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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ya Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!

 By Rich Kozlovich 

Tim Walz is a disaster, and the hits just keep right on coming.   

Here's a guy who's referred to as Tampon Tim, and is ‘very unpopular’ in the state in which he's governor, and who "made at least 30 trips to China, many while he was a member of his state’s National Guard."  Now this:

"House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) subpoenaed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday for information relating to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic nominee for vice president, and a vague alleged connection to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)", saying "his committee received whistleblower disclosures about “serious concern among Department of Homeland Security (DHS) personnel regarding a longstanding connection between Walz and China."

Is Tim Walz’ a threat to national security?  Clearly Mike Robertson seems to think so saying:

On September 12, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability renewed its request to FBI Director Christopher Wray for all information, documents, and communications in the FBI’s possession related to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) — affiliated entities and officials with whom Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has engaged and partnered. The third hearing on this matter was held on September 24.  During the hearing, experts detailed how the CCP has successfully waged an influence and infiltration campaign targeting critical U.S. industries and politicians..............  The FBI is silent......

Well, the hits just keep right on coming and all this is causing serious concern.  So, why did Kamala pick this guy, who unlike Vance, really is weird, or even treasonous?    It turns out Kamala's answer was, along with some word salad silliness, she picked him while "suffering from insomnia", and that she "was sleep deprived the morning she picked him." 

Remarkable, and as I said, "ya just can't make this stuff up", and ya just can't fix stupid.

Will This Stolen Election Create a Third Party? By Rich Kozlovich 

 I originally published this on Saturday, December 19, 2020, but given the run by RFK, Jr. and his "Independent Party", I thought it was worth republishing, as the principle issues regarding third parties remain the same.  Liz Chaney says the GOP will realign, and of course she means against Trump.  Well, that's delusional, and she's not gotten one bit smarter since her state kicked her out of the Congress, in point of fact she's nose dived into the stupid pool, and has dragged her dad in with her.   I don't see anything that's changed other than any talk of a "Trump" third party is meaningless since now Trump is the leader of the Republican party.    

Here were my thoughts four years ago.

Recently I've read about a potential conservative third party emerging from the Republican party, and there seems to be a lot of discussion among conservatives over this based on conversations I've had.  There are two articles I've posted today dealing with this that takes us into the emotions of such thinking, and the practical thinking that I believe will prevail.

First!  This piece by entitled, They Are Mad as Hell but Will They Take It Anymore?, with the sub-headline, "Has there ever been a more opportune time to create a new political party?" @ Liberty Nation, where she states:

Out of the ashes of an embittered, archaic, and dying Republican Party, Donald J. Trump rose to the occasion while descending on a golden escalator to put the GOP out of its self-inflicted misery. The Silent Majority was silent no more, and joining forces with an America-first candidate, 63 million energized, excited, and optimistic people swept the man and dozens of hangers-on into office.

Instead of embracing a win and a Republican mandate in both houses of Congress, petty arguments, backstabbing, distancing, and incredible disloyalty to the president, Republicans have done little to keep their party members happy. Rather, the green-eyed monster from losers long ago reared its ugly head in the trappings of Senators John McCain and Mitt Romney and their sycophants who followed along. For many, the fix was in – from the inside out — making the Republican Party no better than the Democrats of 2016.

She's suggesting that a "Trumplican Party", made up of America Firsters, blacks and Hispanics who've turned the corner because they could clearly see Trump did more for them in four years than did the Democrats in decades, and those she calls Trumplicans who believe in real justice.  Not a dual system we're clearly stuck with now where the elite get away with treason.  Along with those who support a strong economy, a strong military, and immigration control.  

She didn't mention less regulations, less spending, less taxes, etc, but those are the traditional conservative talking point for Republican party leaders to keep the rank and file in line while never delivering when they had the power, and this election has made it clear, they never intended to. 

That may be emotionally appealing, but is it a real potential?  Personally, I don't think the groups she's outlining are going to support that idea, and it's not going to happen. 

The second piece I posted today was from Brad Slager, who in his piece, The President’s Departure Means the Never-Trump Crowd Now Find Themselves as Outcasts observed: 

When former RNC chairman and current Never Trump minion Michael Steele came out last month to state they had plans for how to reconstitute the Republican Party his plea was met with little more than eye rolls from the GOP. When the pyromaniacs who burned down the barn come forward to state they will be there to help rebuild it the normal reaction is to chase them off the property with buckshot................

He went on to say: 

To go along with these figures acting like evicted tenants pledging not to send Christmas cards there is Bill Kristol, who has appeared like a doddering shopper at a mall who forgot where he parked the car. Kristol this week made the attempt to promote the concept of forming a third political party, and the result could not have been more dismal. His proposal was to come up with The Owl Party as a centrist alternative and he nearly broke his nose, stumbling so magnificently. Once he realized there has already been a satirical Owl Party - one that stood for Out With Logic - he wavered on his cause, and once he was met with complete apathy it was mere hours later when he had abandoned his plan entirely. 

While the two articles differ in that one wants real conservatives to form a third party, and Sager's piece observes a third party of Never Trumpers isn't in any way possible.  But the issue isn't about which group, it's about any group among the Republicans.   The fact is, it's my view there will be no viable third party by any dissatisfied Republicans, from any segment of the party.

There may be an effort to form a third party made up of disgusted Democrats, who are moderately (if there really is such a thing as a moderate Democrat) to the left, and disgusted Republicans who are fauxcons, versus real conservatives, but that won't float.  History and the cultures they're departing are against them and the American culture won't support them!  

Why?  Paraphrasing Harry Truman:  "If the public has a choice between a Republican and a Republican, they'll chose a Republican every time".  And it works in reverse. 

As Slager notes, and I think very credibly. about these Never Trumper fauxcons:

In other words these allegedly "True Conservatives" declare they will continue what they have been doing for years -- acting like Democrats and supporting left-wing agendas. They will do this all the while telling others on the Right how they are not truly conservative. As they wander off into the political wilderness these pariahs will not be missed by anyone in conservative circles.

It's clear that segment of the Republican party is toast.  They may as well become Democrats, except the Democrats don't want them!  Schadenfreude!

Well, what about a Trumplican party?  Teddy Roosevelt tried that with his Bull Moose party, and it failed, worse yet, it split the vote and Woodrow Wilson, known as America's first fascist president, was elected.  In America political parties are formed around ideas, not personalities.

There was talk about the Tea Party becoming a third party, and there was some effort there, but most of the Tea Party people were only interested in supporting the party that embraces conservative issues. Which of course left them no choice but the Republicans.  Only there was a problem with that! They learned the Republican leadership was great at the talking the talk, but was lousy at walking the talk.  

Their options? 

Form a third party or take over the Republican party.  They chose the latter, and that's what they've been doing, much to the dismay of the Mitch McConnell and John McCain crowd, with McCain calling them misfits.  

The fraud of this election, and the actions of the current Republican leadership, has outraged them and their take over is going to happen big time now.  In two years there will be another election for House and Senate members, and the landscape has changed politically, and socially.  

The take over started at the local level and in this election Republicans picked up 11 seats, and they're now in control of more state legislatures, which is critical, because they'll be in charge of redistricting their states, and especially in states where the census has given them more seats in the House.  The Republicans could "dominate the process".

If so, there will be a new Third Party! The new, improved, outraged and transformed Republican Party!  The Kraken has been awakened! 

Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, The Democrat Party, and the Bill of Rights

“The First Amendment was passed not to protect convenient speech, but to protect the speech nobody wants to hear.”—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - September 2024

 By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free. RK

Freedom of Speech

Our esteemed Founding Fathers gave the American people the Bill of Rights with its 10 very important amendments. There is a reason they put Freedom of Speech as number one: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

You can be very confident that if Democrats cheat and install Kamala “Word Salad” Harris and Tim “China” Walz in the White House, freedom of speech will go the way of Nehru jackets. Democrats do not care that freedom of speech (including satire and parody) is constitutionally protected. Here is a sampling of comments Democrats have said about taking away our first amendment:

Kamala Harris:

“If you don’t police your social media platform we will hold you accountable."

Tim Walz:

“There’s no guarantee to free speech."

Hillary Clinton:

“Americans should be criminally charged for misinformation."

Gavin Newsom:

“Safeguarding the integrity of elections is essential to democracy, and it’s critical that we ensure AI is not deployed to undermine the public’s trust through disinformation.”

“Misinformation” or “disinformation” are in the eye of the beholder.   So, I think it's time to look at all the leaders in the Democrat party who are upset at these views.  First on the list is .....well..... no one.  How about those Republicans who claim they can't support Trump over his rhetoric and views like Liz Chaney and Larry Hogan who's running for Senator out of Maryland, along with others?  Crickets.  Remarkable, and we're shocked why?

It's clear anything that challenges the lies, the programs, the corruption of the Democrat party will be termed as either “misinformation” or “disinformation” if Kamala is elected who will then turn the deep state loose on America.   We need to understand the censorship efforts we've seen thus far is merely a harbinger of what will become common place under Kamala.   

A Longshoreman Strike Is Bad for America – But Worse for Kamala

A coastal crisis with November ramifications. 

By Sep 30, 2024 @ Liberty Nation News, Tags Articles, Opinion, Politics

Thousands of workers could strike early Tuesday from three dozen ports, crashing the supply chain and costing the US economy billions of dollars a day. That’s bad news for everyday Americans, none of whom have likely forgotten egg shortages or the toilet paper terrors that came after the whole world shut down for COVID. But as bad as it is for Americans, it may be worse for Kamala Harris. No, she probably won’t have to worry about running out of household goods like the rest of the country – but she certainly could be staring down the end of her political career.

A High Stakes Strike

Somewhere in the region of 45,000 longshoremen employed across 36 ports on the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts could walk off the job come Tuesday, October 1. This high-stakes strike would shut down about half of US ocean imports and, according to analysis from JPMorgan, could cost the US economy about $5 billion each day. It could also drive up shipping costs, which would then likely be passed on to consumers. If the issue isn’t resolved quickly, look forward to increased wait times as products sit in containers with nobody to unload them and higher costs because of it.

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), the union that represents port workers from Maine to Texas, has threatened to strike as soon as the current six-year contract is up at midnight on Monday, September 30. The issue at hand – as is often the case – is pay. The union and the US Maritime Alliance employer group have been negotiating the next contract since early summer, but the two groups are at an impasse on dock worker pay. The ILA demands an increase, and those demands aren’t being met.

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, about 53% of all US waterborne agricultural imports would be at risk – a potential value of about $1.1 billion in a week. Three-quarters of the nation’s banana imports and large quantities of coffee and cocoa could also be lost. The Soy Transportation Coalition suggests the strike might also affect container exports of soy products and would seriously impact frozen meat and eggs. The $18-billion-a-year beef and pork and the $5.8 -billion-a-year poultry and egg exports from the US rely on refrigerated containers. The longer they sit idle, the more likely all of that food goes to waste. The strike could also slow the flow of pharmaceutical products in and out of the US, according to Everstream Analytics, affecting an estimated 91% of imports and 69% of exports.

So, yes, toilet paper and eggs may yet again soon disappear from the shelves – but the big picture hit to both the individual consumer and the overall economy would hardly be so limited in scope.

The Political Costs

As disastrous as such a thing could be, the effects would eventually fade. A few years down the road, it’ll all be yet another unpleasant memory for most Americans. For Kamala Harris, however, the effects could be a bit more permanent.

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If the strike happens, it’ll start on Tuesday, October 1 – the very day of the vice-presidential debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz, and there’s little over a month left until Election Day.

If the Biden administration does nothing and allows the strike to go ahead, it likely won’t bode well for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate – the sitting vice president. Voters will go to the polls with fresh fears of critical shortages and anger over increased prices and the general inconvenience of it all. Who will they blame? Well, Donald Trump doesn’t have a hand in this mess – but Kamala Harris does. One might recall that Trump seemed well on his way to re-election before the COVID-19 pandemic and the deaths, shutdowns, and economic turmoil that followed. True, nobody is likely to die because of this strike – but effectively halting half of America’s trade with outside nations makes one nasty economic October surprise for the woman who is, for all practical effect in this particular situation, the incumbent running for re-election.

On the other hand, the Biden administration does have the authority, thanks to the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, to force the strikers to return to work. But Democrats are supposed to be the “pro-union” people – and Joe Biden touts his administration as the most pro-union ever. The loss of votes sure to follow the administration breaking a strike by union members would likely reverberate down the ballot, costing far more Democrats than just Kamala Harris their jobs.

It’s a damned if they do and damned if they don’t kind of situation, and there doesn’t seem to be a safe course of action available. Unless an agreement is reached quickly between employees and employers, Harris may pay the price.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

Read More From James Fite


Cotton Candy or Salt?

By Rob Pue @ Wisconsin Christian News

It’s really too bad that I need to take time out of my very busy schedule to address today’s topic.  I’ve been publishing Wisconsin Christian News for 25 years now, so I know that what I’m about to share with you is par for the course and to be expected, but it still bothers me a lot.  Even though I know this is just another attempt of Satan to get under my skin and weigh me down with discouragement, I can’t seem to just let it go.  So, let me tell you what happened yesterday.
I was busy working in my office, trying to cross as many things off my “to do” list as possible when the phone rang.  It was a man who had found Wisconsin Christian News for the first time at one of our public news racks.  He told me he was impressed by the cover and glad to find a Christian newspaper out in public, but then, how he was immediately disgusted by, as he put it, “all the political crap” we published.  “What’s with all the political crap in here?” he asked.  

But he didn’t really want to listen to anything I had to say.  In fact, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.  “I thought we weren’t supposed to mix politics and religion,” he said.  And then, as critics like this always love to do, he attempted to “scare” me by saying, “I was going to subscribe to this paper but there’s no way I’ll do that now!”  These guys always say this as if losing the $2 “profit margin” we receive per year on an annual subscription is going to strike tremendous fear into my heart. 
It would have been nice if I were able to have a discussion with him, but then again, over the years, I’ve come across so many others just like him, that I know it’s futile.  Just as well that he hung up on me after yelling at me for publishing what he considered to be “political” material.
But this situation gnawed at me all day, and it’s still gnawing at me today.  So much so that I went back in my files to see what articles could have set him off enough to bother making the call.  People will rarely contact me with positive, encouraging messages, but seem to be very eager to call and tell me how I’m doing everything wrong.
There were a couple articles on how God was mocked during the opening ceremonies for the Olympics in Paris.  An article on Repentance, God’s Law and the Republican National Convention; one on the new LGBTQP+ curriculum elementary school kids will be subjected to in public schools this fall.  We ran a commentary on how the mainstream media is stumping for Kamala Harris; one about how our government is supposed to have a system of checks and balances with three separate branches; an investigation into the Trump assassination attempt; and one on the sanctity of life for preborn babies.
But the rest of the paper was all Bible teaching, letters to the editor, health-related articles, parenting articles, and several on building strong marriages and families.  If I’d had the chance, I would have explained that we are a NEWSpaper, and therefore, we include news in each issue.  Our articles are all from a Christian perspective and worldview, but yes, we do and will continue to cover things like the upcoming elections, tyrannical government, the New World Order, plans of the Globalists, the LGBTQP+ grooming and exploitation of our children and more.
We’ll continue to publish real information on the invasion of our nation by foreign enemies.  We’ll speak up when Christ-followers are unjustly hunted and persecuted by our Justice Department, jailed for standing in the gap for the preborn or for praying in public.  We’ll let you know when injustice claims yet more victims.
I don’t see these things as being political.  In fact, everything this man would have claimed is “political” are actually moral and spiritual issues, but he’ll never come to understand that.  Something he said made it all clear to me. He said, “I thought we weren’t supposed to mix politics and religion.”  Clearly, he’s been well trained by a cowardly, weakling “pastor” somewhere, in a “stained glass fortress” steeped in “churchianity.”
Again, moral and spiritual matters should not be confused with political ones.  But even in the realm of politics, I believe Christians should not only be present, but front and center and in charge.  I won’t apologize for that.  How different would our society and our modern American culture be right now if our government leaders were true Christ-followers?  
Do you think we’d have this unbridled lawlessness in our streets?  Would we have abortion up to — and beyond — the moment of birth?  Would we have feminine hygiene products stocked in our male restrooms in public schools and other public places?  Would our public schools have litter boxes in the restrooms for those students who identify as cats?  Would we have pornography being read to our tiny children by so-called “teachers?”  Would 25% of our children be confused about their gender?  Would 47% of our children “identify” as some type of LGBTQP+?
If Christians were involved in politics — and pastors properly spoke the truth from their pulpits — would God be mocked and ridiculed at every public event — the Olympics being just one example of many?  Would the media be allowed to lie to us constantly with impunity?  Would school boards be able to push through whatever horrific agenda they wanted — causing serious mental and physical abuse of our children, regardless of what parents wanted?  For that matter, would our children, right now, be being groomed by sodomites in public schools, masquerading as “teachers,” without parents even knowing about it?
And if Christians were properly taught — by courageous pastors — to push back and stand as a restraining force against evil in our nation, do you think we’d have all the homelessness, drug abuse, poverty, hunger, prostitution, and insanity in our streets?  I doubt it.
I’m sick of it.  The reason our nation and world is in chaos today, teetering on the edge of total destruction is because so-called “Christians” have failed in their primary duty.  Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost his savor, how shall its savor be restored?  It’s no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.”  
This is what we’ve allowed to happen... and America is now a post-Christian nation.  “Christianity” has become irrelevant.  Good for nothing.  The very Word of God has been thrown out and trampled under the feet of men, and we have allowed this to happen.  Yes, Pastor, I’m talking to you — and all those lost souls you’ve spent your entire career serving up lies of omission to.  You’ve taught them well.  It’s because of you that they don’t think God Almighty has any place in the affairs of men and civil government.  And so we no longer have civility and our government is treacherous tyranny.
It’s doubtful that the man who called me to complain will ever read this message or hear it on the radio.  From what I could gather, he only listens to the modern “praise choruses” on the “Christian Rock” stations.  It’s very sad.  So many are so deluded because of our silent pulpits.  But if you don’t want to get near anything that could possibly be considered “political,” you certainly have your choice of 99.9% of places that call themselves “churches” to attend and get a heaping helping of feel-good motivational speeches on any given Sunday.
Because we publish articles of real substance, covering the most vital matters facing our families, our nation and our world, Wisconsin Christian News is quite regularly condemned as being “too radical.”  I guess most people are expecting the typical milquetoast, wimpy, poetry and recipes, “feel good” motivational materials served up by the vast majority of our pastors and churches today.  I can tell you that fewer than one in a hundred pastors will even allow Wisconsin Christian News in their buildings, because they fear someone may be offended when we say sodomy and baby-murder is wrong.
When people open up our newspaper, they’re often shocked to see in-depth articles on what’s really going on in this world.  Serious matters.  Don’t get me wrong; we’re not all doom and gloom — we offer the real hope of salvation in Christ — but we’re not “cotton candy” vendors either.  No sugar-coating here.  We provide the truth.  We offer substance and relevant information I believe all Christ-followers need to be aware of as they carry forward the Great Commission in this world.  “Religious” people can’t handle it.  Pastors hate it.  Even most businesses and ministries are too afraid to advertise in our newspaper, for fear of offending someone.
I’d like to contrast what we offer in Wisconsin Christian News with another so-called “Christian” newspaper from another state.  While we struggle to meet the budget every month, this one is literally packed with expensive paid advertising.  In their current issue, just in the first 15 pages there are nine full pages of nothing but ads.  They offer plenty of positive, motivational teachings, some questionable new age psychology-based articles, and this month, a Christian College Guide, which appears to be another great opportunity for them to sell even more ads, which they did.
And in what I can only describe as a way for them to “stroke” the egos of the area pastors, they print full color pictures of pastors each month and publish their response to one absurd question a month.  Examples of questions they’ve asked are: “What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?” “What is your favorite meal of all time?”  “How old were you when you got your first car and what kind was it?”  This month, they’re asking, “Are you an early bird or a night owl, and why?”
I’m sorry to sound critical, but this is just such a waste, and clearly, I see no other reason for this particular feature except to, as I said, “stroke” the egos of the pastors who respond to the questions and get their pictures published.  This is probably a great “door opener” too, to hopefully sell more ads to churches.  Then they publish calendar listings for concerts and special events, along with classified ads.
They sell a lot of ads.  Their paper is in full color throughout — something we’ve never been able to afford to do with Wisconsin Christian News.  But for the life of me, I can’t imagine why anyone would bother to read even a single page of it.  It contains nothing of significance or substance.
Now, if I simply wanted to make money, I guess this would be a way to do that — but honestly, this is not “Christian news.”  This is nonsense.  It offers nothing of substance at all.  If I were only about making money, I’d much rather publish a Shopper’s Guide or “Auto Seller.”  At least it would have some value and wouldn’t be, in my opinion, mocking God.
I used to joke about how pastors and church-goers really only seem to want “poetry and recipes.”  Some time ago, I came across a small paper that was exactly that.  It was put out for a while by a secular newspaper in one Wisconsin city, and I believe it was quarterly.  And it truly was just poetry and recipes...and just about every single church in that city had an ad in it.  It was definitely a money-maker, but I doubt anyone ever picked up more than one copy and it lasted less than a year.  
I tell you all this to let you know that what we do here at Wisconsin Christian News is not easy.  We get a lot of criticism and a lot of cruel and hateful phone calls, emails and letters.  You might be shocked to know that most of the nasty comments come from those who consider themselves to be good, church-going Christians.  On the other hand, we get amazing testimonies from people who find the Lord for the first time, or return to Him after many years away, after finding Wisconsin Christian News in a newspaper rack in a public place somewhere.  Because we’re relevant.  We take on the tough issues.  We don’t mince words. We work hard to publish truth and have some of the best writers in the nation.  Many have told us it’s the only newspaper they read and the only media they feel they can trust.  If you haven’t seen it and would like a complimentary copy, just call and request one.  I’ll be happy to send it you.

It's Time the Legal System Went After Obama

Using a stolen Social Security Number is against the law 

Susan Daniels Sep 30, 2024 @ Susan's Newsletter

Editor's Note:  I've taken the liberty of adding some thoughts at the end. RK

While corrupt district attorneys have spent the last four years hounding former President Donald Trump with bogus lawsuits that Judge Judy would have thrown out of court, Barack Obama has been allowed to skate. I have written at length about how

Barack Obama has used a stolen Connecticut social security number since his mid-20s.

That is a violation of federal law 42 U.S. Code § 408. “There are numerous examples of Social Security fraud.… Notably, these prohibited acts must be made willingly and knowingly (emphasis added). Two of the prohibited acts that Obama is guilty of are 1) Falsely represent a number as your Social Security number and 2) Enter misleading material on a tax return form.

From the Social Security site: “Social Security has zero tolerance for fraud. We diligently work at the national, regional, and local levels to combat fraud that undermines our mission to serve the American public.

“To meet this challenge, we work closely with our Office of the Inspector General (OIG), which investigates allegations of fraud and seeks to bring offenders to justice. The OIG refers cases to U.S. attorneys within the Department of Justice, and other state and local prosecuting authorities, for prosecution as federal crimes.”

It’s time for the OIG to step up and start an investigation. I have provided proof , including in a lawsuit I filed against the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted in 2012 in an attempt to keep Obama off our presidential ballot. Husted, while required under law to investigate any complaints of impropriety of candidates before the election, refused to do his job.

I am not a lawyer but believe that Obama should be charged civilly and criminally. He not only ran for president using a fraudulent social security number, which is a felony, but was elected twice. I also believe that every law he signed and every dollar he spent while holding that office was done illegally.

I believe the federal government should swoop in and confiscate by civil and criminal forfeiture every asset the Obamas own: Every property, profit from books, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, jewelry, clothes and anything else they own. If they bought their daughters a car take them, too. The government should sell every pot and pan they own and put all the money in the government general fund towards the national debt. It appears that everything the Obamas have acquired has been done so illegally.

Before he claimed to be born in Hawaii, he said he was born in Kenya. It’s time he was charged with breaking the law. He needs to lose every possession he ever acquired and then needs to be deported. He could not prove he was an American citizen and should never have been allowed as a candidate.

I think the government should then go after the Obamas for violation of the RICO act and then arrest the hundreds of people who helped him pull off the criminal enterprise that benefitted them all illegally. From Justia: Although it was originally used against the Mafia, it now defines thirty-five offenses, including mail and wire fraud and are considered “predicate offenses.” I doubt Obama’s salary was paid in cash.I f the government needs help with the list of conspirators, I am happy to help. Let’s start it off in alphabetical order: Austin, Brennan, Clapper, Clintons…
Susan Daniels is a private investigator and the author of The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama: A True Story which is available on

Politics like we have never seen.  Recommend Susan’s Newsletter to your friends. 
Editor's Note:  For those who still think this is just a "theory", and at first I thought it was a load of horsepucky, but I've followed this from the beginning, and here's my
I noticed that great efforts were being made to prevent anyone from looking into any aspect of his previous life. Why? If there is nothing to hide, then why hide it? The media demanded this of McCain and he produced the necessary paper work immediately.

Then I asked myself; why are the major media outlets, that demand every scrap of paper about every aspect of every conservative candidate’s personal and public life, completely ignoring this? It is clear that something is wrong. It is clear that when someone becomes famous those who went to the same school at the same time will claim they were well acquainted with that person. Those who were acquainted then claim that they were close friends. Close friends with then claim that they were his personal favorites. And all of them remember deep discussions with that person that clearly impacted future thinking.

But Obama has no one doing this. 
No close personal friends at college, and some have no recollections of him at all, and in small classes he was supposed to have attended. Where was he all of this time? 
Everyone has ex-friends and ex-girl friends, and admittedly, not always complimentary past experiences, but they at least existed. But not Obama! Why? 
Where was he and who was he involved with. No one really knows. It seems to me that he is a good husband and a good father, but that isn’t a requirement to be President of the United States.

More On The Adams Indictment

September 27, 2024 @ Manhattan Contrarian

Does the indictment of Eric Adams represent a bona fide prosecution of a dishonest politician, or is it mainly retribution against a political opponent by a deeply corrupt DOJ and FBI? As several commenters on yesterday’s post noted, we have come to a very sad point when our first thought upon an indictment of a politician is that it may well represent the deep state using its powers to take out a political opponent. But after four years of the deeply politicized Biden-Harris-Garland Justice Department, that’s where we are. And it is entirely appropriate for the citizenry to evaluate the present indictment in light of the DOJ’s conduct throughout the course of this administration.

Unlike my usual approach, I wrote the post yesterday immediately after learning about and reading the indictment, and before allowing any time for things to settle down. Today many other voices have weighed in. In this post I’ll consider a few of them. But the bottom line is, there is every reason to believe that this indictment is mostly politically motivated, and has little or nothing to do with fighting real corruption.

Let’s look first at a few things that might at first seem to support the bona fides of the indictment. The New York Post today in its news pages devotes six pages to the charges. Most of that coverage just runs through and highlights the allegations, thus giving them substantial credibility, whether deserved or not.

Here is an example. The headline for the article on page 4 is “Fancy flights, $10M for elex in fed raps.” (The online headline is different, but similarly references the allegation that Adams “fraudulently got $10M in public funds.”). Is there really a charge in this indictment that Adams fraudulently got $10 million in public campaign funds? If so, that would be a big deal, perhaps even on a par with Biden’s collecting $10 million from the government of China. But in fact the $10 million figure is almost entirely unrelated to the actual charges in the case and was clearly thrown in in a disgraceful effort to prejudice Adams.

The allegation about the $10 million in fraudulent campaign funds comes from paragraph 3 of the indictment. The background is that New York City has a program of matching public funds for contributions to politicians running in local races, including for Mayor. The match only applies if the donor is a resident of the jurisdiction where the race takes place, and only applies for donations up to $250. One of the charges in this indictment is that the Adams campaign collected matching funds where the donors were “straw” donors and the real donors did not qualify for the match. Here is the relevant text of the indictment containing the $10 million figure:

ADAMS and those working at his direction falsely certified compliance with applicable campaign finance regulations despite ADAMS’s repeated acceptance of straw donations, relying on the concealed nature of these illegal contributions to falsely portray his campaigns as law-abiding. As a result of those false certifications, ADAMS’s 2021 mayoral campaign received more than $10,000,000 in public funds.

Did you get the impression from that that Adams fraudulently got $10 million in public matching funds. That was clearly the intent, and the headline writer for the Post fell for it. But in fact if you go through the detailed allegations of the indictment, you will find that the specific amounts of “straw” donations alleged come to at most a few tens of thousands of dollars. Most of the donations specifically mentioned came in increments of $2000, of which only the first $250 gets the match. So the amounts of fraudulently obtained matching funds based on the improper donations alleged in the indictment would again be in the range of a few tens of thousands of dollars. 

The $10 million figure is not the amount of matches for these alleged improper donations, but rather is the total amount of matching funds that Adams received during the campaign. The basis for putting the $10 million figure in the indictment, never stated clearly, is apparently that the Adams campaign filed a certification as to its claim for matching funds attesting that all claims were proper. Therefore, somehow, the whole $10 million would be tainted if even one donor were fake.

Notably, despite throwing in the $10 million figure for maximum prejudice against the defendant, there is no charge in the indictment for fraudulently obtaining New York City matching campaign funds. That is undoubtedly because the federal prosecutors have no jurisdiction to prosecute violations of New York State and City campaign finance law. The only campaign finance violations charged in the indictment are violations of federal law prohibiting foreigners from donating to U.S. political campaigns.

Among the outlets giving some credence to the indictment, there is National Review from this morning. Excerpt:

Damian Williams, the Biden-appointed U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY), announced a five-count corruption indictment. In a series of schemes tracing back a decade, when he was Brooklyn borough president, Adams is alleged to have put his growing political influence and potential on sale, particularly to foreign bidders. The most energetic of these were from Turkey — emissaries of President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan’s unsavory regime and well-heeled businesspeople adjacent to it.

NR expresses skepticism that the indictment is a political hit job, on the basis that the indictment has potential political risks for the Harris campaign:

Adams’s prosecution, and the certainty that he would accuse the administration of vindictiveness, could only call more attention to Vice President Harris’s role in the collapse of border security — not what she would have wanted six weeks before Election Day.

Maybe, but I doubt it. More likely, the thinking is that the Adams indictment neutralizes him as a critic of the border policy. And meanwhile, the Democratic Party left here in New York hates Adams for many reasons, ranging from his stance on the migrant crisis to his modest support of law and order to the overriding fact that his occupation of the mayoralty prevents them having one of their true believers (like Jumaane Williams or Brad Lander) hold the office.

While the New York Post’s news pages fell for the scam of the $10 million allegation in the indictment, the editorial page and columnists are appropriately more skeptical. In a column today, the excellent Jonathan Turley compares the conduct of Adams alleged here to the conduct of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in connection with the Met Gala three years ago:

[M]any populist politicians tend to be a pampered class who expect to be feted in the best quarters as they speak as the “voice of the people.” That was captured most vividly by NYC Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sashayed at the Met Gala in a designer dress reading “tax the rich.” It was a scene with a crushing irony. The dress itself was worth more than some people make in a year and it was just “loaned” to AOC despite being made specifically for her. She also did not pay for her ticket, which would cost $35,000.

The $35,000 comped Met Gala ticket, and the specially-made dress (probably another $25,000 or so) come to a total not dramatically less than the amounts alleged with respect to Adams here. Has AOC ever done any act as Congresswoman that could be construed as a “quid pro quo” because it somehow benefited the Metropolitan Museum, or perhaps Condé Nast (main sponsor of the Met Gala)? I’ll bet if you had a few million dollars to investigate you could find something at least as significant as Adams expediting a fire inspection for the Turkish consulate. Of course, the FBI and DOJ have no interest. AOC is one of their team.

I’m not contending that Adams is pure as the driven snow. He may well have committed unforced errors, and if so, he will deserve his fate. As I’ve said many times, the entire business of politics is inherently corrupt. But some are much more corrupt than others.

The Depressing Saga of Cuban Socialism

September 29, 2024 by Dan Mitchell @ International Liberty

Since I’m a numbers wonk, I think the most powerful evidence for the failure of Cuban socialism is comparing that nation’s growth (or lack thereof) to what’s happened in Taiwan and (pre-crackdown) Hong Kong.


They all had similar levels of economic development 60-70 years ago.  But Taiwan and Hong Kong then zoomed ahead thanks to pro-market policies while communist-run Cuba has largely stagnated. While decades of data tell a compelling story, it also is instructive to examine how ordinary people suffer because of Cuba’s socialist system.  Here are some depressing excerpts from a recent Reuters report by Mario Fuentes and Alien Fernandez.

Cuba’s communist-run government on Monday slashed by a quarter the weight of its subsidized ration of daily bread, the latest shortage to strain a decades-old subsidies scheme created by the late Fidel Castro. The bread…will be reduced from 80 grams to 60 grams (2.1 oz), or approximately the weight of an average cookie or a small bar of soap. …The Caribbean island nation is suffering from extreme shortages of food, fuel and medicine, shortfalls that have primed a record-breaking exodus of its citizens to the nearby United States. …

Cuba earlier this year sought help from the World Food Programme to guarantee the supply of subsidized powdered milk for children, another key staple of the Cuban ration book that has recently grown scarce. Beyond the few remaining centrally planned economies like Cuba’s and North Korea’s, rationing is typically only used during war-time, natural disasters or specific contingencies.

Cookie-sized bread rations? If nothing else, the Cuban system probably limits obesity.  For our next example, I’ll start by reminding people how Venezuela’s socialists ruined that country’s once-strong oil sector.

Well, Cuba’s socialists are doing the same thing to that nation’s once-iconic sugar industry. Here are some excerpts from a BBC story by Will Grant.

For hundreds of years, sugar was the mainstay of the Cuban economy. It was not just the island’s main export but also the cornerstone of another national industry, rum. …Today, though, …the sugar industry as broken and depressed as it is now – not even when the Soviet Union’s lucrative sugar quotas dried up after the Cold War. …”There’s not enough trucks and the fuel shortages mean sometimes several days pass before we can work,” says Miguel, waiting in a tiny patch of shade for the Soviet-era lorries to arrive. …Last season, Cuba’s production fell to just 350,000 tonnes of raw sugar, an all-time low for the country, and well below the 1.3 million tonnes recorded in 2019. …Cuba now imports sugar to meet domestic demand – once unthinkable, and a far cry from the glory years when Cuban sugar was the envy of the Caribbean and exported around the world.

Cuba importing sugar?!?

Reminds me of Milton Friedman’s sarcastic quote about government and the Sahara Desert.

Only Cuba has turned satire into reality.

Let’s close by debunking (again) the silly notion that Cuba has an admirable healthcare system. Daniel Raisbeck and Jim Epstein wrote about the system for Reason. Here are some highlights.

“If there’s one thing they do right in Cuba, it’s health care,” said Michael Moore in a 2007 interview. “Cuba has the best health care system in the entire area,” according to Angela Davis… It’s a testament to the effectiveness of the Castro regime’s propaganda apparatus that this myth, so deeply at odds with reality, has persisted for so long. “The Cuban health care system is destroyed,” Rotceh Rios Molina, a Cuban doctor who escaped the country’s medical mission while stationed in Mexico…

“People are dying in the hallways,” says José Angel Sánchez, another Cuban doctor who defected from the medical mission in Venezuela… Clinics lack the most routine supplies, from antibiotics to oxygen and even running water, and their hallways are often occupied by ailing patients because there aren’t enough doctors to treat their most basic needs. Cuban hospitals are unsanitary and decrepit. It’s exactly what you’d expect in a country impoverished by communism.

Gee, isn’t socialism wonderful?

P.S. Our friends on the left are a bit sensitive about Cuba, such as Bernie Sanders. What’s most laughable is that some of them even concoct measures (such as the “Happy Planet Index” and Jeffrey Sachs’ estimate of progress on social development goals) purporting to show Cuba ahead of the United States. But at least everyone is equally poor!