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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Runners, Joggers, and Vocal Spectators: Election 2024, Part IV

By Rich Kozlovich

I've spent an inordinate amount of time on this piece searching out and storing pieces, organizing them is such a fashion that will give, me, and my readers, the ability to see below the surface about these candidates, and at the same time create a "30,000 foot perspective" for everyone.   

But two things are always clear, people will always be people, and elections bring out the character in people.  Often times their character isn't pretty, but that's history, and history shows it's always been that way.  

Thomas Jefferson turned on his friend John Adams, which shocked Adams.  Then there was the 1824 election Jackson versus John Quincy Adams, 200 hundred years ago, which in the past was considered the dirtest election in American history, where everything the Jackson crowd said about Adams was pretty much a lie, and everything the Adams crowd said about Jackson was pretty much true, and those truths weren't pretty.   And that whole election process was contentious and it had to finally be decided by the House of Representatives.  

Are we facing a far more contentious, far more dangerous, and far dirtier election in 2024? What's at stake? Let's take a look. 

On August 7, 2023 outlined the national disaster unfolding in America with this article "The Remaking of America Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault", with what he rightly calls "10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought", which I've condensed below. 

Freedom of expression is now anathema to the radicals destroying America, calling those who stand for traditional values as "extremists", and their contrary views are categorized as hate speech, whether it involves education, science, race, economics or any other issue facing America.   America's universities are thoroughly infiltrated with vile radicals bent on the elimination of the American culture, the American identity, the American economy, and the destruction of the Constitution.   

They've now weaponized the legal system and law enforcement to enforce their edicts, including attacks on the justices of the Supreme Court.  At least the conservative justices.  The media rails against any claim against Justice Thomas, and pretty much ignore proven corruption by Sotomayor.   Common law in America is going down a road of destruction, and the military is being destroyed with false narratives and destructive initiatives.  Racism is everywhere, at least according to the left, and they're right.  Except the only racism being practiced in America is by the left.   The nation is drowning in national debt, and the Democrat solution is more spending and more borrowing.  

In this article, The USA's Turn toward Communism the author states:

A truly evil cabal has taken control of the Democrats.  It took effect when the pact between the Sen. Joe Biden camp and the Sen. Bernie Sanders camp was signed in July 2020.  The pact was a 110-page position paper on many national issues of concern to both men.  Although Bernie had caucused with Democrats in the Senate for years, he was elected to office in Vermont under the rubric of "Democratic Socialist."  He usually justified that rubric as not being "communist" because he said he was a "non-authoritarian socialist" (sic).  This clever manipulation of language could not, however, hide the reality that his lifelong views were derived from Marxist critiques of capitalism.  His bombastic rhetoric was largely taken from the Marxist playbook of criticisms of capitalistic Western culture.  And, in fact, when Sen. Sanders married in the 1980s, he and his wife honeymooned in the USSR.

So, who are the real totalitarians?  Is it the Democrats, leftists, RINO's, or is it possible it really is Donald Trump?  Is it possible he really is a fascist dictator such as real fascists and tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, Castro, etc?  Let's review:

Totalitarianism is a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition parties, outlaws individual and group opposition to the state and its claims, and exercises an extremely high if not complete degree of control and regulation over public and private life. It employs all-encompassing campaigns in which propaganda is broadcast by state-controlled mass media in order to control the citizenry.

It's the Democrats who are dancing the totalitarian two-step.  Democrats are in point of fact implementing all the tyrannical problems outlined by Victor Davis Hanson.   Trump reduced taxes, size of government and curtailed out of control bureaucratic regulations.  Just the opposite of fascism.  Since it's clear the Democrats and RINO's are in total opposition to all that, and they are the real fascists destroying America, and the nation is left with this question.  Looking at the Republican presidential candidates, who will stand for freedom? 


It turns out Gov. Doug Burgum Qualifies for First Republican Debate, but he did that by offering $20 gift cards to those who donate $1 to his presidential campaign.  How loony is that?  I've said in the past he's a bit of a loon with conflicting views and values, and has to know he has no chance to getting into the second debate, let alone winning a primary.  Why is he running?  I think he's a big ego loon with a lot of money who loves the attention.  Look at me.....look at me....look at me....I running for President...look a me!   National reaction? Who cares?


If there was a listing for big ego and bad attitude in the dictionary, Chris Christie's picture would be right beside it.   Christie claims Trump Will Be ‘Out on Bail’ During Campaign — Can’t Beat Biden.  Really?  And Christie thinks he can?  It stuns me he claims he can win the nomination, let alone the Presidency.  He somehow thinks going to Ukraine to meet Zelensky is a good campaign strategy?  Remarkable, imagine that.  

Is it any wonder no one respects this man, and he's the most disliked GOP candidate in field? He will not get past the first primary, unless he simply refuses to accept reality.  But will he have sufficient money to campaign?  I think not.  He was burnt toast before he announced, and nothing's changed, except he looks ever more ridiculous than he did before.  Welcome to the John Kasich Legion of Clueless People. 


The more DeSantis talks, the more he dies on the vine.  One thing he doesn't have to worry about is crowd control these days.  His crowds are drying up.  While the vast majority of Republicans believe adamantly Biden was elected via voter fraud Ron DeSantis Denies 2020 Election Was Stolen.  He's even gone on record saying Trump Election Claims Were False 'All those theories' about fraud didn't pan out.  He's even floated the idea that if he was President he would appoint  RFK Jr. To run CDC or FDA.

I've said in the past I have no idea what's bouncing around in his mind thinking that he should be running for President, and now I'm even more confused as his message is warping, and in point of fact, he's crashing badly, and rightly so. 

His campaign is now on an attack mode against Trump, and now a mega donor threatens to cut off funding if DeSantis doesn’t go moderate, saying "extremism isn’t going to get you elected.”  Extremism, I suppose that includes saving the lives of the innocent unborn.  Yet "Trump was/is tagged as an extremist, and the label only adds to his popularity... and he did in fact win an election (twice?)."  Here's the dope on that donor, and it's not inspirational.  Trump has a huge lead in Iowa, as DeSantis keeps fading there. In New Hampshire DeSantis is so far behind he's not even in the picture.  His solution?  Somehow DeSantis thinks replacing his campaign manager will be the fix. The Republican base think he's a traitor, and I think he's seriously hurt his future standing with that base with his attacks on Trump.  He's no longer toast, he's burnt toast. 


"He needs 40,000 individual donors to get on the Republican primary debate stage. He had about half of that as of two weeks ago. To get a quick feel for Larry's background and the issues that he is running on, see this video of his recent speech to the Iowa Republican Party."  Good man, good mind, but he's going nowhere. 


Again, Nikki Haley demonstrates she really is as slippery as an eel, and brags about it.  While other candidates rightly called this latest Trump indictment a travesty of justice and political persecution, Nikki Haley brags:

“Unlike the other candidates, I didn’t rush out with a statement yesterday on Trump’s indictment for one simple reason—like most Americans, I’m tired of commenting on every Trump drama, ........I’ve lost track of whether this indictment is the third or fourth or the fifth.”  

So, let me see if I understand this correctly.  It appears she doesn't care, and her failure to take a stand is a virtue.   Did I get that right?   Wow!  Now, that's really inspirational.  Don't you think? 


I've said in the past I thought Pence was wrong but a good man, so I was a bit shocked at his treatment by Tucker Carlson, who called him creepy. Well, it appears Tucker knew a lot more about Pence than the general public, including me. I retract my previous assessment of Pence. The quality of his character is in serious question.  In Upcoming Biography, Tucker Carlson Unloads on Pompous Pence, Describing Former VP as ‘Creepy as Hell’ and a ‘Sinister Figure’ Who Purposely Sabotaged Trump Presidency.   

Keith Kellogg, the former National Security Advisor to Pence who worked closely with both Pence and Trump compared Trump's “unwavering determination, a deep vision for America, and the courage to take a stand where others wilt”, to Pence's brand of leadership which "has often chosen the passive route, avoiding confrontation. This lack of assertiveness, combined with an overreliance on failed political consultants like Marc Short, has demonstrated a laisse-faire leadership style unworthy of the Presidency."  It appears the public agrees.   

He's sided with Trump's opponents, including the Democrats, in what is nothing short of an effort in political persecution, and an outrageous corruption of American justice by a corrupt Justice Department, a corrupt prosecutor, and a corrupt judge. He claims Trump Was surrounded by 'crackpot lawyers', and it comes out he was in reality a fifth columnist in the White House.  We now know Pence took secret notes and lied to the President, and later weaseling out said:

“The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone. Our founders would have never vested authority in one person to overturn an election, and I stood on that principle.” 

He now claims Trump put ‘himself over the Constitution,’ should ‘never be president',  all in an attempt to make himself appear worthy to be President, as he unworthily capitalizes on Trump indictments.

All this "I'm the Constitutional Hero, and Trump is the villain" clabber is a load of horsepucky.  The reality is his "often chosen the passive route, avoiding confrontation.....and lack of assertiveness" character in action, or inaction as it were.  If anyone has any doubts regarding the true character of Mike Pence, let's get a bit of perspective about him in what this author calls a "30,000 foot perspective".  A perspective with  a bit of insidious history regarding Pence.   And it is "creepy"!


I've felt Tim Scott is a good man, a smart man, and a capable man, but his senseless attack on DeSantis, over racism is telling.  Is he an American who just happens to be black, or is he a black American? DeSantis' response, ‘Fight Back Against the Lies’,  makes it clear Scott either didn't know what he was talking about, or he was race baiting, either way, it diminishs him.  Kurt Schlichter claims Scott is too soft be the nominee.  While up until now I've been impressed with him overall, however, elections bring out the real character in politicians, and it appears he shows a lack of backbone in my view.  I thought better of him.


So, Trump can't be elected and he should never be elected again, and these loons think that's resonating with the Republican base, and with America?  It's not even resonating with American blacks, the core constituency for the Democrat party.  As for these indictments, American blacks are accusing Jack Smith, Biden, and Obama of being traitors.  Black voters avoiding Joe Biden like a bad smell as "inflation, open borders, vaccine mandates, the transgender agenda, and two-tier justice is driving away large numbers of black male voters."  That must rattle the Democrats, and it should rattle the Republicans who've been siding with this perversion of American justice.

Trump is leading massively, and drawing massive crowds everywhere, and garnering important endorsements as shown Here, Here, Here, Here, HereHere, and Here, where Kari Lake urges these candidates who have absolutely no chance to suspend their campaigns and support Trump, in total contrast to Romney, who wants them to drop out and condense funding in an effort to defeat Trump.  

There's something seriously wrong with this man's mind.  The fact is if Trump isn't the Republican nominee, the GOP may find the  “Rust Belt” states, where Trump has become so popular, will become swing states. 

He's now addressed something near and dear to the hearts of all conservatives, ‘I Will Obliterate the Deep State’.  He's also thrown down the gauntlet to Republicans nationwide saying:  “Any Republican That Doesn’t Act on Democrat Fraud Should be Immediately Primaried and Get Out”.

That's a resonant theme among the base as Kari Lake calls for decertifying 2020 election stating Joe Biden is an illegitimate President.  That's not going to happen, but it is a foundational rallying theme among conservatives, and the Republican base.


What we have here is a man no one heard of a few weeks ago who is polling higher than the former Vice President, and tying or beating a current Governor of Florida in polls in some states (polls that are questionable by the way), he's openly criticized the Justice Department's persecution of Trump, yet it appears that's only his latest narrative of the moment since just last year he had a seriously different take on Trump and the validity of the election.  He's already had an issue with flip flopping, Vivek Ramaswamy Calls Juneteenth ‘Useless’ 2 Months After Posting a Video Celebrating It.

He's smooth, erudite, knowledgeable, and saying all the things conservatives really like to hear, but who exactly is this guy, and what does he really believe?   I've found him to be an off putting, kinda like a snake oil salesman.  I just have a bad instinct about Ramaswamy, and there are red flags to justify that feeling.

He wants to increase legal immigration, he thinks transgenders are just fine in the military , and wants to bring America into the Trans-Pacific Partnership.  So, let's see a show of hands on how many conservatives think all that's a really good idea for America? 

He was part of the covid vaccine scam, and his part in that story is very troubling, including his alleged business acumen, which includes some strange stock dealings with his Strive Asset Management, supposedly created to battle ESG initiatives, but looks more like a scam.  

Then there's his Soros Fellowship and his 2021 selection as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, his companies’,  (He claims he didn't agree to that and it was a mistake by the WDF)  his partnership with Chinese firms, and he paid someone to scrub troubling information from his Wikipedia page before declaring. 

He will get in on the debate, and possibly one primary, and then he's done.  And we still will have no idea why he's really running.  Personally, I think he's a mole, and the trouble with moles is you don't know they're moles until it's too late.   President of the United States?  Get real. The best he can hope for is a position in a second Trump administration.  But not too big a position.

As for Asa Hutchison, pretty much crickets, and he might not make it to the first debate.  There are a couple of other side line candidates who almost no one ever heard about, like Hurd, who claims defending Trump endangers America.  But I'm not going to waste your time and mine on them. 

That  brings me to the:


In Massachusetts the Republican "leadership" is trying to change the rules to eliminate Trump delegates, and the same is happening in California and other states, and in point of fact, it appears some Republicans are willing to help the corrupt Justice Department put Trump in prison.  

It's nice that NBC’s Todd is so worried about the long term future of the GOP he feels compelled to tell them by the time they find "Trump Is unelectable, it may be too late".   Now doesn't that just give you a warm and fuzzy feeling about the media?  Get Real!

But my favorite is Mitt Romney, who wants everyone to drop out and condense the contributions and votes to defeat Trump.  Once again, "The senator’s ego far exceeds his ability, as he has shown many times in his political career. In this case, he is trying to interfere in the political process by urging rich Republican donors to limit their contributions to only one candidate."  But it appears he has no particular one candidate to rally around, except perhaps him? 

His level of Trump Derangement Syndrome is over the top, and he clearly is oblivious to it, which brings me back to this question.  What's wrong with this man's mind, especially since it's clear supporting Trump is truly in the nation's best interests to overturn the Deep State and Biden's insane policies.   There is in my opinion one uptake on this.  His Senate career is most likely over.  Then again, maybe that explains why he's making all these ridiculous statements.  He's done and he knows it?  Either way, once again:  Mitty, welcome to the John Kasich Legion of Clueless People.

So, let's top off this segment with two points. First, Russian Hoaxer Brennan is just horrified Trump is far in the lead to be nominated, and he has reason to be horrified.  If Trump is elected, I have no doubt he will appoint an Attorney General with a mad dog in the meat market mentality, and Brennan, along with his entire cabal of Deep State criminals will be under investigation.  And I have serious doubts they're going to like the outcome of that.

Secondly, for those who've followed my articles know I'm a history buff, and as a result, I believe in cycles, which George Friedman, of Geopolitical Futures, outlines so well in his book, The Storm Before the Calm: America's Discord, the Coming Crisis of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond.  

I'm currently reading The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us about America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny, also dealing with cycles, which he calls turnings, and he outlines how America's in a "Fourth Turning", saying:

History is seasonal, and winter is here....the deepening loss of civic truth, the galvanizing of partisanship, the rise of creedal passions, and the scrabble to reconstruct national polices and priorities - all this has already happened and the later and more eventful stages of a Fourth Turning still lie ahead......the risk of catastrophe will be high.  The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil conflict, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule.  If there is a way, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort, in other words, a total war, precisely because so much will seem to rest o the outcome. 

Is it possible to avoid all that?  Yes and no. I think the best America can hope for is to ameliorate the potential effects of this "Fourth Turning", but not prevent it.  At every election we hear this is the most important election in American history.  Well, sooner or later that statement was bound to be true.  It is now. 

1 comment:

  1. A delight reading this article. Lynne Lechter
