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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I was 13 Months Old When I Was Killed By Two Black “Children”! What’s My Name?

By Rich Kozlovich

Editor's Note:  The murder of this child, who was only 13 months old, occurred on March 21, 2013.  I had intended to re-run this piece in March but failed to do so as so much is going on.  I wanted to do it because now this baby would be eleven years old. I found this whole story heartbreaking. I originally published this on July, 21, 2013, and again on June 12, 2021, and discussed it in Tell Me Their Names!, and republished that article again Here, and Here, and I intend to run it again, and again, so no one will forget this child's name.   RK

If you believe all the blather by the main stream media, Democrats, leftists, etc. about race in America,  you believe the police are leaving their stations on daily hunting trips to kill poor innocent blacks, for no other reason than they're black.   However, if you actually believe in facts, then the story of who the perpetrators of  murder, crime and violence in black America is substantially different.  

Let's start with right now and move back in time. 

I hadn't posted much about the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case, and all the surrounding noise being made by the race baiters, leftists and a president who is a disgrace, because it was covered intensely by just about everyone.  
Then we had a president who takes a 100 million dollar vacation to Africa, at tax payers expense, with his family to try and take focus off of himself and all the scandals in his administration.  He then comes home and declares the Zimmerman verdict an indictment of white America; telling everyone how hard it was to be an un-trusted black man in America in his youth, inciting more racial animus.
Poor baby, he wasn't trusted - then he became president - as a result his actions demonstrate the quality of his character, and that character demonstrates he shouldn’t have been trusted.   
 The media and the left is always bloated with self righteous moral outrage when a black criminal thug is fighting with the police and gets killed.  Worse yet, we see them calling some of these black thugs and criminals “children”.  That has gotten under my skin.
Now all of a sudden Trayvon was a “child”!  Legally he was a minor, that's true, but he wasn’t a child, except to idiots, race baiters, leftists and celebrities like Richard Dreyfus who declared:
 "It’s 2013 and an American jury just acquitted a man who admitted to stalking and killing an unarmed child". 
Martin was a strapping six footer, and he was aggressive.  Did Zimmerman shoot him before Martin attacked him?  No!  Also, Zimmerman didn’t stalk him, he followed him.   If he was such a “child”, we have to wonder what would possess a “child” to attack an adult?   Would you turn around and attack someone who was following you, or would you call the police?  He wasn’t concerned about attacking Zimmerman because Trayvon wasn’t a “child”.  He was bigger than Zimmerman and so he was comfortable in attacking a smaller man.  
Nor was Martin the innocent as he was portrayed by a corrupt disgraceful media, and as far as I can tell, the question as to what he was doing in that neighborhood in the first place has never been answered.  Admittedly we have to right to go where we please in America, but Americans have the right to know why you're in their neighborhood, and what you're doing there.
Along with Dreyfus, another new member of the Club For the Galacticly Stupid, John Cusak, says:
"unarmed teenagers have a right to public space – without owning armed citizens any explanation as to their equal right to the sidewalk — "
Admittedly, we have the right to go where we please, but there are neighborhoods in Cleveland where my presence would be questioned if I was just wandering around, and rightly so.   The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact.  People in a neighborhood have every right to know what strangers are doing around their homes.  People go places because they have a purpose.  What was Trayvon's  purpose in being there?  Furthermore, if it was all innocent why didn’t he just call the police if he was concerned? 
So how does the rest of the Club For the Galacticly Stupid react?  Russell Simmons, music producer said:
"This is not only” about race. This is about laws that allow racist acts to go unpunished. We must change laws that promote injustice”.   
These brilliant thoughts must be his belated views about the O.J. trial. 
Rapper Talib Kweli intones:
 "The way this Zimmerman case divides us shows how far we still have to go as a country."   
I wonder if he was reflecting back to the L.A. riots when a young black crowd - who was filmed - pulling a white truck driver out of his truck, threw him to the ground, and then bashed his head with a heavy object.  All of whom were found innocent.  That must have been what he was thinking of. 
And then we have that great mental giant, Miley Cyrus, who declares:
No justice; no peace.  
Wow!  Were we to assume that Miley was going to riot?  Well Miley didn't have to worry, that was  already being taken care of.  And the list for all the new members for the Club For the Galacticly Stupid can be found here, along with pictures of rioting and insane behavior promoted by race hustlers.   
On Sunday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) appeared on CNN’s State of the Union, where he called President Obama’s Friday comments on Trayvon Martin and race “very impressive.” He said, “I think we should continue to make progress,” but added that “we still have a long way to go,” even as he declined to “second guess” the verdict in the George Zimmerman case.
 John McCain was an everlasting disgrace.  That's his legacy!
In East Cleveland, Ohio, Anthony Sowell, a black man wandering around a black community was raping and murdering young black women. 
"Sowell was charged with eleven counts of aggravated murder and 74 counts of rape, kidnapping, tampering with evidence, and abuse of a corpse. He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity but later changed his plea to simply "not guilty."  On July 22, 2011, he was convicted on all but two counts, including the murders of the eleven women whose bodies were found in his house in 2009.
Didn't people in that community have the right to know who he was and what he was doing there?  
But here's the story you most likely never heard about, and most definitely did not hear one word from any of these disgraceful people about that thirteen month old white child, a real child, who was deliberately murdered by two black “children”, at least by the left’s current definition of "children". 
How old were these black “children” who attempted to rob a poor woman and then murder her 13 month old child? 
The oldest of these two murderous "children" was identified as De'Marquise Elkins, 17, and  the other “child”was Dominique Lang 14 at the time.  Both of these "children" were charged with first degree murder and tried as adults.  
And try and get this right.  This "child", De'Marquise Elkins, was nothing but a cold and brutal thug.  Just ten days before he murdered this 13 month old child, "he attempted to rob a pastor named Wilfredo Calix-Flores on March 11, 2013, at the pastor's church in Brunswick. Elkins and two accomplices pointed a pistol at Calix-Flores and demanded his cell phone and money. Because the pastor did not have anything to give them, they shot him." 
That's who the left, race baiters and the Hollywood trash are calling a "child".
Here's the story, and it's a story that needs telling regularly, which I've done for the since 2013, and this was just about as cold as it can get.
The mother reported:
"A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money, and I told him I didn't have any money. "And he said, 'Give me your money or I'm going to kill you and I'm going to shoot your baby and kill your baby,' and I said, 'I don't have any money,' and 'Don't kill my baby.'"
When he tried to take her purse he shot her twice; once, grazing her in the head and then in the leg, “then, all of a sudden, he walked over and he shot my baby in the face." 
He shot a 13 month old baby in the face because a poor white woman had no money he could steal. 
This child did nothing to him. He was innocent and helpless”.  
Now that’s cold blooded murder, and not one of these race hustlers or celebrity idiots has said a thing!

Everyone knows the names of Trayvon Martin, George Floyd and Michael Brown, all of whom were thugs and criminals.  But no one knows the name of that poor 13 month old child. 

 Do you doubt that?  Then tell me without looking it up: What was this poor child’s name?


His name was Antonio Santiago, and "His first word was never heard. His first sentence was never said, he never got to sleep in a toddler bed."

As a follow up:  Did De'Marquise Elkins feel regret for what he's done?  No!  He actually taunted police over their lack of evidence.  

 ‘Y’all ain’t got - - on me. Y’all ain’t got no gun. Y’all ain’t got no fingerprints. All y’all got is a - - acquittal,". 

But they had the gun, which family members tried to hide and were sentenced to prison for concealing evidence.   Both of these "children" were sentenced to prison.  Elkins got life without parole.  And here's a later outrage  His defenders tried to put the blame on Antonio Santiago's mother demanding they both be released. 

The enablers and perpetrators of this racial criminal mentality is a stench that permeates the left and black America. It's a sickness that's destroying the nation. 


  1. Thank you for reposting this. I remember the absolute rage I felt when I finally heard about the feral animals who killed this young child. The mainstream media refused to cover this story. That speaks volumes.

    1. I felt exactly the same way, and I intend to keep posting this. Thanks for your input.
