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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

No Insurmountable Obstacle Will Ever Be Overcome by Complacency

By Rich Kozlovich 

I've been a history buff all of my life, and I came to the conclusion geopolitical and national events are cyclical.   I read George Friedman's book Storm before the Calm, and that covers that concept very nicely, and I'm currently reading the Fourth Turning by Neil Howe, which I find it much more complicated, and I have misgivings about his presentation. However, he says we're in a Fourth Turning of a current cycle, and I find I'm in agreement with that. He demonstrates every Fourth Turning ends with a violent upheaval, and I think that’s a valid observation.

I predicted the EU is doomed and will crash by 2025, but no later than 2030. That’s his prediction for the conclusion of the Fourth Turning in America, and I don’t think it can be avoided, only ameliorate the effects by being forewarned. But a Fourth Turning is followed by a new cycle, and potentially having a positive effect on the nation. I find his views on what he considers positive are troubling. 

As generations change, the perspective on reality changes.  Their goals and values will not be the same as the ones of the previous generation, but eventually every society, every culture must face the apex of realty, and must decide what really works, and what works in in the history books.  History is king, unfortunately entirely too few people have sworn fealty to the king. They twist it, they ignore it, they lie about it, they hide it, and do so in order to thwart the thrust of any repetition of history that doesn’t fit their narrative, and their narrative is destructive to the nation.

I’m not quite sure how to take those who take a totally negative view of whether or not the nation can be saved.  It’s hard to deny the Republic is clearly suffering from a terminal infection from the leftist takeover that’s been slowing eating away of the vital organs of America since the late 19th century. The question is can that be changed? The foundation of Americanism is a value system predicated on Judaic/Christian cultural concepts, and that needs to become prominent again. Will that happen? That will take a massive upheaval of the heretical leadership in the churches and synagogues, including recognizing that Islam isn't a religion.  It's a criminal, political terrorist movement masquerading as a religion, and saying so.

In my view the best dialogue ever recorded was from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, which I will paraphrase here:

I wish these times had never come, but that’s the feeling of all who live to see such times. All that’s left to do is decide what to do with the time that’s given to us. 

It's impossible to not recognize America is in crisis, and so to is western civilization, and now, we’re in that proverbial fork in the road, and we must decide to do as complacency isn't the answer!  "If terrible times must come, let it be in my time, so my children can live in peace". 

No insurmountable obstacle will ever be overcome by complacency.

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