants to fund Ukraine to billions of dollars we don't have - all unaccountable billions of dollars - and is depleting America's arsenal in support of Ukraine. 
  6. His pandemic polices, along with the racist DEI demands he's imposed on America's military have devastated a once stable military into a crumbing mess right before our very eyes. These DEI generals and admirals, misfits all, can't fix the jet fighters, or the nation's submarines, but they fixed the gender and white supremacist issues that "plagued" the military. 
  7. He's destroyed the nation's energy independence inherited from Trump,  drained the energy reserve to lower gas prices, and now America has to buy oil from the Middle East, and even of all places, Venezuela, with their heavily contaminated oil. 
  8. Crime is skyrocketing in all of America's Democrat controlled major cities.  The result:
    • Destroyed lives
    • Bankrupted businesses.
    • Forcing out the stable productive citizens, leaving these Democrat run sewers. 
    • Turning these cities over to the thugs, murderers, drug addicts, bums, along with the poor and elderly who can't afford to leave, putting them at the mercy of monsters.   
    • These leftist misfits refuse to prosecute criminals. 
    • They've stripped the police, at least those who are left, of the power to deal with them, and the nitwits in the Democrat party and their catspaws in the media applaud all that.

Can the left wing journalists and activists, and even Democratic politicians, who all supported defunding the police, who have been refusing to prosecute criminals escape the consequences of the resulting crime wave, street violence, and the murderous predators they've turning loose on society.   They think so! How?  Because they claim there's no crime, it's all conservative propaganda being used to divide the party, and anyone who claims otherwise is nothing but an out and out Nazi racist.  

But does reality really trump fantasy?  Maybe, and maybe not!  Allegedly 47% of America approves of Biden, and presumably his polices and the Democrat party.  Is it possible that many people in America are that stupid?  Maybe, and that's frightening.  But what's really frightening is how many "conservatives" supported a seriously failed Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, who never saw an expenditure he didn't love or a debt ceiling he couldn't break through.  And they're concerned about preventing a government shutdown?  Ya gotta be kidden me. 

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