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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, January 27, 2022

CLIMATE DEPOT The latest developments in the wacky world of climate.

Prince Harry: COVID-19 is what we get for messing with 'Mother Nature' –
  1. 2021 ‘hottest year’ BUST: NASA GISS, UK Met Office, RSS, UAH, all show global temps declining since 2016 – 2021 an ‘imperceptible 0.134C warmer than 30-year average’
  2. ‘Unprecedentedly few’: ‘2021 had the fewest global hurricanes in the satellite era’ & 2nd fewest strong hurricanes since 1980
  3. Climate change is racist!? Targets minorities!? USA Today: ‘Code Red’ Heat: ‘The climate emergency is sending more kids of color to the emergency room’
  4. Reuters: UN chief laments the ‘failures of global governance’ — Urges world to ‘go into emergency mode’ to tackle ‘climate crisis’ 
  5. Watch: The first medically-diagnosed case of — climate change?! – Morano Minute - Morano: “Trust me. I am not a doctor, But I play one on TV.”
  6.  The New Yorker mag claims the refrigerator is ‘an Agent of Climate Catastrophe’
  7. CBS Mornings co-host Nate Burleson Ties Massive Volcano, Tsunami to ‘Climate Change’ 
  8. Analysis: ‘Amount of energy available to world has increased 1,500-fold’ since 1900 – ‘Gain in useful energy is more like 3,500 times’ – Avg. person now has ‘700 times more useful energy than their ancestors had’ due to fossil fuels

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